Some asshole just beat up my sister. What do I do?
Some asshole just beat up my sister. What do I do?
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Beat him up pussy
Beat him or if you can't try to get the law on him
suck his dick pussy
I feel like I'm obligated to. But I also really don't want this shit in my life.
He's some hillbilly hick motherfucker living in a trailer. He's probably loaded up with guns. He's also a felon crack head.
How do I go about kicking this guys ass without getting shot?
Kill him then pussy
You can't. Shoot him first
If you fight him like a nigger you will live on as a nigger even if you die
Fight him like a nigger just in case
your sister probably will suck his dick anyway
File battery charges
Really don't want this shit in my life. I'm making 6 figures and have things going really well for me. Don't want to get shot or get a fucking assault charge but I feel like my honor is on the line.
I guess I should probably go the legal route. Fuck
sneak into his trailer at night and use an axe to split open his fucking skull and shit in his little hillbilly pea brain.
Alternatively you could use ur car and and a tube which you stick to your exhaust and through a window in his trailer, just leave the car running and wait for him to either die or run out for air. You'll just wait outside to beat the shit out of him or just straight up kill him.
Good luck
My mom just told me about this. From what she says it sounds like my sister isn't inclined to press charges.
Can I press charges in this case?
just throw a molotov on his shitty trailer then fuckin' skidaddle
If he's a trailer hic there probably isn't many cameras or anything around, go there at night, be SUPER obsessive about not leaving evidence, and fucking set his place on fire or something. If it's a trailer home then it's probably small enough to cover in flammable liquids. Don't try it if he has a dog though or else the dog will wake him up
>How do I go about kicking this guys ass without getting shot?
Burn his trailer at night.
Block his door with a steel rod or something.
Fucking pussy. That hick laid hands on your sister. Your own flesh n blood. You make 6 figures. Beat his ass or kill him and hire a good lawyer and have your sister back you up in court pussy.
>tfw no loyal friend who helps kill people who fucks with your family
If you would live in my country, I would gladly help you user.
I kinda want to follow him and then kneecap him with a baseball bat. I feel like this is my best shot at not getting shot / charges pressed.
film your sister sucking his dick
hire local thugs to do the dirty business for you. rough him up a bit. nothing to serious. just enough to send a message not to fuck with your family
Post the story first. How old your sister? How old is he? What led to him beating her up?
Regardless though the best solution if he lives in a trailer is to just go and torch that shit at night. Cover your face, stay away from CCTV, cover your footprints etc. If he lives in a trailer and is a hillbilly then I assume you are living rural in which there will not be much/any witnesses.
If your sister is under 18, it would be within your mom's right to press charges.
learn his patterns.
dress in black
at night beat him in his knees with a bat/rod be sure to incapacitate him so you don't get shot. steal his shit to make it look like a crime.
Change your voice and speech patterns when you do this.
Your sister should've presented her asshole like instructed
>Change your voice and speech patterns when you do this.
op should wear a mask and sound like bane
God im glad my family isnt white trash. Good luck OP
Man up and beat him up obviously. Even a faggot who's never fought anyone like me knows that
I meant to talk more like a hood nigga or vice versa
This sounds pretty damn funny.
I can see OP beating this dude with a bat.
You think a trailer is your ally?
Meth has defeated you.
First I'll break your beers and then your body.
The baseball bat rises.
>post proof of the assault
>post address and phone number here
Some faggots will do it for you
Roastie BTFO
Fuck this guy, your instincts are right, OP dont get fucking shot. Having a sister is a death sentence because shes always going to be a fucking whore in your life.
Get rekt macho nigger. OP knows deep down inside that no whore is worth losing everything for. Hes not a Pussy he just isnt fucking dumb like you.
Why is no one here saying that OP should sue or take this to court?
beat him up.
If you think you're weaker, use guerrilla tactics as in surprise attack him. And not just once, but multiple times even after he apologies.
Stop, just fucking stop. If you were a badass you wouldnt be brooding here on a board for mentally ill retards. You would already be 3 steps ahead. Only worse will come out of this.
I feel like my manhood and honor is at play here. But it's obviously a bad idea to go attack this guy at his house at night.
I think I'll have to resolve myself to kick his ass if I ever see him. As well as pressure my sister to press charges.
Did your sister have it coming?
She's a drug addict and apparently stole money from him. So yeah she probably did.
This guy should still have his teeth kicked in though. He's no better than her.
Your a scared dumbass. All the people here posting things like fuck him up pussy are also insecure dumbasses. Its not about being scared or being tough, its about being wise. You have no full proof way of killing him so get the authorities into this or do nothing.
