Been vegan for 7 weeks

Just because I thought "it can't be that bad lol" and watching 'What the health' pro-vegan documentary. Let's look at my amazing health results
>blood pressure down
>really quick to fall asleep
>weight up 2kg
>trouble getting up from bed
>feel tired again after 4-6 hours even if slept 14(!) hours like I did last weekend
>incredibly cold all the time
>trouble breathing like sudden asthma
>random muscle spasms
>mood swings even suicidal thoughts

It's like I'm shutting down.

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Vegans BTFO

I honestly don't believe there exists a single vegan at this point. It's some ritual to signal they are part of the gang and nothing else.

t. OP

I'll take "what are deficiencies" for 100

Then you are eating the wrong foods and not taking some kind of vitamin dude.

Sounds like vitamin b deficiency imo. I have never had a problem with this because I eat a lot of sushi, and nori contains vitamin b. If you dont wanna eat that consider taking a vitamin

t.vegan for 6 months, never had a problem

Imagine having to take expensive supplements and vitamins just to stay alive because of your shitty diet choice.

>Having to take supplements to prevent malnutrition

oof imagine disregarding veganism entirely because one retard on the internet that you never even met doesnt know how to cook

>>weight up 2kg
>>trouble getting up from bed
>>feel tired again after 4-6 hours even if slept 14(!) hours like I did last weekend
>>incredibly cold all the time
>>trouble breathing like sudden asthma
>>random muscle spasms
>>mood swings even suicidal thoughts
Dude, that's how they get you. The best way to save animals and the environment is to kill people. Veganism is a suicide diet, carnism is the only way and carnivores will rule the world.

What’s up with this shit? Did mario 64 become popular again or something?

>blood pressure down
>really quick to fall asleep
>weight up 2kg
>trouble getting up from bed
>feel tired again after 4-6 hours even if slept 14(!) hours like I did last weekend
>incredibly cold all the time
>trouble breathing like sudden asthma
>random muscle spasms
>mood swings even suicidal thoughts
Sounds like you're not eating right dude
Been a vegan for a year, honestly feel no different than I did when I ate meat.

Its a reddit signal

just eat chicken lol

Not eating meat makes my depression worse which I found out after 7 months of being vegan now I eat meat sometimes.

What the health was ok until it tried to sell veganism as this miraculous cure for everything. Not even exaggerating. Fuck that documentary. Go eat some chicken OP.

>meat is like super unnatural unhealthy for humans dude
>dude your vegan diet is literally killing you because u maybe missed that one really special thing dude and didn't read up enough dude lmao

Bro veganism is a cult that lie about the health benefits. Eat a steak and some eggs and reclaim your health.

I'm actually open to you assholes telling me what is missing from my diet. I'll donate anime picture to whoever guesses correctly what I'm not eating and tells exactly why I need it.

t. OP

>eats fish

Nigga, you that dumb?

First tell us what you're eating and how much you're eating. Did you fall for the low carbs meme too ? Sounds like youre not getting enough energy (aka under-eating). I doubt it's really the result of the lack of specific vitamins rather than just a lack of cals.

typical vegan retardation. just blame it on a lack of calories. piss off you indoctrinated retard

>vitamin b deficiency after 7 weeks

brain hurts when u try to think too rite

Holy fuck you poor vegan saps are completely delusional and lack any self-awareness.

Read a bunch of pro-carni posts. One by an user who's family had history of heart attacks, went carni and reversed his CAC score.

Figured it can't be the miracle they claim it is, but figure, "what the fuck can it hurt, my CAC score is already 280.

>first week my sore achey joints in the morning dissapear
>second week, start waking up 2 hours before my alarm goes off
>the same alarm I would usually [snooze] 5 or 6 times before finally getting up all groggy
>I'm up and at the gym 30 minutes after waking up
>used to take an hour once I was up to even get motivated enough to get dressed
>despite sleeping only 6 hours a night I don't get tired during the day even after a gym session and 30 mile bike ride
>quit my anti-depressants on week 3
>feeling better than I ever have in my life
>body weight slumped and has come back to where I started
>went from ~15% body fat to single digit territory for the first time in my life

Been 14 weeks now and I got some followups done.
LDL way down
HDL up
Triglycerides plummeted
VAP test shows my lipid pattern transitioned from solidly pattern B to pattern A
Perfectly normal labs, BUN on the higher end, but no other kidney problems
Liver enzymes normal

My next CAC scan is January of next year. As good as I feel I have no dought in my mind I'll still be on this diet when that rolls around.

>I'll donate anime picture to whoever guesses correctly what I'm not eating and tells exactly why I need it.
>First tell us what you're eating and how much you're eating.

Attached: 1480909826825.jpg (655x527, 59K)

>gained 2kgs
This is your brain of veganism

And this is why (((they))) are pushing all the retard vegan propaganda world wide. They want us to be weak, tired, and fully reliant on the pharmajew.

yes its weird, theres a famous tv journalist here who always says how he is vegan, and a few days ago he said "yea im vegan so i eat lemon ice cream" like wtf

The animals you eat have been supplemented with b12. The food they eat and water they drink is almost as sanitised as our own so they are as b12 deficient as vegans.

Either way you are paying for expensive supplementation for b12, I guess it's just whether you want someone to make more of a profit from you or not is the question.

>Sounds like vitamin b deficiency imo
A Vitamin B deficiency won't even be noticeable until 8-12 months
Source: Used to be vegan and now have a two-year block of my life where my memory is like swiss cheese

Let me guess, instead of eating chicken tendies, fries, and grilled cheese, you now just eat the fries?

Fuck. That's me. I'm not OP, but I'm vegan and I really didn't get my diet together. I'm vegan and I barely eat any veggies besides beans. No wonder I feel like shit. Fuck.

You people think passive-aggressive assholery will get you somewhere?

Dude that documentary is completely fucking shit, do not follow anything from it. Watched some of it and wanted to strangle the people who made that shit.