Wahhhh i'm socially awkward/depressed

>wahhhh i'm socially awkward/depressed
You could resolve every ''''issue'''' in your life by taking MDMA a few times. What's your excuse?

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you can't just walk into a store and buy that shit. you have to know a guy who knows a guy. I don't know anyone.

the comedown from MDMA is so awful it makes taking them not even worth it for me. my brain just goes so slow i feel like a retard which in turn makes me sad as shit

This doesn't wash when the internet exists, you could get some tonight if you wanted.
It's about what you learn while rolling. The comedowns may be shit, but the change is permanent. I've seen it happen enough times. You don't need sustained use

>just go get some hard drugs bro

Why mdma? You dont get any useful headspace, its a party trick meant for fun.

Don't listen to this shit. MDMA is illegal, and often is not pure.

If you're looking for drugs to make you less awkward looks towards alcohol, GHB/1,4-Butanediol, Phenibut, Etizolam and similar GABAergic drugs. All those drugs are legal (except GHB, but 1,4-BDO is a industrial diol solvent that acts as a prodrug for GHB via alcohol dehydrogenase

mdma did cure pretty much everything wrong with me when i took it. but then it ended and it made me angry i couldnt feel like that all the time.

I thought they shut that darknet-market shit down long ago

>You could resolve every ''''issue'''' in your life by taking MDMA a few times. What's your excuse?

If you actually believe this ridiculous bullshit you seriously need to KYS. MDMA might help move therapy along in small doses but the idea that you'll automatically become non-insane just by taking it is retarded.

Yes it has one of the worst and longest-lasting comedowns of any drug. Like a 3 day hangover.

>Like a 3 day hangover.
this meme seriously needs to die

Yeah bro just be epic, take MDMA and have lasting brain damage

Yeah bro just stay alone 24/7 you won't have any brain damage

this literally never originally happens

Everyone talks about how horrible the MDMA come down is but I felt just as depressed as I was before. Only normies who are regularly happy feel a bad come down.

this, comedown is a concept for normies. For spergs it's just as it was before (given that you don't take 3 pills and fuck up your serotonine level). I've even felt considerably better after 2-3 days.


mandy cures autism

Tends to make introverted NEETs a tad bit more extroverted, curing some social anxiety issues along the way

Yes, I know. First time I took it I was on a depressed freestyle and It really helped me to realize that there was a way out. Read quite a bit about studies afterward, and I can say that although It didn't cure anything it participated to make me feel better.

How do i get MDMA?
I don't have any friends and the last time I left the house was 9 days ago to buy food and alcohol.

I don't want to fuck my brain. I need it for work.

untruthful and homosexual
shit thread

MDMA will not 'fuck your brain'. Do what everyone else who has a job does and roll at the weekend instead of right before going into work. Miraculously, you'll find this doesn't fuck with your ability to work.

If you don't know any place (ie club, etc...) where you might get it your best option is probably internet.

Internet. Although just taking it on your own isn't really going to help with social anxiety (although you'll still have a great time)

No. My dipshit ex used to roll and it would turn her into some manic sex obsessed blubbering tard. As humorous as it was I found it more disgusting than anything else. I'll stick with acid, thanks.

>I'll stick with acid, thanks
Good luck with avoiding schizophrenia man. I'll always be too scared to take this.

good luck with the propaganda m8

>buying drugs on the internet

Please point my autistic ass in the right direction, but I'm pretty damned sure that is not possible anymore

>people under the influence are not fun to be around if you aren't too
who would've thought it
it's your own fault for not rolling with her genius

1. he probably isnt a cashier
2. he probably isnt miserable sober
fucking druggos

Is it, really ? Someone that I knew is now on neuroleptics because of that.

why in the everliving fuck would i want to resolve my issues? give me a real answer

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I'm not going to purposely make myself a temporary retard for shits and giggles, you can fuck off.

Yeah guys, just make a habit of taking MDMA. It'll cure all your social anxiety and depressions issues. At least until it burns out the serotonin and dopamine receptors in your brain and leaves you a burnt out husk incapable of any feeling. But those few parties you went to and girls you fucked while rolling will make it totally worth it!

This will just make anons kill themselves you fucking idiot. Hard drugs don't take away your pain. They just expand upon what you currently feel.

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>What's your excuse?
i took MDMA multiple times and it didn't solve shit

fuck off OP

ketamine actually helps though

sucks for them. lsd doesn't cause schizophrenia though. if you're at risk of schizophrenia, yes that is a concern and a risk then.

lsd isn't going to "give" you schizophrenia. If you're predisposed and haven't had a break then it might trigger it.

Can confirm, but I can easily see an user finding the courage to kill himself in the K-hole

Try to explain.

>I can easily see an user finding the courage to kill himself in the K-hole
what the fuck are you on about user. nobody is physically doing anything in a k-hole usually except maybe some twitching and drooling and moaning.
try to google

When you take a sufficient amount of ketamine, you enter this sort of weird trancing state called the "K-hole" that both feels good and unnerving. I'd sort of compare it to drunkenness mixed with sleep paralysis mixed with that sensation immediately after busting a nut... really hard to explain but you'll just have to try to follow me here. When you're in the K-hole, everything around you just sort of "is", and you don't feel like you can interact with it, so you're sort of a viewer of reality. You feel sort of okay with this, but what doesn't feel good is your inability to control your fine motor skills or sometimes your limbs. You'll sit down and just not be able to get up, so you either relax and settle in or you freak out internally and it feels like your soul is wriggling around inside of a dead body.

