When did you grew out of yellow fever?
I was 15
When did you grew out of yellow fever?
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After meeting more than 3 Asian girls
They are so fake and parasitic. Trying to act cutesy so that you'll give a shit about them. Not to mention incredibly spineless.
When I actually went to Thailand.
I never had yellow fever but I'm developing an appreciation for them
I still find asian qualities attractive but the women themselves are as garbage as any. Perhaps the chances of getting a non-degenerate asian is higher than others, but in general it's same shit different race, except they are so sure of their uniqueness when they can be carbon copies of one another.
Never had it. Dated a Japanese girl for a while tho. It fucking sucked.
I never got yellow fever, going to school in Canada just made me hate them more. There are two types of asian girls I've met. First are the westernized ones (The ones born in North America). They are just shittier white girls. all of them have mental disorders and secretly want to be a white Stacy. The second type is the foreign asian girls and there are two subtypes of these. The first are the ugly ones which are nice people but they are actual drones, the second are the wanna Kpop idol girls, those a complete shit. They are all fake surgery and bleaching makeup.
It's the reverse, I "grew into" it around 21 after getting a job in a place where 80% of the customers are asian.
All women are the same bro, you're not gonna find any kind of difference with another type.
>yellow fever
Sorry user but I already took my vaccines
I never caught it.
>mfw my manager is a part-asian qt with a fun energetic personality
>mfw cant stop thinking lewd things about him which distracts me from important things
>mfw he likes to hug people and embraced me a few times
>mfw he is engaged
>mfw forgot face
Fucking faggot
nah dude i'd still fuck asian chicks
if i could
jokes on you i have a roast. your move libtard
That makes no fucking sense here, fool.
I went full jungle fever desu. Take the ebonypill.
sorry i overdosed on normie memes.
Jungle fever is where it's at.
t. seething whitoid roastie
Honestly if you can find a non-trashy black girl you're getting a pretty good deal
>actual drones
I've met the type so I know who you're talking about but I can't ever figure our exactly what makes them drones. They just feel like talking to a robot somehow
>Honestly if you can find a non-trashy black girl you're getting a pretty good deal
Honestly if you can find a non-trashy girl, you're getting a GREAT deal.
guys, I need advice.
here you go user
Asian girls are still physically attractive regardless for me, but personality and social context play such a big part for a successful relationship.
I've known a few Asian girls who fit what I interact well with, but many are like most women I know, having personalities that feel slow and distant.
I grew into yellow fever. I grew up in a part of the country with substantial Asian population. The only girls who ever liked me were for Asian for the most part, but I only liked white girls so I never did anything about it despite quite few longing desperately for me. Now I want to marry and impregnate one.
24 when i realized asian girls are just as bad as white girls, hell even worse in some cases
Probably 17 or 18 so 10 years ago. Brown nipples ended up being a huge turn off for me. Nipples should only be pink.
loyal black girls are unironically god tier m8
Your loss faggot.
More qt asians for me to plough lol
Never have and probably never will. I'm physically super attracted to them, although I made some personal experiences and can dare to say that they are in most cases batshit crazy and super fucked up, personality wise.
t. 2 asian ex-gf's
I wanna plow too, give tips.
I never even contracted it.
I don't favor any races. If my gf was white, black, asian, brown, attack helicopter, I wouldn't care. What matters is if we love each other or not
I'm in a relationship with a pretty good half-Asian, half-Romanian girl. She's fairly attractive and with makeup and the typical myspace angles I'd say a lot of robots would call her an easy 8/10, or maybe 6/10 without all that shit. She's a pretty good girl and loyal, like the kind who would help me cover up a murder or would bail me out of jail if I ever went and wouldn't leave me. We've been together for 7 years.
I'm thinking about leaving her. I've been doing a lot of research into genetics because of my major and because I stumbled into Jow Forums and every single thing I see indicates that basically I'd be throwing away my blonde hair, blue eyes, and good facial aesthetics, because my kids will basically inherit thousands of years of Asian genes which will compromise at least 25% of their genotype. It's horrifying. I want a beautiful white family.
The thing is, I'm 33 and I don't know if I have enough time to find another young girl. I got with this one when she was 16 and it seems uncommon to do that now, although I might want to try anyway. I definitely don't want to date or marry a used-up whore.
It's all so challenging.
