Why do so many men treat women terribly, even when those women are good to them? Be honest, doesn't it bother you robots how other men do that?
Why do so many men treat women terribly, even when those women are good to them? Be honest...
>Why do so many women treat men terribly, even when those ,men are good to them? Be honest, doesn't it bother you robots how women do that?
yeah you got it right. all men are evil. we don't need any more threads spammed in the catalog
Why should I give a fuck what strangers do? If I'm going to start feeling bad for the shitty things that happen to people I don't know, women in shitty relationships certainly aren't anywhere near the top of the list. There's way worse shit going on in the world.
>doesn't it bother you robots how other men do that?
Not my circus, not my monkeys. She picked them out afterall.
>Be honest, doesn't it bother you robots how other men do that?
Yes, I hate it.
People are often uncaring about the feelings of others, and at worst are outright cruel towards them.
The world is awful, and there is a shortage of people who care about others, and those people are usually taken advantage of and hurt.
No because I'm a not white knight faggot. If you're going after shitty men you're probably a shitty woman.
you seem to forget that humans arent actually capable of caring for each other in a way that isnt self-serving
because chad can do it since hell just get a new gf and it goes hand in hand with being dominant which is what you grilles want
>you seem to forget that humans arent actually capable of caring for each other in a way that isnt self-serving
I don't but I don't understand how people think creating a society of bitter, resentful people is in their interest.
It's because women like it that way.
like escorting? casual sex? if youre talking about dating, it can burn a man out. lots of effort
Why the fuck do you feel the need to spam this shit here? Is lolcow down or did Chad pump and dump you again?
men only truly love a few women. the vast majority of women are good for pursuing sex, and once men get it, we wonder if theres better sex with different women, and pursue other women.
It bothers me that women constantly pick these men.
Can I please get a source on that image?
humans a shit
>Why do so many men treat women terribly, even when those women are good to them? Be honest, doesn't it bother you robots how other men do that?
>doesn't it bother you robots how other men do that?
>other men do that
Are you retarded? Why would it bother me that WOMEN pick OTHER MEN who treat them like shit? It's obviously either their own choice and intention to be treated like shit and going for such men... Or they simply lack judgement skills and now everyone else have to pay for the consequences and pity them.
Fuck NO.
Serve them right.
Dumb whores.
You don't deserve "next time", but if you could go back in time and be virgin again you should consider talking to the shy unpopular guy not the guy that had +20 girls before you. There is a reason he's no longer with them, he poumped and dumped them, but somehow you think you will be treated differently.
I suppose it bothers me when people treat others badly, but that's not an exclusively male-on-female phenomenon, and I feel no particular responsibility for other men's behavior.
No, Anonymous!
I believe in altruism!
I believe in the forgiveness of sin!
I believe in world stewardship!
I believe in immanentizing the eschaton
Why should I care about these women when they never cared about me?
I guess I'd like everyone to be treated nicely but from my experience women are much more cruel, shallow and they just end up dating the same abusive pricks.
If women date abusive pricks how come they are not dating you?
>If women date abusive pricks how come they are not dating you?
How am I abusive?
No, quite a few women go for terrible men. Probably because they just want to go on an emotional rollercoaster and have drama, or maybe they go for attractive guys out of their league who pump and dump them. Either way it's the woman's fault because she chooses the people she associates with.
>who do women get treated terribly
Either because they go after bad men or because they do something terrible and are treated badly as a consequence.
Women get exactly what they ask for. Why should I care about trying to correct you on your decisions?
Dude you post mean stuff on the internet. You are the worst
Meanwhile Chad
>domestic abuse
>partner count +30 girls a week
>spent time in jail
>multiple kids he don't even visit
>"Omg you so hot and sexy, take my Chad"
why would it bother me when I don't want to have a relationship with them, or ever expected anything to happen between us?
they are free to live their life whichever way they want, at the end of the day is they who have to live with the choices they make in their life not me.
It's not the men treating them bad. It's that women go after shit men. All women know a few beta orbiters who will love and support them for all their life but they still chase CHad.
>implying chads settle for used goods
>implying chads don't just pump and dump
>implying chads won't have better options than some pathetic roastie.
stop living in your head bud.
what bubble?
I'm Chad, I can tell you how it is:
>Be chad
>See girl with bf
>Talk to girl, girl starts to ignore her bf and flirt with chad(me)
It's infuriating. But men are the same, and all of you robots are as well. That's just the way it is.
The absolute reality of this world, that no one wants to admit is elitism. People are not equal. Some people are just better then others in every single way with no possible way of ever catching up.
And people say, "well, you could be hard working!", but then you forget that being hard working is also an inherent quality, just like being smart and/or good looking. there is no escape, there is no end, and there is nothing at the end of the road.
The only one who will ever experience true love is chad - and that only if he is very very lucky, and the illusion is not shattered because there simply is no one better. And that is the absolute truth.
>and all of you robots are as well
speak for yourself.
I would never cheat.
lie to yourself. Humans are human.
If you can't imagine a scenario where you would cheat, then this is simply a failure of imagination.
>It's that women go after shit men
when 90% of men are monsters and piles of shit it does make it hard for us. Now, before you start telling me how sweet and innocent you robots are, it is from your ranks mass shooters come.
I gave it a go and started treating a girl like shit just to see what happens. She texts me almost daily and won't let me off the hook until I recognize her as somehow valuable. Maybe if women stopped behaving like that men wouldn't treat them like shit?
I thought nice guys are 'toxic' and 'problematic'? Why would you want men to be not abusive to you?
""""Nice"""" guys are bad because their niceness is a facade.
>m-men are all evil
>w-women are all innocent
Tsk Tsk Tsk roastie, I think it's time for your daily std check up
Yeah there's no way someone can possibly be nice and ugly at the same time
95% of women are superficial and piles of shit.
And the 5% of each group who are decent end up getting with each other in the end somehow.
Yet none of those people are here.
If the good men/women from the 5% don't want you, its probably because you are in the 95%
Its true.
If you good is not nice. I see so many guys trying to be nice to get girls, but at the end of the day they are just using it as a mating strategy.
If chad is nice, even though he could just do what he wants, then that is real nice.
like a cat fight is the equivalent of a mass murder for no reason. Like I said, men are little monsters
hahaha stupid. We hide from most of you and see your soulless eyes.
>It's infuriating. But men are the same, and all of you robots are as well. That's just the way it is.
if I was in a committed and established relationship with someone I would never cheat, physically or emotionally, I'm nothing like you.
One happens every minute, the other every few months.
because theyre weak and pathetic and are too scared to leave the relationship. or they have some kind of saviour complex where they feel that if they can just "fix" their man that everything will be dandy.
Found it user, it's Kasane Volume 61.
>I'm Chad
Here's my two coins for the filter
>if the oversexed hot guy is nice then it's real
>even though he was also nice to every other girl he fucked and left crying in their rooms alone wondering why this keeps happening to them
I'm glad that shit people also hurt other shit people
because thats what they want to be treated like.
>caring other women are being hurt by men they choose to be with
wonder who could be behind this post
What have women ever done for humanity? Everything good was created by men
Because they're sluts who don't fucking learn from the first time they messed up
>larp baiter or typical toastie roastie projecting once again all the chad's wrong doings on the non chad men to justify the seething manhate from being used as nothing more than a sperm receptacle.
Nobody's truly sweet and innocent, but your kind has all of the power to make the good choices and you always end up rewarding shit behavior to the point that many men adapt creating more of that behavior you claim to hate but keep rewarding, should the individual be more attractive than your fatass.