If I do cardio will I cease to be skinny-fat?

if I do cardio will I cease to be skinny-fat?

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You can't outtrain a bad diet. At best you will just be skinny. More likely, you will be skinnyfat and tired.

I dont exercise at all though. my diet is fine. I think my lack of exercise is the problem.


I cant lift weights I have a bad back.

excuses, even that guy jeff is coaching is lifting weights and he even has doctor saying he has actual problem instead "i have self diagnosed 'bad back'"

I did too. Lifting helped.

please dont tell me I have to go to the gym? cant I just lift weights at home or something?

fuck you man I went to doctors and had xrays done. I hope you get a bad bad back in your next life.

Do some soft exercises for posture, or swim; train your abs and back. doing nothing will make your condition worse

Also, if you run slow (cardio) it's worse than light weightlifting for your back

Jow Forums, everyone.

>train your abs and back

so would sit-ups and pushups be a good start?

>i don't want to go to the gym
>cant i just lift weights at home or something

bro where the hell are you gonna getting weights from then? You gonna lift your chair and call it a day? Shell out a few hundred for an in-home gym?
there's no easy way. either put in the work or just be skinny fat

he was assuming I had a shit diet you dumbass. I don't. I'm 5'11 and weigh like 154. I'm pretty sure its a lack of muscle mass at that point you douche.

>comes to Jow Forums for advice
>calls other people dumbass
enjoy your bad back and skinnyfat life, asshole

fine. I'll go to the gym. but Im not anticipating being made fun of.

Go and lift some fucking weights.
>b-but muh doctor
Then ask HIM what you should be doing not some internet anime forum you fuckwit

nice counter argument.

sit ups are pretty bad for your back. instead, do planks if you're really weak, once you get past 60 seconds start doing plank variations, hollow body hold is a good one too. do donkey kicks and glute bridges for glutes. pushups are good, but focus on your form and don't cheat. also, if you can just bang them out rep after rep with perfect form for 20+ reps a set, do harder variations instead. you'll also want to do some pulling, horizontal rows if you can't do more than a couple pull ups. if you can do a couple, start the pulling portion of your workout with as many pull ups/chin ups(alternate between them) as you can, then do negatives using a chair to push yourself up with only as much force as necessary to get you up, and try to control your descent. you can finish with horizontal rows as well.

Honestly I had tons of issues with my legs and hips. Saw a physical therapist, I stretched and foam rolled everyday while doing lighter weights and mobility focused lifts like Goblet Squats. Completely changed everything for me, now my RAW is 470, sure not super impressive but this is coming from a man who literally wasn't capable of squatting less than a year ago. I feel so much better now, it's incredible the type of balance and control you get with stronger legs and back. Basically never get any pain from daily activities involving them.

'bad back' is not a condition. a docotor would give you an actual diagnosis. build homegym if you dont wanna go to gym

post body

kek, kys OP
your post should have been in the QTDDTOT thread

how is your diet fine if you're skinny fat? diet is not static, diet is related to your activity level

i broke my spine in 2 places and had to wear a full body back brace for 8 months. i got back in the gym the moment the doc cleared me.

whine more, weak faggot.

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I have kyphosis.

how nice for you.

>diet it related to your activity level

>activity level

I eat fine. I just dont move around much. like almost not at all.

so have you done any mobilization work on your thoracic spine? stretching your chest? strengthening your back(maybe via the horizontal rows i said earlier...)? put the work in my guy, or it will only get worse instead of better

You will be skinnier and fatter

Define fine you faggot, having one big mac instead of 3 is "fine" for a fatty. and having one chicken nugget instead of nothing is "fine" for a skelly. What kind of food? what meat to veg to carb ratio? do you eat processed or organic?

I do foam rolling and yoga and wall stretches.

I eat organic most of the time. (grapes, apples bread) I dont eat fast food except maybe tim hortons with a friend once a week. I hardly eat meat.

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eat more meat, stop eating bread

I thought bread was healthy. also, all this information is super helpful but how am I supposed to put all this into a routine? im confused

walk into a store, pick up meat from the meat department, pay for it, go home, cook meat, eat meat.

