How do i turn my rage and sadness into strength?

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Learn to love yourself, then start hating others.

Why are you sad and angry, my child?

good advice

Un-ironically, I had my greatest gains from this point. Then, I tried to appreciate others, and some of the strength wore out. However, habit provided me with years of growth that I benefit from today. When my peers or people younger than me are complaining about their knees and backs, I remember back to the squats and good mornings, and am grateful to have had a good strength coach.

Don't know much about this, but bump for interest

If you’re posting about your “rage and sadness” on a fitness board the best advice I can give you is go outside and make actual friends

not based

>just go outside and make friends brah, the only thing you need to do is be yourself

>If you’re posting about your “rage and sadness” on a fitness board the best advice I can give you is go outside and make actual friends the gym!

Remember, we become like our friends.Be around strength, become strong.

My rage and sadness got me a degree in engineering.

>tfw I still haven't messaged her

you have to turn yourself to the dark side. the juicers.

From my point of view the nattys are evil!

embrace the black pill

stop trying to fight it and let yourself feel it. when it wears off you are stronger

Another dramatic as fuck thread. Your not some cool antihero who is fighting back against the world. You are a loser with delusions of grandeur

>Another dramatic as fuck thread. Your not some cool antihero who is fighting back against the world. You are a loser with delusions of grandeur
If you don't have habit drilled in you, then whatever motivates...

Sometimes, you are a loser and you have nowhere else to turn. The pig iron doesn't hate, the pig iron doesn't judge.You can't lift it today, it'll wait for you. It'll teach you to be strong, and it will teach you to be humble. If you stick with it, you'll start to see yourself and who you can be. Then, it's just a matter of deciding to become who you want.

>Foley: You can forget it! You're out!
>Mayo: Don't you do it! Don't! You... I GOT NOWHERE ELSE TO GO! I got nowhere else to g... I got nothin' else.
>Foley: All right Mayo, on your feet.

Implying it's the same poster posting this stupid shit

Use the rage and sadness in your heart to fuel your desire to accomplish your goals, and in your raw pain you will find the strength to go on.

OP, I used to be like you at one point. I only wanted to get lost weight to spite all those people (family included) who made fun of my weight. Then I got made fun of for being skinny and got pushed around by people at school and by my mother so I strive to get swole to spite those. I used my anger to fuel to workouts. This anger propelled me even further. I then set a goal to get into a prestiogous university to spite my classmates who made fun of me and spite my sister who would always make me feel inferior, call me stupid and say I would never make it, unlike her. I got into that uni with the goal of getting a prestigious job.

However, crippling nihilism overcame me and my rage stopped and I stopped working towards those goals. I stopped lifting and stopped studying. It was due to long and hard consideration that it was ultimately pointless since life is ultimately pointless. Why even bother when there is no inherent purpose to life and it simply just exists for the sake of existing? I kept debating existential topics, learning about nihlism and always debating to myself what the purpose of life was. While walking I could never comeup with anything other than surviving and reproducing for the sake of life to contain sustaining itself. But why does life continue to sustain itself when it's doing it for..."just cuz"?

I honestly became pissed off and angry. It then occured to me why I should keep on living and pushing on. All that hopelessness and pointlessness of life you feel crashing down on you is eternal. I'm almost certain that what you do in life doesn't matter and death leads to nothingness and your legacy will evntually fade away just like everything does. Even great men like Napolean Bonaparte will be forgotten in a few more centuries (normies today only remember him as the angry french manlet with the goofy hat). That's when it occurred to me what my goal is:

To act in defiance of the futility of it all. That is our ultimate battle.

>It then occured to me why I should keep on living and pushing on.

To seek and experience pleasure. Whether, it is on a base physical level, or a deeper spiritual level, you can get it if you want.

Choosing to live the based life is one thing, but choosing to live is another.

Attached: feels.jpg (215x234, 8K)

>rage and sadness makes you feel energetic
>some use that energy to cut themselves or punch walls or be the victims
>realize that this is not good and you should use that energy towards something productive
>workout till exhaustion
>you'll feel amazing

The most based a man can get is when he swallows the blackpill, accepts that life is suffering for an ultimately meaningless existence but continues to endure anyways out of defiance.

It's like fighting against an insurmountable horde of enemies, knowing that defeat is certain but still pushing back anyways with all your rage and every fiber in your body.

>The most based a man can get is when he swallows the blackpill, accepts that life is suffering for an ultimately meaningless existence but continues to endure anyways out of defiance.
I experienced this and can say that it was just a phase. It helps if you live a healthy lifestyle to boost your neurotransmitters and use meditation to contemplate existence.

>meditation to contemplate existence

and what conclusion to you arrive to when you contemplate your existence?

it doesn't matter if I tell you because it's mere words, it has to be experienced.
but when you wake up in the middle of the night feeling your body endlessly spiraling into the void you will know the infinite fractal nature of reality, and the underlying nature is bliss

>spiraling into a void you will know the infinite fractal nature of reality, and the underlying nature is bliss

Elaborate please. What do you choose to with your time then? Are we dumb for spending so much time on this site? Are Jow Forums acks stupid for being so buttblasted about race?

Rage against your own hopelessness OP! Put your foot down and know you have nothing to lose. That is when you can put all your effort into obtaining the closest thing to success in this world:
>work hard and obtain money for the purpose of bettering the planet and our knowledge
>build your body and mind to be the best and most beautiful it can possibly be.

