Why are blacks mocked for celebrating Kwanzaa? The values are basically black Fascism

Why are blacks mocked for celebrating Kwanzaa? The values are basically black Fascism.
Umoja (unity)-To strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race.

Kujichagulia (self-determination)-To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves.

Ujima (collective work and responsibility)-To build and maintain our community together and make our brother's and sister's problems our problems and to solve them together.

Ujamaa (cooperative economics)-To build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together.

Nia (purpose)-To make our collective vocation the building and development of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.

Kuumba (creativity)-To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.

Imani (faith)-To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.

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user please delete this post. There is not a single black person alive who has celebrated Kwanzaa. You're embarrassing us.


Kwanzaa's more of a cultural symbol now than an actual holiday. Plus nobody sells the proper candles for it.

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that's nice and all but where is my blackbf

Kwanzaa is for goofy suburban niggers with half-white children. My dad tried it once and we all thought it was retarded.

I don't know much about Kwanzaa except for the fact that it uses Swahili words. Swahili is spoken on the west coast of Africa and African Americans are descended from those who lived on the west coast of Africa.

I get there's a pan-African movement but why not use West African words?

Coz they can't compete against the BBC

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I assume you meant east coast for Swahili...but in America, black pride about Africa tends to not have much logic behind it. Just like white pride about Europe, it sort of looks at the entire continent as a monolithic entity of "black culture". Nigeria, Kenya, even Egypt...they all get wrapped up in it.

>blacks can't compete against the BBC
We can't compete against ourselves? How does that work?

No I meant the mockers (tiny dicked whitebois) are the ones who can't compete

Because it's a fake holiday that was just created about 50 years ago.

I've always wondered what kind of person posts this sort of thing. Are you even black?

because it was only created to make niggers feel special

No I'm a white girl

Black Christians mainly.

Come on man, I'm seriously asking you.

What exactly makes it "fake", ? Just the fact that it's relatively recent?

I'm just your average white girl who loves BBCs

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>celebrating your race is inherently wrong because it's a race I don't like

Kwanzaa is pretty goofy, I've never met anyone irl who actually celebrates it.

Yeah. In this country, we like our bullshit to be old enough that nobody could be alive anymore back when it was invented before we grant it legitimacy. Like Mormonism.

can you be black fascists in africa? we'll stay and be fascist here, it'll be fun

How about we do it in new afrika?

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>making up a holiday because you don't want to celebrate the white man's Christmas

because blacks dont even take their fake holiday seriously. its just another half assed claim black people make to feel special

It's not hard to figure out OP....
I just got done watching sparticus so I'll explain to you how Spartacus (nigger eddition) would go.
>be Spartanigger
>proud thracandan (thriancian/wakandian)
>have proud thracandan tradition
>get enslaved by superior Roman's
>gets freed
>instead of leaving Rome to lead a proud thracian people he lives with Roman's like a whipped thracian-tom
>still celebrates thracandian holidays while Roman's laugh at his cuck ass
This is the American Beta nigger.
The beta nigger celebrates kwanzaa in America where he was a slave and to this day as looked down on as subhuman
>b-but muh BBC
Lie told to you by your Jewish massa so he can keep you chimps on a short leash, he does the same with us whites and its fucking disgusting seeing basedboy cuckold whites bow to women and minorities instead of standing proud as we once did.

Everything you do is a joke and all your celebrations are a joke to because you came here a slave and choose to remain as such, you have been beaten down so long you have forgotten your own dignity!
Only when you reclaim africa, your homeland, will you be considered anything near equal to the whites, at least we owned our land at one point before we grew weak and bent the knee to the Zogg.
Hell if you can keep the Jews out (much easier to call out a jew as a black man, you have the upper edge here) you could surpass us in no time at all (2-3 generations is all it would take for you to close the gap at our current rate.

The time is come black man, we may have taken your mind and your body, but there is one thing you can take back, YOUR PRRRRIIIIIIIIDDDDDEEEEE!!

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Honestly if you fixed the borders to just be the "black belt" (roughly from Jackson to Raleigh, with the southern border just north of Jacksonville) you could have a viable nation-state there. No chance in hell of incorporating those caribbean islands though, the black people there loathe black americans.

>Why are blacks mocked for celebrating Kwanzaa?
Because it's a fake ass holiday invented because black americans have no real culture of their own.

You started out autistic and it only went downhill from there
>africa, your homeland
Lol our ancestors have been living in America since the 1700s, this is our homeland as far as I'm concerned.

based post
>inb4 blackie says his culture gets stole-

wait a second

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the average hoodrat doesnt even take your made up holiday seriously

>our homeland
I think you mean my homeland you are a unwanted pest

Lmao basketball americans do not have any of the values Kwanzaa celebrates

>being whipped and treated like a subhuman is living
>being scoffed at daily by liberals who claim to love you=being treated as equal
Christ are niggers really this far gone....?
Is your pride so far removed you cant even sense it anymore?
Heres a song for you my dude, youtu.be/lEr8fliCqpI, hope you blacks find your footing someday.

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its not based on religion but it's purely an ethno centered holiday.

If a population is displaced mostly by force and resettled somewhere else, then left there for hundreds of years, eventually they'll start seeing it as their homeland. Like if some Romans took some slaves from Carthage or Greece in 150 BC, then brought them back to Rome, then freed them in 50 BC, by 100 AD or so those people would see Rome and Italy as their homeland, wouldn't they? They don't know anything else and neither do any of their living relatives.

why wouldn't you want actual africa, it's an advantage that might offset your low iq

The only mockery I have seen comes from Jewish media. Maybe thry don't want you having decent values, fren

> this is our homeland as far as I'm concerned.
Your fellow negros dont have this view, seeing as theyre still butthurt about slavery and their ancestors being brought over.

Like I said, being enslaved, treated like trash, and STAYING just shows us one thing: we could do it again and nobody would care.
Your like a women who lives with an abuser, he beats her and she cowers into the corner like a whipped (literal) bitch.
This is you black boi, to weak to truly break your chains. You cower in the corner now just waiting for the white man to lose his temper again and chain you right back up.
I dont condone what we did to you, just like I dont condone a man beating his wife.
Bit as you stand now I will NEVER respect you either. You are our whipped dog cowering in the corner, if anything I pity you. I see how much potential the black race has now to rise up and reclaim what is theirs it makes me sad that you cant reach out and take it.

As far as Greece and Carthage they were dominated by the Chad Roman's and seen/treated as subhuman by the master civilization. They absolutely should NOT view Rome as their homeland unless Rome razed their original home to the ground.
You niggers still have a home and could still become proud Africans if you saw fit.

I'm going to bed now so no more (yous) from me, if you dont get the message now you never will, I pray one day you people find your pride and motivate us white men to wipe the dust off and actually fight for the throne that has grown rusty from our negligence/complacency.
Remember always (((whos))) afraid of us working with/competing with each other.

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Why do blacks always have to talk about being black?

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As it turns out, ethnic nationalism isn't very popular the United States.
Unless you're a beaner. Viva la raza, and whatnot. It really only gets any play in minority groups thanks to Marxist mental gymnastics. It is a strange thing to be accused of self hatred by other blacks who shun the land their grandfather was born in, only to desperately cling to a heritage more brutal and prejudiced than the one they rejected.

An African American ethnostate is a dead end. It is a culture that, without the influence of other hyphenated-Americans, can only produce tyrants. Not all cultures are created equal: what have Helots contributed to western political thought, compared to the Athenians?