How do I get bigger bones?

How do I get bigger bones?
>me on the right

Attached: PlnrHm5.png (556x461, 355K)

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Take Vitamin K2, D3 and Magnesium. This one of the few legal means that actually works.
Don't take calcium without taking K2. Otherwise you're just calcifying your arteries and not doing much for your bones.

Thanks user.
Ordering them now.

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GOMAD unironically

Don’t take magnesium and calcium at the same time, they compete for absorption

Biologically impossible

Your bone structure is determined by your genes. Until we have genetic modification, this is pretty much unachieavable. Even then, it's another problem to modify a grown adult's genes and have a phenotypical expression

If you want natural sources for these

K2 from natto (japanese fermented basedbeans)
Magnesium from spinach or black beans. Vinegar helps with absorption
D3 from the sun (or fish and eggs if you're desperate).

Ditch the spinach. It has a really high oxalate content.

>somatotypes are a myth

Hit it with a hammer. Pressure makes bones grow.

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This is exactly what I need.

Be careful

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i increased my bone density over the last year.
as long as you have enough vitamins and minerals, if you partake in weight-bearing exercise (lifting), your bones can get larger/grow
height, no, size, yes
i'm stuck at 5'8" but my frame has changed since lifting

Only correct answer. You're ether born with a thick frame or you're not.

I'm a brainlet, is that bad because it's a waste, or does the competing cause a problem?

Are you taking these () vitamins or something else?

It means you body can only absorb one or the other at the same time.


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the only right answer is taking GH

gonna post this pic whenever someone on Jow Forums starts talking about "genetics dont matter just lift"

I want bigger bones, not bigger organs.

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Genetics play a role, but I'm pretty sure that your environment growing up is at least 70% of the difference between right and left in that picture.
Unfortunately, that feels much worse because it was controllable and a lot of people's parents let them sit, watch tv/video games, and eat shit food.

Even if its true, its just as much luck as genetics.

As you said, a lot of it is parenting. But a significant part is that you dont really learn the truth about the world until you get older, and by that time youre too late.

many kids are insecure about these things , then adults tell them things like "looks dont matter" "height doesnt matter" and kids dont even know what frame is. so many just ignore all of this altogether. then when they grow up they realize they fucked up.

luckily my parents werent like that, unfortunately i had asthma as a kid, grew pretty weak, try my best to recupwrate, but will never be truly satisfied.

what of MK-7, then? is vitamin k2 alone good enough?


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>tfw could have a gigachad but for my parents shitty parenting

these are extreme examples. No one looks like right, and there are like 1 in a billion men that looks like left

>advice drones making suggestions that cannot possibly turn right skelly into left skelly
you get the most out of what you got, the dumb ones do things that ruin what they have

>one in a billion
>seven on earth rn
fuck off idiot

Yeah its exaggerated, but not by that much.

The real kicker is that once you accept the frame pill you basically have to accept the height pill. Of course, the height pill is even more exaggerated than in the pic - there are literal 5 foot dwarves and 7 foot demigods. Each are just one of many traits that make up good/bad genetics but they're significant even on their own.

Cheese is a great source of K2 too.

I'm not expecting to go from right to left. I'm just curious if there are ways to increase the size of your bones at all and do so to maximize what I have.


hgh gut is the result of overeating a lot in a short time and on top of that hgh, they also get big guts because of the visceral fat that they have.

>I'm just curious if there are ways to increase the size of your bones at all and do so to maximize what I have.
No, there isnt. Now stop shitting up the board with your garbage threads. I absolutely hate this blackpilled genetics bullshit. This is not what life is about. Just do your best and life a healthly life, do cardio, lift weights and shut up.