i'm baking a lemon cheesecake would anyone like some
I'm baking a lemon cheesecake would anyone like some
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Yes please. Thank you, polite user.
Double helping of cum topping pls uwu
no problem user i'll be sure to save you a big piece
that will taste too salty i think
Sure, I'll take a slice. Thanks user, much appreciated.
Thanks, for the cake user.
yeah that sounds delicious, I'll definitely take a slice
you're very welcome
i've done this recipe twice before and both times it tasted really good i think.
Okay faggots this is a robbery, don't try anything or I'll fucking kill you dead. Give me all the cheesecake you've got AND the recipe and no one gets hurt!
is it dairy free cheesecake? I love cheesecake but i happen to be lactose intolerant...
I don't have toes, are you scared?
Can I get it cheese-less and lemon-less please?
it's in your best interest to let me live so i can bake multiple cheesecakes instead of giving you what i have.
unfortunately not, sorry user... my sister just pops a lactaid after she eats a ton of dairy, maybe that would help?
that defeats the purpose, doesn't it?
I just want the cake. No lemons. No cheese, I mean wouldn't that be easier to do? I mean if not ok I understand, I'll just remove the lemon and cheese from it meself but I'd rather if you just dont put any in my cake y'know what I mean? But its ok I guess
it's cheesecake. the cheese is already in the cake. the cheese makes up most of the cake. i don't think you understand.
Man who thought he'd lost all hope in humanity loses last additional bit of hope
Thanks, mate. originally chocolate cheesecake
>Man who thought he'd lost all hope in humanity loses last additional bit of hope
I do understand I just feel saddened by the lack of actual cake in that so called "cheese cake", I feel like you know its rough, we have something with a name but its actually just a lie and I feel like that doesnt work. You see we tried that experiment in the 20th century, it did not work. And that is not. a. route. you. want. to. go. down. its written right there in the gulad archipelago And um, it depends what you mean by "cheese" and by "cake"
I'm idling so I'll bite, I hope you used a steam bath while baking and covered it with aluminum foil. Also use brown sugar next time for richer melanoidins.
i cannot help you.
i'll try brown sugar instead next time, thanks. the cake is taking it easy in the fridge overnight.
Guess I'll just help myself, thanks for your attempt
Keep at it and you'll be baking like a pro in no time, I'm about to bake some vanilla muffins myself