Gf tells me how safe she feels when shes around me

>gf tells me how safe she feels when shes around me

Is this making it?

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having a gf that loves you is making it in the first place everything is just cherry on top
good job on that by the way

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best mire you can get imo

Rape her, so she knows to never relax around niggers

Haha imagine

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That's still entry-level making it in my opinion.
Girls tell me that even when we are just acquaintances.

yes user it is, feeling good for you, hope your relationship continues as long as you wish :)

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No making it is when you conquer lands and create your own kingdom. Anything else is cuck shit

No one ever "makes it." This is a lifelong quest to stay strong, healthy, and feel good.

Having said that, there's nothing better than being big and strong enough that you make your loved ones feel safe or are able to help them out.

Question: is your lifelong deep desire to feel safe yourself satisfied in OPs scenario? Asking for a friend who feels nobody will ever love him in a way that makes him feel safe.

this just means she understands your psychology now, so later when she's mad at you she can break your heart more effectively

Based and imperator pilled.


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It means youre ugly and shes not scared another girl will ever compete with her for you

Wow you are so edgy :O


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Girlfriend never compliments me because I have a good body and she doesn't want me to know it
Have I made it?

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Women never love you, they love what you provide for them. Money, security, roof over their head. Go broke and lose your gains and watch them leave you without a shred of guilt. Stop thinking YOU will ever be loved, if you were lobotomized to just perform the tasks that provide what they need, with all your personality removed, they wouldn't give a shit. There's a reason why stoic men are considered hot, women just want a robot that fucks her and bring money home.

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shut the fuck up I didn't want to hear this.

Tough shit. Men are disposable.

>Go broke and lose your gains and watch them leave you without a shred of guilt.
How about not doing that? Like, if your woman lost everything that made her physically attractive to you, you'd bail too, but you're implying that women are these evil harpies with no concept of loyalty when it just boils down to "People won't provide you with what you want when you've got nothing to offer".

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Yeah it's time to go back to r9k incel

In conclusion, love doesn't exist.

Hope she sees this, bro.

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And I love what they provide for me, sex, laundry, company, dinner, etc etc
If you think that you are capable of loving a girl for "who she truly is" for life and not end up getting annoyed and or bored one day then you are a virgin incel redditor and you intake plant based proteins

Hope you can keep providing, then.

Hell Hath no Fury like a Woman Scorned.

Love is conditional you faggot. Quit acting like any hope of romance is lost just because you don't get that stupid Disney princess happy ending bullshit. Do you think chicks would still be into you if you were just a brain in a jar or something?

Problem is, romance is a lie to convince either gender to put up with each other. Monogamy is inhuman an unnatural, just look at divorce rates. And maybe also look at which gender initiates divorces.

based cuck poster

I'm advocating against marriage, not for infidelity, you degenerate.

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>too many people marry the wrong people
>a lot of marriages break down because of laziness and lack of forethought
>"romance is a lie to convince either gender to put up with each other. Monogamy is inhuman an unnatural"

Nigga just look past the self unaware tinderthots for like 5 seconds and find a decent woman

imagine being so mad at an internet comment you make this.

>Go broke and lose your gains and watch them leave you without a shred of guilt.
Honestly, I'd want her to leave me if that happened. Failing that badly would just show that I'm not the caliber of man I claim to be.

>find a decent woman
Been looking for 20 years, user. At some point you realize they don't exist.

Imagine having no argument.

That's the most cucked statement I've seen in a while. Wouldn't you want her to support you so you could get back in your feet?

>At some point you realize they don't exist.
Okay I suppose every happy person in a successful relationship is lying just to make you feel bad. I guess this will make you feel better about not trying, right? Not that that has anything to do with it.

>dreamt about her again

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>Been looking for 20 years, user. At some point you realize they don't exist.
Maybe the problem is you.

>happy person in a successful relationship
Literally never met one. There's always denial of obvious issues somewhere.

I have no issue if you keep dreaming, user, I'm just trying to save you from the inevitable stress and heartbreak.

How tall are you OP?

It literally always is with guys like that

That I have standards? Sure. But I don't even date, I see the red flags from a mile away.

>gf tells me she loves how strong i am and that i make her feel safe

Honestly if I couldn't sustain myself in this world I'd kill myself immediately. We live in such an easy time. Falling down and failing that badly AND not being able to recover on your own is just too low a bar

i literally got my gf when i was broke and had fucking negative gains. weve been together for 9 years. kill yourself

Why are women so easy to spot despite anonymity? You have no arguments, just shaming, and never use proper punctuation or capitalization.

Men, I recommend looking up MGTOW and their associated redpills before you consider a girlfriend. Pussy isn't worth it anymore.

This poster is a woman. Do not believe their lies.

If you think a relationship should have no conflict/problems then you need to get back in touch with reality.

That's very defeatist, user. You should value yourself more.

>not harem of fuckbudies
not there yet m8

They shouldn't, and anyone who tells you otherwise is gaslighting you. I am very much in touch with reality, which is why I stay the fuck away from women.