What I gained from ketamine was the ability to center myself when I feel anxious, and to just sort of accept negative feelings or pain and know that it will all go away if I don't hold onto it. However, if you wrestle with it and try to control it, you just end up wrestling with yourself and feel powerless when you lose.

When I say that, I'm talking about where your mind might be after you get out of it. A deeply unpleasant experience coupled with an unpleasant life certainly won't be of any help. I had a bad time with ketamine once and was noticeably depressed for a few days afterwards, but my friends helped me get through it. Not everyone has that sort of support. So when I recommend ketamine, I advise that you just let it all wash through you and let go. Letting go is a valuable ability in life, and if more Anons were able to let go of shit, they could divert their time and attention to the things that make them happy and improve them in whatever way they want.

I still agree with most of what you guys say though, and there are many valid grievances, I think robots with a centered and focused mindset could outshine their peers.

>When I say that
yeah i'm in ket therapy so i'm sorry that you had an unpleasant experience but it doesn't have to be that way. set and setting.
set and setting.
and dosage/titration.

How is that therapy going for you? My experiences might sound a bit different since I have been using it for recreation in technoclubs, but the ketamine that most Anons would be buying will be off of the street

thank you
(have to type this in order to be original)

>How is that therapy going for you
well i'm still in it so it's not totally shit.

Haha I hope that the therapy works well for you!

You are welcome, be careful with any drugs and do not buy from a person that approaches you!

>Haha I hope that the therapy works well for you!
thanks user!

to any anons reading this, remember: no drug is an answer but many drugs can be a tool.

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Ecstasy is amazing for self reflection, introspection and emotionally opening yourself to other people. When you're on MDMA you just want to share love with everyone. It takes away everything negative.

It's better than psychedelics because something like acid or shrooms can go both ways, either really euphoric or really horrific, usually both within the same trip.

mdma is just 100% positivity, you can look in the mirror and forgive yourself, forgive people who hurt you, you only see the best in everyone, including yourself, all your worries and self-doubt and intrusive thoughts disappear for a few hours.

I never had a comedown from it either, actually I get an afterglow where I feel like I'm walking on clouds the next few days.

>but you need social connections to get MDMA
No I'm a friendless fag and I ordered it on dm market with bitcoin straight to my home

>It takes away everything negative.
>mdma is just 100% positivity
i'm really glad you've had great experiences with this but please stop spreading stuff like this. it is not true. there are many people to whom it's just another drug to get twisted on while being a shitbag. see also LSD.

ive taken MDMA. it doesnt do shit longterm. all it does is make you act like a complete vulnerable emotional cuck for 3-4 hours. And thats assuming you didn't get a dirty batch that has a bunch of other random chemicals in it.

i've done MDMA about 20 times... I dont know why... but ill tell you this, the only time it was good was the first time. every other time it just fucked me up.

thats probably because you didnt follow the 3 month (minimum) rule.

i tried MDMA numerous times, it only cures SA and depression while it's in your system, doesnt last
good fun though

GHB is way bigger garbage than MDMA

what, you don't wanna get wasted on this industrial solvent with me bro?
do what? MDMA? fuck no, i'm not a faggot bro.

I used to take this shit, it made me feel retarded.

Just take mushrooms.

>and emotionally opening yourself to other people
No, it makes you a manic emotional mess that needs attention constantly. My already BDP bitch of an ex rolled and I would deny her sex and tell her to fuck off when she was high and all she'd do is cry in the bathroom. Fuck that dumb cunt

>This doesn't wash when the internet exists, you could get some tonight if you wanted.

>Borderline Derpy Problems

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does it work by simple virtue of breaking down barriers and allowing you to socialize properly, or is there more to it?

I left her after living with her for a couple of years, she dropped out of college and whored herself out to a couple of ugly fucks after that, basically anyone that would give her the time of day. Glad I left before that, it was insufferable

any opinions on kratom btw?

okay? i think you replied to the wrong user.

I didn't reply to the wrong person. Are you retarded?

Honestly, you don't need to go all the way and take enough to feel high as a kite every time. I usually lick my finger, dip it into the plastic bag with MDMA and lick it again. It's just enough to be in a nice spot where you feel relaxed and happy, but not really high. Needless to say is that you don't get drawbacks the morning after.

a little yeah, what's your excuse? why did you reply to me with ?

