>lazy racist sexist homophobic misogynistic pessimistic nihilistic transphobic antisemitic fascistic selfish and narcissistic
>guys why am I so alone?
>guys why does nobody want to talk to me?
>guys why does nobody like me?
>why can't I get laid?
>why doesn't anyone ever invite me to parties?
>why doesn't anyone love me?
Wooo well gee, hmm, really is a mystery isn't it. I mean. You must have eeeevery good quality a person could ever ask for, and yet you're in such a miserable situation...hmmm....I wonder why....
Lazy racist sexist homophobic misogynistic pessimistic nihilistic transphobic antisemitic fascistic selfish and...
incels should have never been allowed here. i blame reddit
I'm a leftist cuck and I'm still incel
I'm not lazy or narcissistic, thank you very much.
>uses words like "leftist cuck" unironically
>expects, no, DEMANDS to get pussy
we often use this term ironically to refer to ourselves
Why do you even come here? And don't give me the generic "to laugh at people like you", even if that were the case, how is it still amusing if we apparently say the same thing over and over?
you're doomed
there's so many male feminists who still get zero pussy
Don't forget your sage fellas
>hates women because no gf/grew up with fat ass mom and sister, not just a misanthrope because this world would be awesome if it were full of faggots
can't stand these people myself but the rest is usually fine just don't be a cunt
Everyone views the world through their own subjective lens. To them, there's nothing wrong with being racist, sexist, nihilistic etc. Do you think people purposely adopt views that they actually think are wrong and will make them hated?
incels are bigger holes
you mentally ill pathetic faggots and your dumb website nobody cares about makes actual criminals that do violent things and you literally preach and celebrate murder violence and digusting culture. Take this person for example who's so stupid they don't even know how to post an image correctly and will most likely become a violent criminal terrorist given the fact that he's literally preaching dehumanizing fascist and misogynistic dogma. It's for these reasons that people come to see where the fucking disease that is you mentally unstable psychotic incels and basement dwelling neckbeards cause our society comes from
cut down the road not across the street you filthy twitter refugee
I don't think I'll be doing that anytime soon with all the "i want to kill myself because I'm such a shitty person I'm not even entitled to pussy" talk you suicidal incels do
honestly with all the crime and terrorism you commit i have no more sympathy for you it's clear from things you say like this that you actually deserve the position you're in and it's good that you're suffering, it's only justice for your disgusting behavior, should be medicated and held in an insane asylum
i'm not an incel, though, I just know a total retard when I see one, you really need to go back to gaia or neopets or whatever underage shithole you dragged yourself away from for 5 minutes
ironic that you'd overgeneralise a term shared by many people with different ideologies with 1 shared trait and dehumanise them through various means such as insults, sounds kinda familiar don't it?
there is some dumb ass bitch on the board calling people incels when she is KV herself
now you wait a minute I'm only lazy, racist, pessimistic, nihilistic and selfish. That's only 5/12.
yeah but like why did i have to know that
more or less just letting it be known there are people here who are that dumb
>lazy racist sexist homophobic misogynistic pessimistic nihilistic transphobic antisemitic fascistic selfish and narcissistic
Impilying any of those are bad things.
>makes criminal
Proof, please. lol.
im not any of those things lol except a bit lazy
Then again im not an Intel
Yeah, that's why they make threads like "my girlfriend this" or "my fwb that".
>>lazy racist sexist homophobic misogynistic pessimistic nihilistic transphobic antisemitic fascistic selfish and narcissistic
I'm most of those and have a girlfriend, close circle of friends, and good relationship with my family.
You probably have awful relationships with people because you're a judgmental cunt.
You've got it backwards OP.
People here are like that because they lack friends, love and nobody wants to talk to them. They're emotional wrecks and find comfort in places that draws them to dark paths.
>tfw all of these things
>I'm the one who rejects other people
>has a gf
This always ends well.
The market for good boy points is really bad right now, that's why whiteknights are so stressed on our board. They're losing their livelihoods as society starts to become masculine again.
That's a lot of "ic"s. You sure went a looong way from eating crayons.