There really is nothing you can do, a problem with cops is a problem plus cops. Get your sister to stop seeing him and if he ever comes around again then call the police and threaten.
>protecting trash from trash.
Fuck your sister you should beat her too for being a whore
She's a fucking trainwreck, but she is my sister. I feel an obligation to stand up for her.
It's literally fucking perfect. Molotovs are easy to make and use. The fucker will have no real proof if he even survives
Your family isnt worth protecting. Shes a druggie and quite possibly a whore? What the fuck do you think you are protecting her from? You should honor kill her.
Then why havent you done it yet? Oregano.
Hey just checking in on u. I'm not a fucking islamophobe but are u by any chance a camel fucker or just a misogynist piece of shit?
>sister is a meth addict
>steals money from guy
>guy beats her
>OP wants to beat guy
You're a moran.
This, you could do shit like placing huge(but not too big) pieces of rotting meat in hidden places around his property.
Honestly who cares then. That's her own problem. If your life is really going that good for you, let her do what she wants
lol this is your answer op
Go to a store and get 2 Sabre Red mace aka pepper spray with cash do not use card
Also get a knife or preferably hammer if you don't have one using the same method no card only cash
After testing one can of mace as practice take a second can of mace Go to his house and spray him in the face and then wait for him to be properly blinded before moving in to beat him with the hammer Continue until his head is caved in to ensure he is actually dead and not just KOd
Make sure you leave your phone home for all of this including the purchases as the phone could possibly be tracked
Make sure to wear gloves and a large beanie that is cut up to function as a mask if you pull it down over your head in an emergency
Make sure to not leave any of this behind anywhere or attempt to dispose of it outside just take it home wash it put it in a fireplace then hide the ashes and other remains somewhere they can't be found like in the walls
Congratulate him and pat him on the back?
Your sister is a roastie.
I am a mean normie hating machine. What does op think he is getting out of staying with his im gonna say it, toxic family?
Excellent idea user
>op's female relative is some literal decadent meth addict whore
why am I not surprised
what country are you from user? somewhere in america?
Case solved, bitch had it coming, guy gave her what she needed A MALE ROLEMODEL. Op its fine, she was just lectured on what to do and not to, people learn best through pain
t. damaged goods guy with a prime example of a roastie whore sister
Either beat him up or have consolation sex with your sis
a plastic bottle filled with cement.
or have fun with bike locks.
Yes just do this Im sure theres some autist around here looking for a random person to exert their tard strength on
Your emotions of honest fear and conciousness are at odds with your sense of duty as a man.
These dutys where ascribed to you growing up by the brutes around you. But you and i know both that this ideal man is nothing like how you actually are and I can assure you, going against who you are and trying to avenge your sister will only doom you. What if you are level headed and smart? What if you can enjoy the finer things in life and in turn make profit and have a better life?
Your family seems pretty shitty and is keeping you down. Leave them, the only way you can help them in a positive way, not that they deserve it if financially. Dont do this, be smart.
rape his boipuccy and then beat up his sister
Steal your sister money, return it to him. then kick his ass.
You aren't going to do shit op you cowardly cum gargling bitch!
A real man would have done something already instead of screeching about it to a bunch of mentally ill retards on r9k.
Just accept the fact that you belong to a family of weaklings and losers who have to endure the whims of the strong.
Use your money to hire a hitman on the deep web. It's the best option, you don't have to deal with him and you can say he died before you could do anything. Or you can just stick with the reasonable thing to do, throw him and your sister in an underground fight and then bet on him.
> (You)
>I am a mean normie hating machine. What does op think he is getting out of staying with his im gonna say it, toxic family?
Agreed, but honor killing is sum fucked up shit. The best for him might just be to completly leave them behind
I'm confused, do all you people already have plans to hunt people down and assault them days after they've hurt your family?
Seems like something you either do in the moment they get beat up(if you're there) or not do at all and just call the cops.
Honor killing is the absolute most Chad thing to ever exist in history.
Yes how else would you do it
Cops will be useless and doing something in the moment results in getting in trouble
Torch his trailer. Make it look like he was cooking meth or something. The cops won't give a fuck
You're going to get in trouble either way and, if anything, you'll get off on a lighter sentence or no sentence at all if you're genuinely defending your sister the moment some guy strikes her, rather than waiting days to jump him.
> (You)
>Honor killing is the absolute most Chad thing to ever exist in history.
This is based and redpilled on a new level
This might interest you, OP.
