Bye r9k

I wanna kill myself 'cause I can't have my waifu. I'm so fucking sad and I don't know what to live for. No girl will ever want me and I fucking hate myself. I've decided to hang myself and stream it. Fuck my life.

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i'm pretty sure you're bullshitting, but in case you aren't

Ok I'm not gonna stream it 'cause I don't wanna dox my family. But I'm gonna hang myself from the balcony railing using my bedsheet. Wish me luck robots.

Good luck, user.
May you find the peace you're looking for and deserve

Pic proof anything letter with time stamp and r9k on it anything user

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If it isnt too late, try to reconsider, you don't need the validation of women, imbrace solitude.

And if you still want to kill yourself, can you take out some women with you, they are the ones that put you on this path, why not get some sweet revenge before the end

I'd ask you not to do that. But you can solve your problem if you work for it, the "no girl will ever want me" thing anyway.

Source: I'm currently on the path to recovery, you can get there too user

Good journey bro. Hope it works either fully or not at all.

Please don't. Please don't. I am not a girl, but I'll be your friend. We can play Minecraft together. If you live near me, we can hang out. Please.

This will be my last post, let's do it.

If your waifu was real, she would reject you like normal girls do.

For the love of God, no. Don't. Don't be an idiot.

I think this is the guy on my Discord and he linked this stream, he's in a living room and turning blue now :(

Goodbye, user.
Let's hope you'll finally rest forever

fucking newfag, do it do it do it

fuck... should've been here earlier

His mother has found him, she's trying to revive him.

Don't think that's him

Good riddance.

Proof or killyourself too

did she call an emergency number as well?

Ok guys it's not him it was another older video.

Seething I-n-c-e-l.

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Why do so many people discourage him? This is still r9k right?

why wouldn't you discourage someone from killing themselves? there's nothing more pointless than taking your own life

Yeah good life fucking sucks take som thots with you

Why are i-n-c-e-l's so gay?

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Personally, I encouraged him two times. I hope he went through with it

Sounds like another Shuaiby

It's obviously fake you moron.

fake af but if i was going to kill myself i would probably stream it