Life is suffering. Accept it and carve yourself a better you and transform all your agony into love which you can spread onto others

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>Elaborate please. What do you choose to with your time then?
I don't really meditate anymore, I have done it for 10 years and I'm at the point where I no longer feel like there's something to seek.
I just live a normal life, like you, worrying about survival needs and whatnot. It's just that I don't identify with the body anymore. The body does fine taking care of itself. When you get too invested in it and start worrying about death for instance, your mind starts inventing ways to fuck with you, because you gave it something to hold onto. Like feeding a troll.

>Are we dumb for spending so much time on this site? Are Jow Forums acks stupid for being so buttblasted about race?
every phenomena has its place in duality. the SJW is the same as the Jow Forums-ack. they need each other or neither would exist.

another way to think of it is how people on Jow Forums make posts intended to trigger you. if no one responds to the posts then the poster stops posting it because it doesn't validate them. this process is exactly what meditators do to their own thoughts until you see through them and only reality remains.

there's nothing wrong with either the SJW or the pol-ack because they're living out a play that has to happen

when you see through thought, what remains is pure bliss and spaciousness that you couldn't notice before, and it's always there, whether you notice it or not. even when you're depressed or neurotic

the singularity that people talk about the future leading towards is not just a technological phenomena, but also a singularity of consciousness which can be experienced by anyone once one gains enough knowledge of what thoughts/feelings are.

the black pill is that infinity exists, you are infinite and have no beginning nor death

lastly, every demon in life is there to teach you something. if it didn't feel serious then it wouldn't be powerful enough to make any impression on your soul.

hopefully I hit that from enough angles for it to make sense

the above post is toilet paper, don't hold on to anything. verify everything for yourself

>what remains is pure bliss and spaciousness that you couldn't notice before

Must be a great feeling. All I can do in the end is cope but deep down I can't shake the hopelessness and apparent meaninglessness of life.

I have an innate desire to help and want to contribute to others either through research or just helping out those close to me. However, when I delve into it I can't help but ask: "why bother?"

You don't.

You get rid of anger and learn to deal with your emotions like an adult.

I'm not that user but read Tantra Illuminated.

Getting into that mental state takes years of work. Also you never assume you're done.

>I don't really meditate anymore, I have done it for 10 years and I'm at the point where I no longer feel like there's something to seek.

That's a dangerous assumption to make. Ego will begin to reassert itself. Every master does their practice.

>Must be a great feeling. All I can do in the end is cope but deep down I can't shake the hopelessness and apparent meaninglessness of life.
the meaninglessness is freedom to create your own meaning, the alternative is being a slave
hopelessness is a temporary mental state, unless you're trying to fight it, which makes it last longer
>I have an innate desire to help and want to contribute to others either through research or just helping out those close to me. However, when I delve into it I can't help but ask: "why bother?"
just give it a shot and when you see the look on their faces you'll know

Use "Save as" instead of "Save".

>I am bitter
>how will people like me more
They won't retard, also ever tried to be rich and goodlooking? You get away with a lot of faults if you are both.

>That's a dangerous assumption to make. Ego will begin to reassert itself. Every master does their practice.
it's possible, I've certainly been through it several times. but I'm not sure that ego is a bad thing. it's a survival mechanism and I'm not sure you can eliminate it entirely, it evolved for the body to prosper socially
anyway, I will say that once I started incorporating kriya yoga, it's so powerful that I intuitively feel the need to space out sessions many days apart. highly recommended to anyone serious about this stuff

You don't eliminate it entirely. Ego is the tool you use to navigate life with. It's a verb.

But in "power hierarchy", it needs to stay below Awareness ( or Consciousness ). That's why one does the practices every day.


I see. To be honest, I think there is a point where you don't need practices anymore. The brain is rewired to the point where you don't need effort anymore, everything takes place on its own and life itself throws things at you which become your practice. The seeker dies, and it dies definitively.
Am I "enlightened?" I don't know, what are the criteria? I have confirmed many of the things they've said in books for myself, but it doesn't mean you feel like taking the role of the "enlightened man." To do so would be to take on a new role within duality, which is interesting, but it's still part of the game.

Stop thinking. Start lifting.

Read Tantra Illuminated and Recognition Sutras. I think you'll find them really interesting.

Bumparino. This is a good thread

I turn my hate into disgusting gains

Good mornings make you gay dude be careful

To act in defiance of the futility of it all. That is our ultimate battle.

>It's like fighting against an insurmountable horde of enemies, knowing that defeat is certain but still pushing back anyways with all your rage and every fiber in your body.

Just finished reading 12 Rules For life by JP and he pretty much gives this advice (and lots more). He's a divisive voice, but for me it resonated.

We humans are aware of our mortality. Do NOT live just to be happy - happiness is temporary as is sadness. Pain is a guarantee. You need to find your meaning, your higher power/calling. Then you live, by willingly accepting the weight of responsibility, understanding that life is inevitable pain (and joy), and still striving towards that higher meaning (whatever you find it to be). Small steps at first, but sticking at it. Much like lifting.

I used to have a pretty nihilistic world what makes you happy as life is ultimately meaningless. Had a rough breakup in Nov. Bought a ticket to see Peterson speak in Jan.

Started my first ever lifting in Dec (needed to occupy my mind and body) and have finally worked up to steady 3 times a week routine. Feeling better about life, from this and the book, aiming higher in career too.

Seeing the noob gains after two months of even sporadic lifting helped motivation to solidify routine. Friends noticed the size increase. The breakup was hard as fuck on me (and her) but the self respect and confidence gains this year have given me bulk self control.

Despite the ex and I having crazy massive chemistry and being back in contact again I can resist chasing (was even the best sex of my life by far). I am putting the onus on her to sort out her shit and accepting the reality that we may not be together ever again. Love is great but not at the expense of the rest of your life.

I am concentrating on overall self improvement instead of women (for once in my life) and it feelsgoodman.jpg

Let go of it and find peace