I know how to cook meat I'm not Completely braindead. I meant all the different exercise advise I dont know how to go about putting it all into a routine.

if you have a good diet, you wont be skinny fat. cardio will just make your caloric requirements more favorable but it'll also make you healthier and feel better in general.
try doing deadhangs & developing more active hangs too

Read Starting Strength

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The fact that I can't tell if op is baiting or not only makes everything worse.

im retarded. this thread proves as evidence of that. I got lots of good advice though

You shouldn't be anticipating somebody to make fun of you. This is real life not your cuck boi animes, people don't just insult people for no reason. Retard

have you not seen those pictures of people in the gyms with insulting captions? I mean, I'll go to the gym if you really think I should but It doesnt make me less anxious knowing someone could be making fun of me.

Don't worry, they'll make fun of you anywhere else


Why is her hair flopping around like it's being pushed back by wind when she's not moving at all. Do you think there's a fan out of frame?

the front wheel of the stationary bike is making the air flow. jesus, how retarded is Jow Forums?

>skinny fat
>my diet is fine

what does a good diet look like?

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just don't eat too many simple carbs(refined sugars, high fructose corn syrup, fruit juice, cereal, baked goods[bread,cake,donuts]), instead opt for more complex carbs(whole fruits/veggies[the reason whole fruits are preferred over fruit juice is that whole fruits contain fiber, which slows the digestion of fructose instead of just being a sugar bomb in your digestive system that is absorbed immediately], brown rice, oats, nuts, whole grain[if you're going to eat bread i would choose whole grain over white bread.]) simple carbs aren't necessarily the devil, some simple carbs are fine(milk is a simple carb, but it contains nutrients such as vitamin d, calcium, and protein. fruits are technically simple carbs as well, but i divided fruit juice into the simple carb category and whole fruits into the complex carb category for simplicity's sake.) what does this look like in a diet? let's say you eat an omelette for breakfast with cheese, peppers, and onions. for lunch you eat a fruit salad or some shit with spinach, romaine, strawberries, blueberries, mandarin oranges, walnuts, and sunflower seeds. then for dinner you might have a nice steak with some cooked spinach on the side, maybe some roasted veggies like a sweet potato, or a baked potato. or maybe some broccoli. just make sure you get a good amount of leafy greens as well. and don't try to force yourself to change everything at once, or you will fail. just change one thing at a time, maybe from white bread to whole wheat. then maybe instead of eating fries with that burger you opt instead for a salad. maybe instead of eating pancakes for breakfast you scramble some eggs.

thank you this is really helpful

also try to incorporate some fish in your diet. i can grab a 2lb bag of wild caught salmon at walmart(get skin on, skin off is shit and doesn't cook right, fry that shit skin side down and flip it when it's cooked 2/3rds of the way through, also squeeze some lemon over it before you cook and coat with olive oil) for like 8 bucks. comes with 8 fillets, it's good shit

should I stop eating out at places like tim hortons are they bad for you?

well, you should always prefer some home cooked meals unless you're on a time crunch. i guess it depends on what you're getting there. if you're just getting a coffee, a sandwich, and a salad, that's not too bad for eating out. if you're eating a bunch of donuts and muffins, then yeah, that's pretty awful. but try to limit how often you eat out; it's more expensive, worse quality ingredients, and also doesn't taste as good as what you can make at home. get comfortable cooking.

Get muscles you dipshit, you don’t got anything to cut down to so why the fuck would you even cut?

Skinnyfat happens when you have too much fat and not enough muscle. Just doing cardio will help you loose weight including muscle. You'll be smaller but you'll still be skinnyfat. You have to focus on lifting. I had a bad neck and was in physical therapy and chronic pain for 2 years. I worked up to where I could lift heavy and now my neck is 99% better. Also, I was skinnyfat and after 6 months of cardio and good nutrition I was still skinnyfat. You have to lift. Just start light and build up. If you can't lift weights use light exercise bands.

>some guy in a wheelchair comes in who can barely walk and does fuckin stairmaster with help

>muh back