We take your women yellow boi, her bob and vegene only belong to me hehe
We take your women yellow boi, her bob and vegene only belong to me hehe
Yeah dude, Asian women would literally rather die virgins than fuck an Asian guy so... this is hardly some major achievement.
only White men get the bro pass to our asian women. not sorry
oh i thought she was a white teen girl, whew, that was close
Why is this? Why do asian women always say
>Asian men remind me of my brother eww xDD
This doesn't happen with any other race.
Asians all look very similar
Not to each other though, right? I'm not asian so idk.
I never realized how disgusting a mix you could make... Half Asian and half pajeet. It's like a forsaken science experiment.
The offspring looks qt. Like chinese but with dark skin and more caucasoid features
Indian plus asian makes seasians
>dark skin
gross. a cute asian WHIT girl would be cuter in every way. blacks are objectively the least attractive especially the girls
i really hate when girls are unnecessarily cruel to guys like that, i feel for my asian bros, asian women need to be put on a short leash, they;re not ready to be stronk independent women
of course theyre ready, they were born ready.
Asians have a culture where dark skin is not deemed as attractive. As an asian myself and living in a asian country, i can assure that most asian girls are not into indians/pajeets.
And yet the OP pic exists, and you'd be a fucking clown to think that's the only pairing. Really, what was the point of your post?
This is such a shitty bait thread. Jesus christ stormfag.
And yet here you are, on Jow Forums in the middle of the night. A zoo animal for regular people like myself to laugh at. That must sting. You're head may be up your ass, but at least you have your dignit-
Blacks really are the most pathetic people.
lmao 65% of the planet is Asians
We fuck good and spread our seed everywhere despite whitey trying their best to write an asexual asian fantasy because they are so butthurt they are recessive cucks doomed to extinction
They're cambodian. That guy's not indian.
Stormie racebait thread.
lmao that user really pinched a nerve, you sound like a wounded animal
i didnt make this. u did
i mean black women have been shittalking black men but only recently its considered shitty thanks to twitter and hashtags and trends and being 'woke'. asians are just not considered important in the racial scheme yet besides the loudmouth wierdos in aznmasculinity. i think in a few years we'll see semi famous social media asians posting about the importance of respecting asian guys/girls
nah. its best like this. asians are the most mature about these matters.
most people are mature about interracial relationships its just whiny losers who can't get laid that can't handle it for the most part
Third world country problems