What's your mental state

>level 1: happy and content
>level 2: neutral.
>level 3: unhappy but not depressed
>level 4: minor depression
>level 5: moderate depression
>level 6: severe depression
>level 7: suicidal
>level 8: tendies mode

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>level 9: shitpost mode

>tfw i'm at level 1

Level 4, things could be much worse.

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Level 7.
The pain never ends.

Somewhere between 6 and 7. Haven't been any better than a 5 for a year now and better than a 4 in probably 5 years. Am I doomed for life?

Easily a 3
Sometimes I can get to 1 but those are few and far between

I-i can still live my life at a constant 7, r-right bros?

What's your secret, chief?

5 to 6 I'd say

I doubt it. I certainly can't, at 6-7 I am barely functional just lay in bed all day like a fucking vegetable. Rarely eat and when I do it's either food brought to me or cereal

>tfw I can't tell if I'm depressed or neutral since I've felt nothing for so long

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Solid 6.5.
Not sure what the point is anymore.

8 for sure
>no original comment

Not great. I've essentially spent the last six years in my room. My brain has been melting into mush. I barely string together coherent sentences.

I've been this way for so long I can't really say. I'm mostly just in my own head floating through day to day without paying much attention and I'm not sure if I'd recognize happiness if I felt it. I only know exactly where I stand for certain on the days I'm at 7 and want to die.

Honestly, do something that gives you purpose and have a goal to work towards. I wanna be a pro wrestler so I laid out my plan. The be a wrestler, I need to hit the gym and take wrestling classes. To do that, I needed a decent job. To do that, I had to leave my other, poorly paying, dead end job. Reason I cannot say I am happy is because of my oneitis. But however, I am convinced, if I got very fit with a potentially big future, she would come to me in no time. I have been overweight my entire life, and I honestly do not blame her for not liking me in a romantic sense. We have known each other since babies since our mothers are best friends. And if I do all that and she still rejects me, I would be okay, since I already built a life without her (romantically, she will always be my best friend)

6.5 at the original moment

age 15: 2
age 17: 3
age 19: 4
age 21: 6
age 24: 2

This is it man, set small targets which equate to end goals, even if you don't make it, you will end up with a good life. As the old saying goes, shoot for the moon, and even if you miss, you will end up in the stars

Lvl.8 It's pretty bad Op, but nothing can help me now

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I was probably at a 6 for most of my life, sometimes even a 7 - even when I tried working on hobbies, lifting, traveled, ate well, etc.

More recently, probably 4 or 5. Probably because of the meds. Oh well.

probably a 6.5

L3, but sometimes I wonder if I'm kidding myself

I go from 3 to 7 and then it resets back to 3. I think i might have bipolar disorder

I have terrible anhedonia though. I don't enjoy or look forward to anything at all so I'm not sure where to start

Start small. Do you have a drivers license?

Level 7, just got here last week. Was level 5 for a while. I don't feel too good

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Yeah but no car

5, manageable really.

Level 7: suicidal

Luckily I've avoided being put in a hospital so far but my Mom almost did after I told her my suicidal feelings about a year ago.

> haha my fucking son tried to kill himself but I won't let him go, he shall forever be bound to this chair

Feeling a decent to strong 4


I'm feeling a solid 7 today

for my entire twenties it's been level 4, with occasional dips into level 5. I consider severe depression to be like catatonic staring at a wall for hours unable to eat, talk or sleep. I've occasionally been suicidal but never felt the desire to actually consummate those urges due to fear of injury. Once I get my hands on a 12-gauge w/ slugs hopefully it will be a different story.

Level 7 my guy

>level 1: happy and content
Because of my Civil Engineering classes unironically giving me purpose and going to get high for a month on edibles after this semester

back and forth between 5, 6 and 7.

I feel u bro

7/8, though I'm not sure what "tendies mode" is supposed to mean.

>Level 35 Boss
>thats how mafia works
HAHA funny meme am i Right or what fellow robots

>>level 100: Nuke mode
I hope you all die.

>Level 13: ___________________
>[distant screaming]

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2. I used to be pretty depressed (not suicidal, at least a 5 though), but diving deep into a philosophy that forcibly changed my world-view made me become content with my situation. I'm far from happy, but I'm no longer depressed, either.

time to put your big boy pants on and grown-up champ
taking care of yourself is hard at first but it will make you feel much better. it will actually feel good and a feel like a privilege to be alive

Every now and then I get enough of a break to do that but it never lasts

Roll for dibs and trubs

I guess i'd say 2.5
i'm making progress in my life, but I still feel aimless

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