Question. Why the fuck are you guys who are benching 300+ lbs asking a 125 lb skelly to spot you?

>Question. Why the fuck are you guys who are benching 300+ lbs asking a 125 lb skelly to spot you?

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I dont

because a spotter only need to uprightrow/curl 20 pounds at the very max.

Because I want to be your friend

Spotter doesn’t and shouldn't be lifting any more than 10-15lbs. It’s my lift, not theirs

do you not help your spotter lift the bar? Theyre there to take enough weight off the bar to allow you to push it the rest of the way

You don’t let the spotter lift the entirety of the weight. What kind of regard question is this?


You in the pic?
>new at the gym
>guy benching 350lbs
>asks me to spot him
>"uhmm... ok"
>proceeds to do a few reps
>looks like he's struggling the last rep
>suddenly grunts loudly and throws the bar straight over the bench, over his legs
>he and his buddies start a roaring laughter
>later hear he does that a lot to new guys

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I never ask for a spot but if I did that it would be to make the skelly feel like a valued member of the gym, knowing full well I’ll hit the lift.

I wouldn't even be embarrassed I'd be impressed as fuck. But this is a larp based on that one Dom Mazzeti video


I never ask anyone to spot me who I don't trust. At a bare minimum, they'll be able to mostly do 1/2/3/4. I don't need the spot there for dick other than worse case scenario. If the shtf they'll have my back.

Shit shouldn't hit the fan if you have proper bench form and aren't going way above your max. Your spotter should never have to be strong to spot you, they should only need to help lift a tiny fraction of the weight.

My whole idea of shtf in that situation is a catastrophic failure. Generally bad things happen when you become complacent. That's what the spot is there for.

I specifically tell anyone who spots me not to touch the weight at all unless I call for it, or unless something bad happens. And even with good proper form (which I've got) unexpected thing's can happen, especially with 400+ over your chest.

cute and friendpilled

Because I want to fuck you.

If shit gets that bad, even someone who does 1/2/3/4 cant help you that much from their position. What you're asking iis that they should be able to curl 2pl8+ from an awkward position on a moment's notice where they'd have to dunk their balls in your face to even have a chance to.

Just look at all the videos of when shit hits the fan that badly, even strong people can rarely do shit from that angle and usually people get crushed until 2+ people come lift the weight off.

I know sure as fuck few people would actually be of any help if you lose grip of your bar or whatever.

>barely fail a rep
>get some skelly faggot to curl about 15kg of force on the bar
>can lift it mostly myself with the help of mr skeltal


Doesn't matter if it's 100lbs or 50, because a spotter should never need to provide much more than maybe 10lbs of assistance. You can't lift 10 lbs?

>The retards that pull all the weight up when you fail instead of applying minimal pressure so you can finish your set

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>two new people come to the gym
>a father and his teenage son
>son is spotting father (he's lifting 95 lbs)
>he fails
>son can't lift up the bar
>I run over
>move move move move
>grab bar and haul it up
>they thank me
>soon after that they stop coming to the gym and I never see either of them again

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Because the spotter doesn't have to fucking curl row all 300 pounds you dipshit, he only has to apply like 10% of the force to help you out of the hole. Unless you're over-estimating how much you can lift by like 50-60 pounds having a skellybro spot you is fine. My girlfriend can barely bench 85lbs for reps and she's a perfectly adequate spotter.


brutal man, did you tell them start lower and not be embarrassed

Lol did anyone get the feeling OP got asked to spot and fucked it up entirely? Did you guillotine someone because you couldn't curl the 10 pounds of resistance?

How do people this weak exist?

his father might be in his 50s and not bench pressed anything for literally 30 years

95lb with slight failure is almost impressive

My dad literally had never benched in his life and when I took him to the gym he could 3x5 135lbs

what did the father look like?

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This, it's not like I'm just gonna give up and go limp
>unless it kills me but then I no longer need a spot

No, but in hindsight I should have. I would have been mortified if that had happened to me. I offered to spot them any time.

Thin, fiftyish looking guy. Tall.

thats why i personally go to the gym between 1 and 4am. Im starting small with just the bar even though i can do more, i dont want anybody watching me at all. I wouldnt show up if i had a scene like that happen to me either, cant blame those dudes. Feel bad for them, i hope they made it

This reminds me of when 300 - 400 lb obese hosebeasts fall over they get all mad and cry they're being "bullied!!111" when the 110 - 120 girls around them refuse to lift them up because 1) they physically can't, but fatties don't think physics is real, and 2) they risk serious injury even attempting.

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Sound the lunk alarm for that guy

very nice user, it used to make my day when a big guy would ask me for a spot. As I became the guy asking for the bigger spots, I would see the happiness in these smaller guys' faces that I was treating them like a lifter.


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Because the spotter should only be applying minimal force to the bar. Unless you ridiculously overestimated your abilities, it will only take a small push to get the weight up. When I spot, I do it with just my index fingers, and pushing up with just my fingers is usually all my partner needs if he starts failing. In the case of complete and total failure, not even the strongest man in the world will be able to help you. Nobody can catch 135 falling out of the air when caught by surprise, forget a respectable bench.

heh why are people responding to this thread seriously?
This thread was made to insult another poster

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That's pretty funny.