Gotta sleep now, but I've made the points I wanted to. Stay safe, men. Stay away, women.

>I'm just trying to save you from the inevitable stress and heartbreak.
Thanks, I guess? I don't really understand what you're afraid of, though. Like, you enter a relationship with a woman. Worst case scenario, the relationship sucks and you leave it, leaving you literally no worse off than before you started. You've got nothing to lose except maybe time but you're blowing that here anyway.

Everything you're posting seems like blackpill cope, sour grapes, just a continuously expanding list of excuses for why something isn't worth doing.
>All women are shallow, yes all of them
>Humans aren't even meant to be monogamous anyway
>Romance in general is a lie
>No decent woman exists
>I have literally never met a person happy with their romantic relationship
>If the relationship isn't entirely problem free it's not good enough for me

Bro just say "I'm not interested in women" or something. It's fine to recognize relationships for what they are and choose to disregard them, but pretending they're just this horrible fucking nightmare that's forcibly keeping you on the outside looking in makes you look like a pathetic faggot. You're like that fat lady that sits on her couch and watches Netflix all day every day who says shit like "I'm so happy I don't have kids, they'd tie me down too much, I could go climb Mt Everest right now if I wanted to".

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>I deserve someone to love me even if I'm an unhealthy tub of lard with no career prospects or ambition
that's some Jow Forums talk my man

You must be seething to get that from that post, roastie.

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MTGOW before the robo-waifu revolution? Yeahno.

>a man is the sum of his actions and women as well as other strangers evaluate you based on your habits and accomplishments
Holy shit.... we live in a society...

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>be me
>Be with girlfriend 2 years
>have our little fights but everything goes good
>she always tells me how safe I make her feel
>never wants me to leave her
>tells me she wants my babies and to be her husband

>one day I have a nightmare that shes cheating on me
>decide to go through her phone just in case

everything in my dream was real the entire time she had been sleeping with a big fat guy she worked with getting hotels with him sending nudes to him when I called him he didn't even know about me they had been dating for 6 months
fuck women don't let them ever trick you

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>That's very defeatist, user. You should value yourself more.
But I do value myself. I value myself because I can thrive in the world, and nothing can stop that
You should be more confident in your ability to succeed user

Nice, an actually reasonable post.

MGTOW is fine on the surface. Abstaining from relationships to improve yourself is cool. It becomes a problem when you surround yourself within an echo chamber of cherry-picked stories, hatred and toxicity. It is compounded by the fact that many of them constantly regurgitate these points to justify their inexperience and cowardice in dealing with women.
It's no different the "strong, independent woman" who can't stop complaining about men.

>have gf that frequently tells me how safe I make her feel and how strong I am
>cheats on me with scrawny trailer trash drug dealer and her cokehead friend

Everything women do is a smokescreen.

The recipe for success in the post-MeToo era is the total absence of women in your life.

Wahmen detected

>everyone who disagrees with me a woman
Careful with that echo chamber, no one wants to see you shoot up a mall.

>he almost started crying

lmao faggot

Go make me a sandwich, then.

See you in the news, I guess.

Never gonna happen. Only desperate people do desperate things.

Ironically, our little interaction is a perfect analogy for the modern dating climate. Men are getting pissed to the point og violence because women are insufferable, but women refuse to change their ways even if it could end the escalation.

Enjoy Chad's dick, I guess. I'll be meditating and waiting for the inevitable conflict.

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I'm not sure if this is wisdom or tautology. I mean on the one hand, as a human, I recognize the need to be loved for something that is inseparable from me. Be loved for who I am. But as a Man, I realize that even I wouldn't love myself if what I was a failure, even though I realize that all my sucesses (physical, emotional, academic, material, etc.. ) are separable from me and therefore not really a secure anchor on which to ground love.

One might say that women too are loved for their bodies and other things that are separable from theirselves, but then again, I feel I (and most men) are capable of loving a failed woman i.e. capable of loving a woman as long as she is a woman. I think this is because men have a certain capacity for abstraction wherein they can love the very idea of womanhood through loving a particular woman and hence my claim above that men can love a woman only for being a woman, a quality inseparable from a woman. In other words, in this way, Men are capable of true love.

However, it seems to me that women (and Men really) define manhood interms of all the qualities that are separable from Man (the physical material and so on). And so the quality of being a man becomes seperable from a man. In this way, even if a woman were to love a man for being a man, she loves him for something that is separable from himself. Women are thus incapable of true love.

Could be wrong though.

>Never gonna happen. Only desperate people do desperate things.
Yet you posted this, which comes across as a cry for help. >Men are getting pissed to the point og violence because women are insufferable, but women refuse to change their ways even if it could end the escalation.
The problem is with weak men who think they deserve something for existing.
>Enjoy Chad's dick, I guess.
I enjoy my own penis, yes.
>I'll be meditating and waiting for the inevitable conflict.
Dating and this are not mutually exclusive.

>which comes across as a cry for help
Only to a person suffering from cognitive dissonance.

