Send me your shaggys faggots
Send me your shaggys faggots
What are you, a redditfag?
Fuckers like you unironically need to be permabanned.
It was good until
>This place used to be good until X came along
You need to go back to And we all know the real issue are sissy and race bait posters
>He thinks sissy and racebait posters have no association with r*d*it
t. person who's only been here 6 months and longs for the good ol' days they've never actually experienced and only want back because its hip and cool to like old Jow Forums
kill them all
they deserve hell
fuck you Shaggy memes are dank as hell
this is a textful post
textless posts are not allowed by the robot desu
something original something original something original something original
some text that makes this post get past the robot
lmao reddit used to steal memes from us now it's the other way around.
Sad times indeed
I agree with 4 out of 5
Reddit spacing isn't real, it's a bait to out newfags trying to fit in
no that's just a meme to trick newfags into exposing themselves. reddit spacing is real and it looks like this
capitalizing the first letter of every sentence is also reddit tier and exposes you as a newfriend
Every meme you think comes from Reddit came from here years ago. All these Shaggy memes are based on Shaggy Blanco which is based on Gohan Blanco which originated here.
No man what you're referring to is a snafu to confuse newfags into ratting themselves out, reddit spacing isn't real and most post before the existence of reddit double spaced
These are insanely bad. A joke only works when there is a leap of logic to be made in the conclusion resulting in a reversal of the set-up. There are exceptions to this rule but that is the basic idea. Take for instance the Superman one. It should only say "Have you forgotten what the S stands for?" and nothing else. That wouldn't be funny to anyone older than 10 years old, but it would at least meet the minimum requirements of a joke.
really old Jow Forums posts are considered reddit tier by today's standards. people used to post stuff like: "fuuuuuuuuuuuu" unironically. if someone did that today they'd be called a redditor, even though the oldfags did it constantly.
Man, humor used to be so wholesome
Take me back
Almost as if memes have a life span and once they reach Reddit they're considered dead and no one wants you dragging their rotting corpse back here
Reddit spacing isn't real. It just makes a long post easier to read. If you don't "reddit space" people will complain about the long wall of text.
and yet anons often brag about their expertise on outdated memes and refrences and call people who don't know them newfags. really makes you think.
fuck you redditfag
shaggy memes are so overused they're no longer funny at all
t. reddit
They were never funny to begin with.
please no, do that shit on that one shit sub, not there
>They were never funny to begin with.
T. reddit