Are the reverse curls supposed to be the same weight as bicep curls?

Are the reverse curls supposed to be the same weight as bicep curls?

Attached: EZ-bar-reverse-curl.png (1320x866, 404K)

It's "supposed to be" however much you can fucking lift with good form.

No, the reverse curl targets a smaller muscle on the forearm, so you won't be able to use the same weight.

Attached: Bicep-Anatomy.jpg (714x431, 87K)

How much do you ez bar curl normal grip, how much reverse?

Attached: EZ-Bar-Curl.png (1320x1175, 586K)

roughly depends how tired your forearms are


Reverse should be heavier there are more muscles involved


Also, how do you target those inner forearms?

Attached: 66416d981a0cf7806c5a7fd99caa3546.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

Just lift and carry extra heavy weights

Honestly they come naturally if you curl and grip heavy things. You could also do wrist curls I guess.

Does it make sense to do the reverse curls if you're doing normal ez curls and concentration curls?


I'm wasting too much time

The upper arm muscles can't contract as strongly from that position though.

if you don't do hammer curls I would recommend doing them yes

the brachialis muscle is a stronger elbow flexor than the bicep

I increased my ez curl weights and now the reverse feels significantly easier.

Attached: 1279639623001.jpg (409x409, 86K)

What is your #1 bicep sexercise?

I do 110lbs for 8-12 normal grip and 60lbs reverse grip.

awesome thx

if your normal grip is 110, then the reverse should be way higher that 60

but I do the reverse right after the normal, the pump is brutal at 60lbs by 10 reps

Holy shit post body