Why would I have yellow fever? Asians are insects
>rejected by black women
>you cant go lower that this
woah... i'm 27 and in the same situation. your not alone
The girl seems well-adjusted. If you have a Hapa daughter, and she marries a white Chad, your grandkids will basically be Keanu-tier.
My kids would be 1/4 and my grandkids would be 1/8, correct? Is Keanu 1/8? If anything, that only convinces me further that I need to find a white wife. Dude looks like a straight up mongoloid
>go forth, my son, and perpetuate civilization
Racemixing of any kind is a crime against nature. You'll just end up with a bunch of manlet mutts that will eventually resent you
I just realized who that was. Wow.
I don't think they'll resent me, I just don't want mutts. I'd be happy with manlet white children.
I'll probably try to get a mentally ill or low income trailer park girl and buy her one of those 23 & Me type tests as a "gift" and knock her up a lot if her genes check out. That's my only working game plan right now.
>I'll probably try to get a mentally ill or low income
Well then you're still wasting your genes on a brainlet. Race isn't the only that matters when it comes to genetics
That's why you take the trailer park girl to an IVF clinic and use a donor egg from a Jewish woman.
>Well then you're still wasting your genes on a brainlet. Race isn't the only that matters when it comes to genetics
It is significantly more important than being very high IQ. As long as she's within the normal region, she's almost certainly fine for breeding. Two bright people do not usually produce bright children, anyway--it's more a consequence of chance and historical ancestry. You don't inherit only your parents' genes.
I don't want nasty little mischling babies either, imagine the things coming out and their horns snagging on her vagina, the jig would be up instantly and then I'd have to deal with a nasty divorce
yeah purebred/thoroughbred breeds are great and never have terrifying genetic diseases
this is how populations become infertile and babies are born without bones
Mischlings are very attractive.
I'm not denying that she's sexually attractive, I just don't want to have kids with her necessarily. She's also a MILF so that's a major confounding variable. I'd honestly have half Jew babies if nobody knew and the girl were blonde-ish.
> you don't inherit only your parents genes
i assume you mean environment and not genetic atavism or the ridiculous theory that you get some of tyrone's genes because he boned your mom once
No, I don't believe in what you describe there, what I'm saying is that your children are a product of not just the union between you and your mate but your parents, grandparents, and so forth. Traits can skip entire generations and manifest in others, etc. I don't mean environment which is virtually always simply informed by genetics in most contexts
that's genetic atavism
those traits are still in your parents, just suppressed
>Two bright people do not usually produce bright children
That is almost certainly untrue. Two bright people almost always produce bright children, but they're usually just not as bright as the parents. See Einstein's family tree for an example. He produced children and grandchildren with far above average intellectual abilities who had great academic and professional success, but not to the same extent as himself.
Well, they're part of their genotype but not their phenotype, to be more specific--biology 101
but yeah I don't believe in the tyrone fucked someone so your kid is 1/1000th black, that's absurd. However I don't want to marry a nigger fucker either because that's just disgusting
>That is almost certainly untrue. Two bright people almost always produce bright children, but they're usually just not as bright as the parents. See Einstein's family tree for an example. He produced children and grandchildren with far above average intellectual abilities who had great academic and professional success, but not to the same extent as himself.
Two bright people will produce brighter children on average but they will generally cluster only slightly above the population mean
yeah because imagine what would happen if you could fuck your way out of the bell curve
one fat american blotting out the whole sun screaming tendies forever
>I don't want to marry a nigger fucker either because that's just disgusting
I don't care what other people people do, but I won't marry a woman who has fucked a nig
I graduated yellow fever far back in the evolutionary chain when my ancestors stopped fucking around in the woods and finally started advanced grain agriculture and sun worship. I've never felt attracted to societal conceptions of groups of people, I've only listened to my heart and dick. An ugly person is ugly, and a beautiful person is beautiful. There is no exception. I just like beautiful girls in general. I think you're a failure of our male sex if you bring something as petty as racism and prehistoric tribalism into the modern dating scheme.
Never had it because I'm not a mongoloid fixated on one particular race like you.
hilarious. all these "white supremacists" actively killing off the white race.
derb's not really a white supremacist
One of the major Japanese car companies built some office or factory not too far from my neighborhood when I was in elementary school. I grew up talking to lots of Japanese kids and I always ended up studying Asian countries in social studies.
Never had it, but all of the girls who match me on tinder/bumble/hinge are all asian. I even just hooked up with a crazy one. Hope shes not pregnant lol