I'm fucked aren't I? I'm in my last year of my prime (25) and I'm a cartpusher for Walmart
I'm fucked aren't I? I'm in my last year of my prime (25) and I'm a cartpusher for Walmart
>trips of truth
you will never escape the cycle, doomed to fail even in hell
At least you can get a fucking job
it's depressing that in society some people really do need to live in a hell like yours to keep it running.
i guess we really do live in a society
You can go on Grindr and be someones boiwife that's all you can hope for no female would take take a robot cart pusher lol
I have a 28 year old friend who is the same and he's happy with a gf
Could be worse, your 25th year could be wallowing in depression and getting nothing you said you'd do done.
We need people like you to do shit jobs I would never do, also we need bottoms I wouldn't fuck your boipucci but other robots would you could do them a service and let them lose their virginity to you
Are you a more of a TOP or bottom?
What can you stick up that bussy?
If you aren't doing anything to better yourself outside of pushing walmart carts, you're on path to be a total burnout loser living in poverty for the rest of your life.
I suggest taking night classes in literally anything. Even boring shit like 'business communications' or whatever. You better find something 'cause you're circling the drain right now.
Nah dude ur job doesn't define u and hey at least you HAVE a job. Enjoy the next few yrs cuz as a 30 year old, its all downhill from here on out friend
if your 25 years have amounted to being a cart pusher then you havent reached your prime.
of course if you take shit care of your body for the rest of your life then yeah the youngest you'll ever be will noticeably be the strongest and healthiest you'll ever be but that's common sense
We are all pretty much fucked in a low tier job. However its much easier finding a better job while having a job.
Look for something else.
t. sales rep
I'm doing nothing to improve myself, today was my day off and I was going to join a gym, but I did research upon research on diets/gyms and right now I'm feeling depressed, the day is almost over.
How did he even get a gf?
Might as well be a neet, I haven't done anything positive with the money I have managed to save up, all I have done the past 2 years I have been working there is spend it on junk food and spent like 100 on a smelly escort
Build exp and get slightly better job. There you go
any user telling you not to end it is lying. just jump off a bridge
My cousin is a cart pusher at Costco, he's in his late 40s and moved back in with his parents recently because he's broke. He got married almost 20 years ago with this bitch who divorced him later in the year after they had their autistic kid so she could cash in on child support and take the wedding gifts. Also he came in third place on season 10 of Canada's worst driver, only a marginally better driver than a PTSD sufferer and a girl off her meds. I'll take your questions if you have any.
What about going to college or technical school or something to get certs for a better job?
Dude, in 8 years you can become a pharmacist and make six figures. Stop being gay.
t. live in a poor country
no but find a way to make money on your own in the next couple years
I was working at retail at 25, but 28 now and working in PR and making good money. Emotionally nothing has changed, but it's not to late.
UKfag here! What's a cartpusher?
does he use Jow Forums
So is this him? And is that you in the passenger seat?
Courtesy clerk/Box boy
the guy that pushes carts from the parking lot back to the store front and also bags groceries.
They work for a retail store and take the carts in the parking lot back into the store. It's the biggest bitch job in the store.
you're a dude your prime doesnt end until 45. The only thing that goes down hill from here is your sex drive which is a secret superpower.
You have almost the length of your entire life so far to go be something so go be something.
No chance, my family is full of ignorant innocence, it's likely no one in my family has even heard of Jow Forums
That's him, driving, and his son in the passenger seat you little shit. He's not actually autistic but both of them have an extra chromosome and learning disabilities as a result among other issues.
I'd fuck both to be honest
fuck all these faggots user. in 2008 i was a server in a hotel barely making 35k a year in cali. taught myself IT, started doing support jobs for friends, sold pirated software, etc. Got hired in a hotel to be hourly IT slave, got some certs, worked hard and was promoted, then promoted again a manager, moved to hawaii for a property acquisition, stabilized it, opened a new hotel in san diego 2 year later, moved to beverly hills, got promoted again, then left after about 10 years with the company. currently an IT director for another hotel (i hate it) and am interviewing for area director or VP of IT roles. just lost a VP of IT gig with a 12 billion dollar company in irvine. it was myself and another candidate and the decision went to vote to the board of directors of the company. the other guy was an internal reference and got the offer. flying to texas thursday night and am probably going to get an offer for 150k or more. quit being a faggot, you have the internet and all the old baby boomers are scared of technology. go be their superman and "fix the computers"
Well OP, you could always go postal and still get that entry on wikipedia at least Make sure to leave meme worthy content behind though
Do you live alone? Im trying to get a job at walmart but they wont hire me, but luckily I live with my parents and have 0 expenses so when I do get a job I will be saving like 20-25k a year which isnt bad. Soon the minimum wage in my state is going to be $15 so it will be even better.
Thanks Anons :^)
go air force or army, they let u choose your job... tho you may wait for an opening.
it will litterally save your life, you need a jumpstart man... if you dont do this, you will findd a new form of low in your 30s being broke and alone.
dont think about it, read up on what job u want, go for a run every night, stay sober, and sign up this month.
you dont want to be in your 30s wagecucking... good luck man
Do you have some other flaws (drug addiction, suicide attempts, huge amount of debt, etc.)? If not, you have a job! I'm not saying you are doing well, but you are far from beeing fucked.
