Zoomers only thread

We zoomers here.

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1995 here. Feels good being a zoomer

what's the zoomer cutoff?
t. 1998

You are not a zoomer past 2004.

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zoomer is 97-03 right?

1999 here. Is it good or bad being a zoomer I can't tell

>He remembers 9/11
>He can't remember virginia tech

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Fuck yeah I can finally wave our zoomer wojack with pride! We are the future
2001 here

97fag here.
>tfw no Marzia gf

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>Never once played a boomcore """game"""

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Where is Halo 3? Where is MW2? These are all LATE-zoomer games. Where are the early zoomer games?

The boomer games are better though


I was born in 1997. Halo 3 and MW2 are the crown jewels of zoomer vidya.

>Pre 1998

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>tfw 94
>neither zoomer nor boomer

Zoomer starts in 95, kid.

Turned 18 yesterday, get on my zevel

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if you dont remember 9/11 you are a zoomer

I'm 18 and prefer the boomercore games.

Based. I've never finished a Persona game, always drop them midway, but Mitsuru and Yukiko are best girls.

I feel like I'm missing out by not being able to do all the S-links in one playthrough. I need to swallow my autism and just finish a play through and do the other S-links on the next.

99 doomer here gonna be turning 20 soon.

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nobody remembers virginia tech cause the shooter wasn't white so the media stopped reporting on it when the details came out

Post the fuckin picture with the popular shows and toys for each gen

Compromises my zooma.

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There's so much missing in the middle there
t. Doomer

>"We zoomers here"
> speaks grammatically incorrect nigger-influenced English
Faggot gtfo this board. Your generation is literally ass-fucked by niggers, muslims, and commies to the point that you unconsciously follow their culture while forgetting yours.

No zoomer is truly red pilled.
The pre 1990s born generation is the last great generation alive.

You mean the one that first spawned this hyper-obsession with being PC and ass-fucked by niggers, muslims, and commies? Shut your gay mouth retard.

2000 zoomer checking in


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Your generation enabled all of that you fucking mouthbreather, go back to Jow Forums retard.

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Your generation is literally the cause of all this, gtfo of here with your retarded ass logic. Your generations was probably ibe if the worst

>tf2 is boomer core

it may not be as marketed as overwatch but like 80% of gamers who don't consume every triple A title that comes out has played tf2. It was released in 2007 for fucks sake, little zoomies are all over the game, hell i started playing when i was 12.

You wanna know a REAL boomer core game? Like a niche game that ONLY boomers play? A game where if you go on there you will hear old voices talking about their wives and past experiances? Day Of defeat: Source. If you go on there at around 8 PM when the boomers get on you'll be shocked at just how fucking boomer they are.

When is your birthday zoomer?

what about gears of war?

Zoomer is 1995-2005.

What to do if they dab back?

Doomer Zoomer checking in.

Can you please add dates under each profile indicating what years you need to be born in order to determine what varient of boomer/zoomer you are?

2000 Zoomer, send these fucking boomers to thier retirement homes.

fuckoff i'm a zoomer and my two favorite games are tf2 and hl and i hate overwatch

Who the fuck came up with new faggy, smug-looking boomer/sooner faces. I fucking hate them

there's no real consensus on start and end date but pretty much everyone agrees 2000-2005 are definitely zoomers. if you don't remember 9/11 you're probably a zoomer

by that logic, shouldnt tf2 be a late zoomer game?

I always found it unsettling how he looks pretty much like my cousin.

I'm 34 but I actually identify as a zoomer. The memes just apply to me too well.



Listen fellow boomer, it's up to us to teach these here zoomer about paying bills and taxes and how to drive.

Also pic related is my classic car. 68 skylark.



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Son don't mock me, I am a young person. We are in the same age group. I laugh at old people.

