*Blocks path

What do? Need quick answer.

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go around like a normal person.

Tell her "aw he looks just like you" with a smile on your face then walk away

I point out the spice isle and direct them to the sage and pic related, faggot..

Fuck off to and stay there, faggot..

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Bite her in the tit



good one

Lmao this place looks exactly like an American mart

Hvilken Fotex er det?

I was going to say that cunt burns the coal before seeing the kid

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Imagine being so unbreedable that you would let any man fuck you and then walk away leaving you to raise his child.

Life must be hard for the bottom 50% of cunts.

This is a good one

Thats terrible.
Do it.

fixed it

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nvm fuggg

An Irish user does this all the time and he gets the reaction he wanted apparently. A fake smile, but you can see the shame behind it and a bit of confusion because they can't make out if you are genuinely being nice or if it was an insult.

Best answer.

Lock eyes with her then glace at the kid, look back at her and start laughing

Everyone needs to start shaming women in this way with fake and veiled compliments.
I am doing this all the time now.

Damn. Cuts right to the core.

Fuck off. I’m only here for the knækbrod

Grab something expensive and throw it in the cart. Small and expensive. I looked around to help you but fuck if I know what hangs out near the “knekkebrod” aisle

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her hair is amazingly long. I bet Prince Jamal climbed up her window with her hair and made sweet rape with her.

Lol cut her ponytail off at the top

The correct thing to do when spotting a coal burner is to ask where the father is. And you ask the kid, right in front of the mom.

Delivar op

I legitimately thought it was Walgreens until I saw the aisle labels hanging from the ceiling.

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I love me some DESSERTARTIKLER and KNœKBR0D.

audible kek

hmmm. I walked around, got some broccoli n' stuff. Back here and the pig feltmadras is still looking at desserts, but now she is on the phone. They are closing in 4 min.

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Show dic.

I did the smile and fake compliment thing, but in Danish. Doesn't sound as good. She was baffled, and I left. I feel like a weirdo for white sharia'ing her

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good job OP you made a fool of yourself

How did it not sound as good?

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"Neeej hvor er han soed! Han ligner dig paa en prik." She got the jist of it. She knows

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"How sweet he is. He looks just like you." Rough translation.

Ahh sounds good to me in English.
how do you think she will ever recover?

Well, she got herself a shit-ton of dessert, so maybe she'll eat the pain away.

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Equip a hazmat suit so your chance of catching HIV decreases. Or alternatively, you can just wonder past them like a normal person.

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