>dude go to IT/cs!!
wow really original faggot
>I'm doing nothing to improve myself
So why don't you start doing stuff to improve yourself? Have some ambition and start making stuff happen. It's honestly not that hard.
I don't think they bag groceries at walmart as a cart pusher. Most of them are self check out now, and the few that do have cashiers, the cashiers just bag themselves. I think bag boys are dying out. There used to be a retarded kid at my local grocery store who only bagged and it was my goal to be like him, but now I can't even do that.
>Have some ambition and start making stuff happen
not him, but how? Reading, practicing hobbies, exercising, whatever; this shit doesn't spark anything within me. There is no ambition. God I wish there was.
This is no way to live life. Progress and then regression: an endless cycle. this shit blows donkey dick.
Will I still have strength user? I'm planning on joining a gym, I want to get strong so I can move to stocking or maybe some other labor job.
I live with family user, luckily I haven't been alone, Walmart is a nice place to start working, though if you stay a long time you'll start to see the depressing side of Walmart.
Yeah been thinking about joining the arm forces, I don't drink user and I used to jog everyday a couple months ago.
No not other flaws, no debt no drug problem nada, my only problem is not making things happen
Find out what you want in life and do whatever it takes to achieve that? Want a specific job? Get the education requirements, network, etc.. Want friends? Go out to social events, start conversations with people. Want to see the world? Buy some plane tickets and go see it!
Literally billions upon billions of people have, are and will do things to be successful and happy in life. Again, it's not as hard as you're making it out to be.
>this shit doesn't spark anything within me. There is no ambition.
Maybe seek some mental help, like with a psychologist or something.
It isn't too late to turn your life around. I didn't graduate high school until I was 21 (I dropped out in my senior year and got my diploma later through a distance learning program). I didn't go to college until I was 24. I didn't graduate from college until I was 29. Still, I got a real job, and I'm not a productive member of society with savings and disposable income.
If college isn't your thing, that's ok too. Call the local unions in your area and find out how to begin an apprenticeship. The pay sucks while you're still an apprentice, but you "earn while you learn," rather than having to pay for the privilege. Tradesmen make good money, and you won't go into debt to do it.
You can do this if you really want i, but you have to want it.
How did you even get a job? I've applied to at least 30 different jobs and I'm about to run out of ones in my area. How long did it take for one to call you back?
That should say "I'm now a productive member of society"
Don't feel bad, op. Grass is wyss greener on the other side. I went to university not because I wanted to get some science degree and work as a was cuck but to make my mother proud by being her only son to finish university. It took me 7 years (I'm 27 now) to get a degree and now I'm working at some soul sucking consulting firm. The pay is good but I have no will to live and nothing to spend the $ on. I'd give up everything if it meant I could be happy. Regardless of what some incels on this board tell you, money or status doesn't make a man.
>how do I want something in life?
>just find out what you want and then do that!
save up money to buy a gun and go postal
Did you apply to fast food places? Im like you applied to every place near me I could think of and still haven't gotten a call. I kept telling myself it was because it was the holidays but now Im starting to lose hope. Ive held off on the fast food joints because I know I would be fucking miserable and probably would be fired for being autistic, but I think now I might have to apply there too and just see how long I last.
At least you're not cleaning literal fecal matter at Wal-Mart at 27 like me. Kill me.
I just get depression episodes sometimes, like today for example I wanted to join a gym but I chickened out, I have zero friends.
Walmart hires anyone user, that's how.
Sadly money is everything in todays world user, status does matter. That explains why I have no friends, just my dad.
Everyone is there to leech off of you if you have money and power but not when you dont
How bad is being a janitor at Walmart? I applied for that because I really need a job. I thought it couldnt be that bad because everybody knows your job is shit so they don't care how fast you work as long as you get it done? Or are the managers assholes and yelling at you the whole time? I don't really care about the poo part, but is it a hard job other than that?
>I'm a special snowflake who can't take control of his life like most other people are able to
I'm overnights and am told my store is one of the worst, so I can't vouch for all the stores. If you're not waxing or on trash/bathroom duty it's pretty easy. Just sweep under the shelves and help out with bales. Weekends are crap because they pull people aside when stockers don't show up. Assistant managers don't hassle you but the store manager is a total prick using empty threats to fire the crew if certain stuff isn't done, and that's usually on weekends.
The only fun part is using the rider and "accidentally" drifting corners. Use of headphones/speakers is a nice bonus to pass the time.
I work min.wage job too, it's even considered a female job, I constantly see people being surprised a young man is doing it. I can still buy what I want even if it takes a while, I even got laid first with my mature coworker then some trashy young customer, retail is also a good place to meet someone because traffic is so high, be it a cool friend or some nice mature lady.
>will i still have my strength
dude if your aspiration is to move to stocking then yeah you've hit your peak. 25 to 45 is when you make a shitload of money if you put your brain to work but not if you're tryna make it in manual labor.
Cartpushing sounds comfy; little to no interaction with customers and coworkers, listening to music or podcasts while working.