>Youre going to get in trouble either way
Thirty percent of murders go unsolved in America and the reason the number isnt even higher than that is because so many murders are committed by dumbasses who get themselves caught through retarded mistakes because most criminals are stupid as fuck
If you are even average level smart and do good planning you can get in no trouble and this is assuming you even go as far as murder which is the most extreme possible choice for taking revenge
It's too late, your sister already loves him
>If you are even average level smart and do good planning you can get in no trouble and this is assuming you even go as far as murder
Are you retarded?
This MAY be true if you killed a random person but this guy is associated heavily with your sister, people have likely seen them together and know you're the brother, the guy just beat your sister up and now he's dead, this easily makes you a fucking suspect. You think you can cover up all the possible evidence you'd leave behind? Fart-sniffing hubris.
>Lives in a trailer
arson the house while he's sleeping. Through a mixture of bleach and ammonia through the window.
he might come out coughing so hide somewhere and pounce on him with a knife to finish him off
Yes because criminals who fight with eachother over drugs and money are going to cooperate with police so that they can figure out user did it
You could kill this guy at any random time and thered probably be about twenty different possible suspects in the form of other people he has beef with
Killing him would be the same as Tyrone shooting Jamal in the city with the police having no leads because its nigville
Only way Tyrone gets caught in incidents like this is if he commits further crimes later or does something stupid
As long as OP does neither of those two things he will be fine
Learn how to reply normally fucking reddit scum
>Yes because criminals who fight with eachother over drugs and money are going to cooperate with police so that they can figure out user did it
A trailer park isn't 100% a crime den, tons of relatively normal rednecks live there who do cooperate with the popo.
t. Lived in a trailer park for 10 years.
>You could kill this guy at any random time and thered probably be about twenty different possible suspects in the form of other people he has beef with
Even if that were true, you'd have to control all possible variables to the point of near-omniscience. "Doing something stupid" could mean something as simple as driving/walking away 30 seconds too late or too early.
>could mean something as simple as driving or walking away 30 seconds too late or too early
Thats just pure bad luck but highly unlikely to happen
With pretty much any solved murder story the killer has made a blunder that most of us could foresee and watch out for like not washing dirt from your fingernails after committing the crime
Even in ones where the police discover connections to lead them to a suspect there is still a stupid mistake that keeps them on the trail and lets them home in
Literally just wear gloves and hairnet and dont try to throw the murder weapon into the woods or something stupid like that
OP makes a lot of money so that helps make him less suspicious as well
I know it seems retarded but like I said one third go unsolved even today
You never hear about those stories or the methods or people behind them because they never got caught
Eat him
Like just fucking eat him
I wouldn't eat him
But like
Eat him
Just fucking sit your sister down and tell her you're going to get police involved. Don't take no for an answer. File a polcie report, take pictures of her injuries, her journal, calendars etc. Go to a lawyer and see about a civil suit if the cops don't do anything.
Yes either do this or take matters into your own hands OP like some other anons have suggested
But if you do nothing it will make you feel like less of a man and haunt you forever If a man beats up your sister and you do nothing that is a feeling of beta that you can never wash off
This is what I'm afraid of. Feeling emasculated forever for not taking action. I've been speaking with other who say the situation is out of my hands though and it is up to her to file police report. Idk how I feel about this.
What I've been told is that if she won't cooperate, it's a waste of time for me to file a police report. They won't do shit without her statement.
>This is what Im afraid of Feeling emasculated forever for not taking action
This is a very real fear user and it will come to life trust me
Id love to give you the easy preferred answer which is that it is fine and youll forget about it next week but the sad brutal reality is that if YOU do nothing it will never go away and will be like this self loathing weight within your very soul
Maybe not a big weight but a weight nonetheless
You have to do some extreme autistic thing like the other anons have suggested
You risk consequences but if you pull it off the reward will be great especially if you end his life
You will be left with a sense of satisfaction forever until the day you die
Meanwhile if you dont you will be haunted
>She's a drug addict and apparently stole money from him. So yeah she probably did.
Never mind she deserved it.
>What Ive been told is that if she wont cooperate
user what the fuk
The post you were replying to was telling you to sit your sister down and talk straight to her and tell her to press charges
Fuck whatever you have been TOLD go get it from her directly
Stop making excuses and please do SOMETHING anything will do user press charges or beat the man up or burn his trailer down but no more excuses that give you a reason to take zero action
Some action must be taken
You have to do something
give me all the info you have on him
He he hurr have le updoot boot faggot