Natural flow of conversation. I know you were looking to drive by shitpost at me but that isn't going to stop me from replying.

so you shitpost back at me. that works. here's another for (You).

i have trashed my body with mdma it only helps for the few hours that youre on it honestly

>I took steroids while in a coma and i didn't get Jow Forums at all

>duuuuude I took MDMA and I felt connected to my inner spiritual emotions so much that I dry humped my bed while listening to music and drooled on my pillow, it healed me on a mystical level

You're retarded, mdma lasts one night and makes you more socially anxious afterward, possibly permanently if you abuse it

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i have a panic attack every time i do drugs

why the fuck did you takes it 20 times if every time after the first fucked you up

drugs r so freaking bad 5 u omg pls donwwnnt

I did an acid trip and then started microdosing it a couple months later and they're both helping.

that too, yes.
i can't tell anyone their use of a drug is "right" or "wrong" but i do believe that speaking in either of these extremes (the one i posted and the one you did, that i'm replying to now) is not the best approach, for oneself and others.

the steroids will not do shit for you if you're in a coma.
rolling on mdma is not a cure-all for mental problems.
rolling on mdma will not automatically make you gay.
lsd is not liquid love and light.
lsd will not "cause" schizophrenia.

these and all other drugs are just drugs, not magic spells and potions and cheat codes. they can be "good" or "bad" substances or experiences and the chemical makeup itself is far from the only factor in determining that.

sorry if i've offended anyone, that wasn't my intention.

Stfu you faggot

me too, altering my brain chemisty in generally not a good idea unless it's just some caffeine (can be bad sometimes still) or hitting my juul every once in a while. i take klonopin every once in a while at the lowest dose, and after i take it usually 4-5 days later i have intense mood swings and want to kill myself for a day

You're correct, psychedelics are tools to expand your consciousness not a "cure all" pill. It genuinely makes me upset when people that like a certain drug peddle it as something purely beneficial, e.g. "shrooms give everyone a spiritual experience," "alcoholics don't want to drink after taking acid," "ketamine cures depression" and the biggest most idiotic one I've heard in person, "weed cures cancer"

yeah the truisms like that (in any community, including Jow Forums...) are absolute shit and only serve to further drag everyone else into willful ignorance.

and i'm not arguing with you about the alcohol thing but since you mentioned it, the history of AA is actually pretty interesting, imo.
ibogaine might be better for that anyway, but it too is not an anti-alcoholism magic potion

drugs are tools. you use the tools and are what the tool is used on. it can easily feel like the tail is wagging the dog sometimes. tricky.

>drugs are tools
That's really the end of it. I wasn't trying to imply all those assertions were false, just that they aren't constantly true. Except for the weed one, only college freshmen retarded stoners think that's true and they never shut the fuck up about it.

>I wasn't trying to imply all those assertions were false, just that they aren't constantly true.
i was following, no worries.
>they never shut the fuck up
for some reason i'm more annoyed with some types of psychedelic users.
shut the fuck up about the fucking machine elves and thinking every inebriated state is "dude eggo death xD" fucking hell

Yeah but I could also take Xanax everyday retard

I never had comedown from MDMA, stop listening to these idiots, you have to prepare yourself and body before doing anything.

First: Take it when you had good rest
Second: Have a good meal before taking it
Third: Drink plenty of water after and during roll(trip) you will have urge to piss often so don't get dehidrated
Fourth: Be in comfortable enviorment where nobody will fuck with you or you will have stress.

Also stop doing shit drugs.
Only drugs that are good are: Amphetamine, MDMA, LSD (but just for people who are emotionally stabe)

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it's nowhere near as bad as people make out. Dose up on Vitamin C and plenty of water after a night on it, that will help

MDMA cured my depression forever, no joke. I took it for the first time a little over a year ago and it changed my outlook on life so permanently in a positive way that I almost became a totally different person. Taking molly was hands down the best and most important thing I've ever done in my life.

Fuck off you dimwitted underagerd shitstain, MDMA curing your temporary seasonal affective disorder doesn't amount to anything.

Robot that are talking about drugs be careful. I did a bunch of shit from the dn over a year. It initially helped immensely but now that I'm trying to quit drugs I burst out crying at random moments and been pretty depressed the past few days.

It doesn't make you drool on your pillow you fool

You're lucid, awake on it. You just feel a huge urge to talk to people. I texted my mother and told her I love her and apologised to her when I took it for the first time.

You have no idea what MDMA is, it first got used in couple therapy in the 70s, and anyone who has ever taken it would be able to understand why it's useful in that sort of environment.

>It healed me spiritually and tests done in the MK-Ultra experiments are solid proof of that
I'm more than happy that you oxygen theif shitstains take an ice cream scoop out of your brain to be capable of texting your mom that you love her.

Redpill me on Peyote considering it's legal.

Fucking druggies man. Fuck off with this shit.

>Not letting yourself feel good because the government says no
Good goy

Peyote is not legal, do it anyway if you want to though

Look, I love mdma. It literally makes me feel human.. but its still a party drug to enjoy in moderation. Op you're a retard

>muh MK Ultra gubbmint
Ah sorry I didn't know you were some conspiracytard.. Yea might keep away from MDMA then

I have no problem taking acid or shrooms you spook.

MDMA is absolute fucking trash and the government has never produced a single piece of evidence that it's beneficial to anyone. Instead of making a claim and fucking off how about you wear the burden of proof and back your obviously stupid claim up? Dipshit worthless hippie can only respond once per hour due to the brain damage