How do you know if a girl is a whore?
How do you know if a girl is a whore?
>How do you know if a girl is a whore?
you never know.
If her hair is up
better to assume they are and let them show you that they aren't than to assume the reverse.
>piercing other then ears
>had sex without a relationship
When she's got a vagina.
There are no non-whores.
she has the tinder app on her phone
If she accepts money for sex she wouldn't otherwise be willing to have.
Is she breathing?
she breathes
Does she have a pulse?
She is a whore.
Let her get comfortable with you. They'll let it slip.
10th post best post orgingkial
This, just assume they are until proven otherwise
She doesn't stop being a whore just because she's dead. That legacy continues, and the taint will carry on through the next phase of existence.
She lives in a 21st century western country.
If she doesn't have a virginity anymore
everyone ITT who said every living breathing female is a whore, i want you to think about your mom
Anyone have that copypasta all women are whore ALL even that quiet girl in the back of the class
I did you white knight piece of shit
>Number of guys she fucked
>How friendly they are to guys (no betas)
>How loud they are in social events
These are the major red flags you should look out for. The next ones do not make them whores per say, but I haven't met a whore that doesn't have these characteristics. Call it Schrodinger's sluts or whatever
>Doesn't know how to cook or clean
>Irresponsible with money, loves shopping
>Very Utopia-like ideals and extremely Liberal beliefs
Every girl is a whore for someone.
Even your mom.
then you just admit your mom is a whore, you fucking mongoloid
pretty sure bonbi can't be classified as a living thing
I know she is. People are people. You know.
She has a cunt, she has XX chromosomes. Pulses aren't needed, women are born disgusting whores and die disgusting whores.
If she has an ad on an escort site.
speaking of whores, how do I even respond to this whore. She is literally just a slut, not even a dating site
just check her gender. if it's female, then she's a whore
>How do you know if a girl is a whore?
If she breathes she's a thot
There is no way too tell nowadays, assume all are until proven otherwise
your mom. in a haha original way
I have a patented and fail proof way to tell if they're up to something or scheming:
They actually want to talk to me and they keep talking to me
Who is she, any more pics?
>How do you know if a girl is a whore?
Guilty until proven innocent, these are trying times
fuck, in left foto she looks almost flat, do girls like that really have such big beautifull tits?
Well yeah, that's what happens when you don't wear skin tight shirts