Late Y gang

just btfod the bo*moids

27 here actually. The start of boomerhood

> being zoomer

crying every night wishing to have one of those boomer cars

2000 here, literally the best year to be born in the past 2000 years based on how the number looks alone. I mean look at how fucking nice that number is. TWO ZERO ZERO ZERO, the turn of the millennial. 1990-1999 are inferior, so are 2001+

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Don't worry kiddo, if you save up and get a job you can get a decent one for 5000$ u.s

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born 1999 cant wait for all boomers to fucking die

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>Born before 2000
>Thinks he's a zoomer

Think again old man

I've only played three of the games in that image

By the time that happens sweetie youll be a grandpa

>I didn't play either of these
I can't be categorized

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based and redpilled
oregano post.

Is r9k filled with barely adult niceguys?

Any actually older people up in this beezy even?

We all go through our tfw no gf phase
But after 22 you should have your shit figured out

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he probably didnt have a sexbox

fuck off


a lot of 18 year old zoomers have been revealing themselves. I'm one of them but i thought i was talking to cool boomers this whole time.

seems like most people here aren't even past their mid twenties. Where did all the boomers go?

They killed themselves.

ha good one, they made it silly.

2000 zoomer here idk whats so good about being a zoomer

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yeah...they made it alright

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They moved on because this board sucks.

>last greatest generation
lmao, ok.
It's literally all your guys' fault that we're dealing with all that shit.

Remember when someone said they liked Pewdie Pie it was on par to admitting like Justin BIeber

I want to be 22 again

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I'm a 1999, I fit into the stereotype pretty well. I'd say 2002 is the cutoff

Hate being nearly 27. I'd give my left bollocks to be in my early 20's again

im not even 22 yet BITCH

Enjoy your early 20's user. If I could do them again I'd get fit, also appreciate your hair while you hate it

im wasting them right now please save me

2000 here. Hows college treating my fellow newfags?

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I mean I wasted way too much time on Jow Forums at your age to but I don't regret it, it molded my sense of humour and people seem to think I'm funny

>Falling for the college meme
Boomers, and millennials skull-fucked college into oblivion. I'm staying far away from that shit. Working retail until I can afford a car, then getting an apprenticeship in a useful trade.

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what about those born in 94?
Doesn't that make us a Boomer/Zoomer hybrid?

my golden days were playing Pokemon Emerald and MW2/Black Ops

>Doesn't that make us a Boomer/Zoomer hybrid?
You're a millennial, sorry senpai.

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>You're a millennial, sorry senpai.

So...is that something in it's own entity?

This whole gen fiasco is unclear as shit

Have fun having to retire at 45 because of arthritis, living check to check off unemployment all because you were too stupid to get scholarships

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Here's a basic rundown on how to tell what you are.

If you were an adult, or older with a life during 9/11 you're a boomer.

If you were a young kid, teen, or very young adult (like 20 or under) during 9/11 you're a millennial.

If you don't remember experiencing 9/11 or weren't even born yet, then you're a zoomer.

You think being an electrician is going to give me arthritis? I know how to finance my money, and will be more set then you will be when I'm older because I didn't bend over, and let my ass get fucked for the rest of my existence from student loans in exchange for a useless degree in an over-saturated market lmao.

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im about to graduate and i have no fucking clue what to do next

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How many of you fell for the college meme? If you did, what are you studying?

does she have an underbite? everytime i see her she's always making spurdo faces

That's because they used to look similar. They both seemed visually targeted at women audiences, thus liking either makes you a fag

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Math, because I am autistic.

'96 boomer here to ruin your thread
No game, especially not fork knife, will ever top RuneScape.

Business Management

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Arigato Mr. Robatooo

Advice from a boomer to a zoomer

Enjoy your life. It ends after college. Whenever you feel insecure in doing something because of social anxiety, close your eyes and think "who cares, in a couple of years my life will be garbage and basically over"

>Working retail until I can afford a car, then getting an apprenticeship in a useful trade.
are you me lol

I fucking hate this stupid meme

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We only have one good game on the zoomer side, and it's from a boomer IP. All our games suck ass.