Anyone else get catcalled by girls...

Anyone else get catcalled by girls? All of a sudden when I'm walking home from class random girls from my uni will say I'm cute from their car or invite me to boof with them. Is this making it? As creepy as it is it's a big confidence booster

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Making it=confirmed
It's at this point where you realize that 95% of women aren't the sweet innocent princesses that we envisaged them to be. Although, there are still plenty of qt spergs out there like pic related.

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If they're ugly, it's creepy
If they're hot, you've made it

This, Though I never turn down any pussy unless the woman is under 4/10.
It's subjective on making it.
I get an ego boost when any girl compliments me, Even more so when a very attractive girl does.

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Though I don't show it, I just act like I don't hear them.

I would fucking KILL to have a sperg gf

I went into a mall to pick up one thing any some stacy waved at me and when I didn't wave back she called me an asshole

Catcalling is heavily frowned upon in 2019. Sorry to burst your bubble, but if girls are catcalling you they're probably far right white nationalist assholes

You know CC is all men/trannies larping, right? There are real girls on lc but all they talk about is how much they hate other women

>they're probably far right white nationalist assholes
That would be entirely fine as long aa they're not too blackpilled.

yes op, i'm pretty good looking and that kind of stuff happens to me all the time, which sucks because i have anxiety and don't necessarily want to be noticed

i also get my ass grabbed whenever i go to concerts, festivals or sometimes just out in public my females. reeee harassment


Sometimes if they're drunk and cant tell me nose is practically sideways and my facial symmetry is that of 2face.

>walking to train after work
>shit day on the job so wasn’t feeling great
>car full of 20 something grills pull up beside me
>they yell at me telling me I’m cute
>freeze up and can’t think of anything to say
>stare at the ground and walk away as fast as possible

There’s been only two occasions that a girl has hit on me this year and both times made me so uncomfortable I had to leave the area

>far right white nationalist assholes
I think you mean jigaboos

>crystal cafe

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>walk home from work
>a group of about 5 middle aged overweight black women stop me
>one of them tells me "you cute, I like your eyes"
>feel so embarrassed I mumble "thank you" and continue walking
felt good though

Well a bitch burned my arm with a cig and dancing her back close to mine.
My friends told me that I'm a retard and should've made a move because she burned my arm to give her attention and talk to her, are they right?


>It's at this point where you realize that 95% of women aren't the sweet innocent princesses that we envisaged them to be.

This lol. Since becoming blackpilled every time I see a cute innocent looking young woman out and about, my first instinct is to imagine her naked being submissive to Chad

>my first instinct is to imagine her naked being submissive to Chad
This is pretty cucked and beta, user

I'm five foot six

>Bunch of italian girls in a car reved the engine.
>italobro told me, this is their way to get attention from guys they want to get dicked

Even if italobro lied to me... Feels gud man

I’d have grabbed her wrist, twisted it until it snapped, prized the cigarette from her fingers with my other hand whilst still holding her broken wrist and put the cunt out in her eye.

bretty cucked m90

>tfw self esteem so low that I assume I'm being mocked

you say this like its a bad thing

It's the truth though.

>or invite me to boof with them.
wait what

Attached: boof.png (479x122, 6K)

>not just shooting her with custom bullets made in the shape of your dick for violating the NAP
It's like you people want to stay virgins forever

hardest cope of 2019