Ephebephilia and hebephilia are perfectly natural and normal male behaviour

Ephebephilia and hebephilia are perfectly natural and normal male behaviour.

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>being a disgusting pedo is a natural normal male behavior
Just fucking off yourself, degenerate. You are scum. Less than scum.

Pedophile = attraction to prepubescents though

You're a fucking pedo. Just because you use a different word doesn't mean you're less if a sick fuck.

Depends where you live in the world. The very fact that it is different in each country and even in each state makes the whole age of consent thing laughable.

calling hebe perfectly natural/normal is stretching it

No, OP is right.
People show sexual developments and the other sex reacts to it, what's odd about it?

Please kill yourself OP oringally

For omega males reliant on strong-arming women too young to know better, sure. If you can't have a romantic relationship with an adult it's fair to say you never grew up yourself.

How is it different from lgbt? Lots of movements have already accepted being called lgbtp.

>implying older women grew up psychologically
More often than not they regressed.

This unironically. Notice how pedos are always the most pathetic losers you'll ever meet.

The discretion to determine which women are which isn't going to develop if you keep creeping on teenagers, you know. Even if you marry your child bride, she's going to turn into an adult women someday and then you're going to have no clue what to do.

Hebephiles are attracted to teens tho.
Pedos are attracted to children.

One is perfectly sane and normal the other one is an actual disorder.


Is that what it's called when you're attracted to Jewish women?

That can't possibly be due to crippling depression, caused by being one of the most hated people on earth? Of living a life full of nothing but self-denial and self-hatred? Most men want to be successful in order to attract women. That's what it all comes down to, in the end. If a man could fuck a woman in a cardboard box, he wouldn't buy a house. What reason does a pedo have to do anything? What does he have to look forward to?

It's all so tiresome. All these armchair psychologists thinking they could possibly understand. I stop by here every once and a while due to robot feels. But then I quickly realize what a normalfag infested shithole it's become.

if its normal male behavior give me one reason not to support male genocide

Only Americans think 16 year olds are children.

This thread is inundated with literal normalfaggots.
Imagine not settling for anything less than fucking grannies out of fear of being ostracised. If prime breeding material disgusts you that's your own problem.

Age of consent where I live is 13. In some parts of Mexico it's 12. Women start having sex at that age, usually with much older men.

>be middle-school boy
>all qt girls around you are dating older men with cars/money
>decide to work hard for 10-20 years to be charming, attractive and successful so that one day you too will have a qt loli gf (or even wife!)

Thank God I live in a modern, developed country that has developed past this stage. I imagine civilization would collapse if this was still allowed to go on. As for me, I go to my wage cage every day with a smile on my face. I can't wait to be able to settle down with a 35 year-old overweight single mom and pay off her student loan debt!

I know you're memeing but that greentext described my childhood perfectly. it was infuriating seeing all my classmates dating men who could be their fathers and I had no way to compete. Personally I think women should be forced to date men their own age.

>incels on r9k purposely denying their masculine behaviors

I understand how that would be frustrating, but ultimately it's better for young men to have something to look forward to (and utilize their frustration productively), rather than think that "it's all downhill from here". As I illustrated with my memeing and ,
men work to attract women. This labour is the cornerstone of civilization. Do you think a man would work harder for a bitter old single mom, or a young girl in her prime who adores him? For the former, the juice isn't even worth the squeeze for a lot of men, leading to phenomena like the "sexodus".

That's nice in theory but in practice it just means Chad gets 20 loli gfs for himself. The system you propose doesn't work unless you enforce monogamy somehow.

Monogamy + Lolis = the perfect system

Good point. Though except the "loli" part it isn't really different from how it is now. Even with age-gap relationships strictly forbidden, girls would still flock around middle-school Chad. While I'm not a proponent of hard-line traditionalism (i.e. sexual repression/no extramarital sex), I definitely think we should bring back the idea that sex is something you have in a loving relationship, and even bring back "slut-shaming" to some extent. Note how many women are upset because "ughh why aren't guys interested anymore after we have sex!?". Well, maybe if you didn't have sex with them during week 1 you'd be able to tell the worthwhile prospects from the fuckboys...

British opinion discarded

There is a reason monogamy has traditionally been enforced in successful societies.