>it's even considered a female job
what's the job?
Hey i'm a cartpusher at walmart too (23)
Do you hate it as much as I do?
Public transport conductor, typically a job that middle aged women do here.
Yeah, I've applied for fast food and construction.
Walmart hasn't called my ass and I applied two months ago
All the sameAnon poaster
19 and work in the back of the store. A ghost.
You really think taking any shit class is worth the time? You're supposed to tell yourself that buisness communications class is better than making money? Get out schoolfag
They make you put on an uncomfy headset and listen to their radio chatter+get you to help dying old men with cancer load their goods into their vehicles
t. cartpusher for exactly one day when I got put there to stand in
At least you dicked a chick with that money.
>spent around eighty dollars at the strip bar
>because drove past
>hate myself
>suck at entertaining myself
>cashed in grandparents gift money for twenties for private dances
You gotta call them bitches, better yet walk in there and utilize boomer father advice.
that 25 year old primer
Should we mention the gun when applying to said post offices?
Does that actually work? Because I'm getting real fucking tired of people making fun of me for not having a job when I have applied to pretty much every single entry level job that's not mowing lawns in my area
I want you to take a cart for an old woman, and bash it into her body with enough force to knock her over. Throw the cart into the most expensive car in sight and then jerk off in the store bathroom, onto the seat ofcourse.
What's wrong with mowing lawns? Maybe even fuck the granny paying you afterward. And don't call them the name bitch, call them on the phone, you bitch.
Are you a female? Male prime is like 35 dipshit. We're not rotten milk like the vaginas
>uncle is an officer in the Army
>he is working near the border helping train Border Patrol
>says I should apply to border patrol and he will talk to people
>I told him I applied 4 days ago
>I have been too scared of getting rejected from another job that I haven't actually applied
Prison Guard, State Police, Local Police, and Army Intel. I failed at all of them. I have no reason to believe that Border Patrol would be any different, despite my uncle talking to people. I am just going to an eternal min-wage cuck
Pretty much. I'm 37. I was working retail when I was 25. My life gets worse every day.
I somehow ended up married. Otherwise I would have killed myself a couple of years back.
>walk into chain or big name place and ask if they are hiring
>yes you can apply online
boomer shit advice is outdated
>tfw part time wagecucking at fedex for $250/week
Its not much but its honest work.jpg
>im a normalscum subhuman
Best of luck user I understand the struggle. I went to the gym and have never had anyone be mean.
>be me
>held a loaded gun to my own head the other day
We're all fucked, man.
>falling for the prime years of your life meme
You literally start to biologically fall apart past 25, so it's not really a meme.
Also, the responsibility-free part of your life (i'e the 1/3rd you're supposed to enjoy) is gone too.
>Also, the responsibility-free part of your life (i'e the 1/3rd you're supposed to enjoy) is gone too.
Only if you're a wagekek.
If you're still working at Walmart, 25 isn't your prime. The advent of your life is when your at your best. Excuse the typos. I'm sweating as I type this
Alot of people I see mention their life turning around in any capacity is always around the 30 mark. That's not me saying you're going to be fine and just wait it out till 30 but it's not over either
No dude 25 is when ur done growing, ur prime isn't over unless u let it be over. I'm 27 and could out run/lift any fucking zoomer. Ur prime ain't over till later 30s.
Be thankful you have a well paying job dude, having no money and job security fucking sucks
OP here, thanks to some of you for making me feel like I can still change my life around, and I don't blame the ones that don't, it's easier to not change and I've had this issue all my life.
I never do drugs, I never drink, I don't abuse my body that way, but I have abused my body mentally all my life.
What sucks guys is that we have to fit in the normie world in order to make it, and that's the challenging part.
Yup I pretty much hate at this point, what's worse is that we push them by hand, making us seem more autistic
Get a load of this drama queen
Am 24 and am a janitor join the club .
I've been coming to these threads and this site for years to read about how it's not too late for me and how others have made it out of their slumps. Every year I see less and less hope as my age just keeps going up. Someone be real with me, it was actually already over by the time we all turned 18, wasn't it
24 and working as a security guard. Graduating with a meme degree this year. Got a couple of friends who have found success without ever going to college or trade school so that gives me some hope that I'll find some level of comfort in life.
Just be a bottom OP push carts by day and let men push your boioucci in at night
25 is not your prime retard
Assuming you are male you have like over a decade of your prime left.
You haven't even finished developing.
This isn't to excuse your shitty situation in life. You should definitely be feeling some anxiety about how you are lagging behind. But your life isn't over at 25.
Trust me I am feeling anxiety, before I didn't feel shit because I was still young and I thought I could turn my life around overnight, but it doesn't work that way.
What should I do user? I'm not friendly to people and I don't do them favors, I don't like kissing ass either. I have no one to turn to, should I just join a gym and get physically strong that way I'll be of used to other people? I'm lacking in the smart department.
Luckily I don't have to struggle that much because I still live with family and we all pay rent, but how long will this last?
Go read a book, loss of learn math and programming, go to a community college and try to learn some IT.
You could be in a lot, A LOT, worse situations, user.