I've finally done it robots, I got a job. And I wanna celebrate with you, since you are like family to me. Post your amazon wishlists, if dubs I will buy something from it as long as it isn't very expensive.
I've finally done it robots, I got a job. And I wanna celebrate with you, since you are like family to me...
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I'm good, thanks. But congrats on getting a job fren
I would but there's nothing I really want that badly plus I'd feel bad taking money from another robot. I'm glad for you though :)
Fren please keep your cash and spend it on yourself, it is your celebration.
congrats fren, keep your bux for you, buy your self something nice
Dude, we're fine, spend it on yourself.
was gonna post mine but I feel like a pig now cause of the other selfless posts
What kind of job?
Congratulations but don't spend money on me or anyone here, save it.
what kind of job is it, a mcdonalds cashier?
Get yourself like a Nintendo Switch or something my dude
You are all wonderful and will forever love you
I'm working at a software development house
Dubs say you'll buy the next dubs nothing. I want more well deserved money for you user
I want a car
Buy a nice meal at a posh restaurant for youself
That would be enough of a gift to me, user
Congrats friend :) the only thing on my wishlist is your happiness.
Good job mane, go buy a homeless man some socks.
Rolling so OP can get himself some champagne
congrats user! reward yourself
Can you buy me a subscription to any social skill development website, i am a social retard and failing interviews after graduating comp sci
Don't let the roasties get to you. God speed OP.
All of that shit is garbage.
Read this if you want to understand people and yourself mbti-notes.tumblr.com