People who don't need women don't post about them incessantly.

all he's saying is that women aren't lovely little angels

you sound like a beta

Consider me a former alcoholic warning others not to drink.

now change the word woman with man in your post

Truly, everyone is better off remaining single.

>providing money and security
Not him but thanks for the laugh.

E-gfs arent real gfs, the sooner you understand the better.

Most people would argue that drinking in moderation is fine.
No, what he's saying is that a woman's love is conditional, and he sounds like a little bitch about it. A man's love is conditional too, it depends on how the woman looks.

>Most people would argue that drinking in moderation is fine.
No. Alcohol is literally poison, a heavy depressant, and insanely addictive. The only ones that need to drink in moderation are those with a need to drink, aka alcoholics.

Suffice to say, I'm abstinent.

But hey, do your thing. I'm not gonna stop you. But don't tell me I didn't warn you.

what he's saying is that a woman doesn't love you, she loves your resources. that's not conditional love

You guys are all incels or braindead zombies who have accepted societal programming

She doesnt love you? Yea so what
Take the MGTOW pill

>No. Alcohol is literally poison, a heavy depressant, and insanely addictive.
There is plenty of data indicating that moderate drinking is associated with lower total mortality and a decreased risk of heart disease.
>The only ones that need to drink in moderation are those with a need to drink, aka alcoholics.
The very point of drinking in moderation is that you are in full control of whether you imbibe or not.
Same goes for you.

She loves you if you have resources. She no longer loves you if you lose them.
Reminder that a woman has a vagina which is intended to take penis, not money.

>Women think I look like a serial killer
>They feel uneasy around me because I am not as predictable
>Often manage to scare them as I come up on them
>When ever someone says that to me I just say 'yeah, I get that a lot'

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She never loved you.

Depends on how you define love.
By that logic, if she gets fat and you no longer want her, then you never loved her either.

It worse that you had a gf and lose it

wrong retard. there are plenty of cool girls who don't give a shit about any of that. you're just a boring person who meets boring girls. girls with high level of self-awareness and interesting hobbies wouldn't even consider you for FRIENDSHIPS because you're so far behind in levels of maturity.

I honestly hope you're trolling or posted that ironically. people usually grow out of your views when they're older than 16. it's sad you're still stuck in your le ebin redpill phase.

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I'm not saying women aren't shitty - they are. But this is some blatant discord tranny shit.

Based anime poster

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> he he yah l..mao what a f-fagotoni

Whew lads why did this thread turn so negative. Just enjoy the love but dont let it control you.


lmao would you love a women who was fat/unattractive and had no money/didn't work? No you wouldn't.

I'm still struggling whether to reply to this or not. This might be elaborate bait, but I know too many men spew this vile bullshit. To those who are willing to change their beliefs, a short essay.

>people never love you, they love what you provide for them.
The opposite is called "loving the idea of you". I provide my wife with emotional support and wisdom to better perform her job. She provides me with emotional support and beautiful healthy children.
>go broke, lose gains, and watch them leave you without a shred of guilt
I fucked around pursuing a passion of mine and was burned for ~$50k. This was money that was supposed to be for children's college fund. The company was set to be sold for easily 8x that, but it was fucked over by a long-time friend deciding to take the buyers to a bar and fucking everything up. I put in the $50k to try and keep it afloat long enough to sell to someone else. She was destroyed once she found out, I already had plans to put back in the money I took out on top of my normal contributions to the account. She almost left me due to her being emotionally-based and me being more logically-based, but we worked together and are much stronger now because of it.
>just perform tasks to provide, personality means nothing
Maybe to the daddy-issues vapid whore, not the normal functioning woman.
>there's a reason why stoic men are considered hot
Yes, that's because they aren't doing everything to impress someone else (insecure), but because they want to as it is their passion. Anyone who is insecure is unable to commit to any long-term decisions and poses a massive risk for volatile ups and downs. They also look constantly for bigger and better people to change themselves to please them, they lack any conviction. They aren't their own person ultimately, just an ugly chameleon that changes every time the opinion does.
>women just want a robot that fucks and brings money home
You are thinking of incels/neets/etc.

>It becomes a problem when you surround yourself within an echo chamber of cherry-picked stories, hatred and toxicity
That's kind of the thing. MGTOW, in it's entirety, is just the concept of not pursuing women, there's nothing more to it. Most people, however, feel compelled to create identities based around concepts they subscribe to. Instead of a whole bunch of men actually going their own way, they all clump together, form a club and call it MGTOW. Since MGTOW isn't based on doing something (only abstaining from doing something), the only way people can can actually connect with their identity is sit around in a circle and talk about how cool it is to abstain from doing that something.

People try to one-up each other by showing how they identify more with the group identity than the next guy, which in this case means proving to everyone else that you're more MGTOW. Before you know what's happened, you go from people saying "Divorce courts seem to be really gynocentric" to "Literally all women are self unaware robots with an OS entirely built out of hypergamy and lookism". In the end, you have a whole bunch of COPE that turns into fear mongering propaganda, which makes men with trust issues terrified of becoming emotionally vulnerable with a woman.