Would a purely raw milk diet be effective for weightloss? I recently moved to idaho and have access to the purest...

Would a purely raw milk diet be effective for weightloss? I recently moved to idaho and have access to the purest, freshest, coldest, most delicious grass-fed raw milk I have ever had in my life, and this stuff makes me feel strong and virile, but I've also gotta cut some weight and I've had a lot of success with mono-diets in the past (potato only, rice only, etc)

I'm wondering if anyone else has done this and if it would be effective for maintaining strength while losing fat? or does it have too many calories and too much fat to be effective for weight loss/appetite suppression? And yes I know at the end of the day it's all cico but I wanna try this for fun

Attached: raw milk.jpg (600x450, 43K)

fuck cutting weight, lift heavy GOMAD.
The joy of pure milk is not to be interrupted by philistine concerns about "weight", "BMI" or "sexual appeal". All belong to the remorseful, and non-objectionably inferior category of the fellaheen. Show them your milk-built body, and they shall ask for your seed.
It has been written thus.

Attached: C365BD1D-E839-4514-8995-DA6A4B827789.jpg (634x1100, 66K)

>this stuff makes me feel strong and virile,

Yeah the placebo effect is a real thing

what's with this 0-60 obsession with single food diets these days?

we know how to lose weight optimally now. why do people choose to completely deviate from this with ridiculous experimental diets now?

OP, you need to ask yourself why you're dieting. do you want to "feel" like you're dieting and be a part of the whole cool extreme outsider weight loss crew, or do you want to optimally lose fat and retain maximum muscle? if it's the latter, then forget this nonsense. if it's the former, knock yourself out.

> 0-60 obsession with single food diets

This has been a thing for decades, bro.

The rice diet, the grapefruit diet, etc etc

No if you consume too much calcium you actually get weaker bones. Stay on the RDA for calcium.

so you want to lose weight by replacing all solid food with liquid calories, and limit yourself to one food only? you'll be deficient in nutrients that will help cutting and hunger will very likely be extremely high which will probably affect your dietary adherence and might retard your ability to eat like a regular person, both of which will very likely turn on you either during or after your diet.

think carefully. i'm sure you probably believe with conviction that you are a 1%er olympian tier badass and that you can handle this no problem, but unless you've been successful with torturous diets in the past, then just don't bother. however if you are of the personality profile that needs extreme goals to get things done, then sure go ahead, but i implore you to take multivitamins at least. look at the data objectively - if you can truly judge that this is the right approach, do it. however, it's almost certainly not.

i know, but it seems these days it's much more prevalent. maybe i'm just exposed to it more now that dieting "culture" is mostly discussed on social media now and not more private forums etc, but it seems to me that as scientific progress allows us to increasingly denominate boundaries with regards to dieting, the more people actively choose to shun it for some dubious approach or another. it's almost like people run from the facts and would rather diet based on anecdote and faith.

enjoy your listeria

> it seems these days it's much more prevalent

Source- your butt

But seriously they're attractive because it suggests a lack of needing to restrict calorie intake. Also, they're enticing to fatties because they're DIFFERENT which makes them able to pretend it's their not eating magic stuff that got them fat, not eating like a landwhale

i guess there's also an element of "i'll do this DIFFERENT thing now so I can return to 'normal' eating sooner" which avoids the issue of them having to completely change what 'normal' actually is forever

OP, listen to this. if you never learn to eat normally, you will not be capable of normal eating. you know what happens to most people who jump on fad diets? as soon as they diet is over, they're left completely unpracticed at maintaining weight and most of the time it results in binges.

Just stop fucking eating fatty, fast until you see abs

You could do this and it would be better than most things since raw milk has all the nutrients you need. Only thing is:

You shouldn't drink it cold. When animals produce milk it doesn't come out cold now does it? Follow nature. Let it sit out so the good bacteria multiply and partially digest the milk.

fasting is for faggots, do it like a man and cut properly

Have fun with the bloating and liquid shits retard. Fucking eat solid food dumbass

non-white detected

Babies seem to tolerate milk just fine. Pasteurization is the only problem.


based Uhhhhhh poster

Entirely too based. Even got an 88 for your troubles

I feel great after raw milk but it gives me unbelievable gas and diarrhea. Should I drop it? Will I get used to it? What's the deal? If I was allergic shouldn't I feel bad after it?

>raw milk diet

Do it, you deserve it you fucking retard

Whole lot of angry shitskins in this thread

its illegal to drink raw milk in my cucked country

drink the real stuff right from the real source

Attached: big pale german milkers.webm (1280x720, 1.24M)

canada sucks. i live here too.

does anyone ever just look at a woman's tits and think, damn. I just masturbated to the same mammary glands a fucking cow squirts milk out of.
bonus points for silicon injected mammary glands

lmao wow holy shit you drank milk dude congrats wow you found the holy grail its fucking milk lol

There's nothing magic in raw milk.
Its water soluble and fat soluble vitamin concentration is the same as the one in pasteurized milk.
Maybe if you are a shitskin with no lactose tolerance you might be better off with raw but in that case you might as well just give up and eat something else that you're actually adapted to consuming.
>what's the carnivore beef steak only diet
>what's the fruit only die t
>what's the 30 bananas a day diet
>what's the dairy only diet
>what's the potato only diet

even old diets like steak and eggs and 36 eggs a day diets are now making a comeback due to modern mentally ill diet obsessed placebo'd retards
All very recent things

pasteurization is the ultimate shitskin segregation
if you can't handle pasteurized milk you're a shitskin

australian actually, but were both cucked to fuck i suppose.