Be me, 18

>Be me, 18
>Yep, fuck this gay life
>Take a lot of aspirins so blood gets thin
>Get razor blade
>Enter on filled bathtub
>Cut (vertically) first my right pulse, since I'm straight handed, then my left one
>Start panicking
>Don't gather enough strength
>End up with gay scars in both wrists
>Every time someone asks me how I got them I blame my cat
>"But on both wrists?"
>"I have two cats"
Any suicide story, user?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't have one but I appreciate a fellow medieval shitposter when I see one

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extendable cord and my dad coming in when it didn't work

The whole Bayeux tapestry is a medieval shitpost

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>Be me
>buy rifle and box of ammo to end it
>go off in the woods
>load rifle
>put under chin
>pull bolt, we're ready to rock!
>Pull trigger
>chamber another round
>pull trigger again
> Grumble and head home, making a mental note to call the store I got it from to see what their return policy is because it was clearly broken when I bought it.
>Put rifle in gun safe and half forget about it
>Two days later get a call from the gun store
>There was apparently a lot of Norico rifles that had faulty firing pins. Mine was from that lot.

Fuck me, am I right?

What was the sensation of pulling the trigger? By all means you should be dead now, user. Do you think life different?

>Decide to OD on antidepressants
>End up throwing up like a little bitch
>Two months later
>Decide dying in a car crash is the best way to hide the fact that it's suicide
>Drive my shitbox into a lamp post.
>Broken ribs, concussion, and couple of fractures but not dead

Some guy once said that "when you attempt suicide you've already died that day, and what they rescue after your failed attempt is just a hollow shell"

I hate this unfair world.

I really dont get it. Why kill yourself when you can become a vigilante or atleast a shooter.
People will remember you for that and some will even celebrate you as heroes if you shoot up the right place

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>"when you attempt suicide you've already died that day, and what they rescue after your failed attempt is just a hollow shell"

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At the time I was pissed off, and I actually had to send the rifle back to China so they'd send me a replacement. I didn't have the cash to buy anything else (bought it with my bonus, and at the time I literally had no spare cash outside of my rent, groceries, meds and utilities. When I got it back like 3 months later (not sure if they just gave me a new rifle or if they fixed it, but I had to send it away through the gun store I got it from... it was a giant shitshow desu)

Do I think about life differently? Sort of. I give WAY less of a shit everything now, so there's that.

>i tried to OD on melatonin

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Can you od on that and die?

not at all lol, wish it did though i would've been a lot better off

>tried to slit wrists with butter knife

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Also orignals

You better tell yourself now that this wasn't a coincidence and that god wanted you to be alive or some shit.

Seriously, if you'd make a second attempt it would be like flushing a lottery ticket with all the right numbers down the toilet.

No, but every night I consider taking every prescribed pill I have and downing them with alcohol.
What did I do to deserve this mental anguish, I wish I could just stop caring about everything

It's an underrated artform

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whatt heppend?

Lyndibeige's video on It is pure gold

the cops were called and i had to go to a mental hospital for a bit

People that want to die usually just want the pain to stop. So they don't care about doing all of that bullshit. It's a completely different mindset than yours.

That feel when constant emotional anguish.

A man cannot live without purpose

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>Be 15
>Do acid
>Become schizophrenic/psychotic
>Believe satan is in My blood
>start cutting myself on my arms
>Realize the cuts are too visible, don't want the NPCs seeing it
>cut up my shoulders
>Shoulders have no feelings in them from years of pimple popping
>Cut way too deep
>Start ctting my stomach up too
>Awkward angle and stomach is too soft to cut properly
>Now have cuts all over my arms and stomach
>Hmmm I should ask my mom a question
>Go to Mom's room without cleaning up blood
>no ma, Satan was trying to turn my blood into aids lol
>Admitted to mental ward for suicide attempt/suicidal ideation and psychotic symptoms
The scars on my shoulders blend right in with the acne scars but if you look at it under light you can see lines, stomach cuts are completely non existent, and I didn't cut on my arms very much

>"I have two cats"
Good one opie.

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>become a vigilante
I remember that news about a guy who became a vigilante and just regreted it when he stood in court.