Jow Forums red pills

What's the biggest Jow Forums redpill?

For me it was:

> stop eating supplements daily and actually have a balanced diet
> veggies
> you don't need to go to the gym 6 days per week 2 hours per day to get swole
> yoga is god tier

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Other urls found in this thread:


> stop eating supplements daily and actually have a balanced diet

Top teir

running 5 days a week is not only a benefit but a requirement to be truly Jow Forums

Shiiiit. I wonder how many fit anons couldn't run a mile.

>the best diet is the one you'll stick to
>renaissance periodization makes almost all other hypertrophy training advice and programs obsolete
>there is no best variation of any lift
>getting your abs, bracing strength and grip stronger will make all of your lifts rise without fail
>OHP isn't enough for rear/side delts
>girls do care about legs

and lastly and most importantly
>every is genetically determined with every trait lying on a normal distribution, the sum of which will define your athletic career for better or worse

Am I supposed to pay for renaissance periodization? Agree with the rest.

>renaissance periodization

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> less is more for natty lifters. Most guys are doing way too much volume and end up burning out. The difficulty of your workout is not proportional to results.
what this user said
> nutrition is the real key. If you CICO, protein, and micros then you can literally just fuck around in the gym a few days a week and be top 20% of males
> you need to do a sport or active hobby to actually be fit. Weights and running arent enough. There is more to looking athletic beyond s/b/d
> nobody cares how much you lift. Chasing numbers won't benefit your life and just puts you at risk of injury. Definitely not worth it. You can get nice legs capping at 2pl8 squat
> Nobody cares that you lift. Never talk about it unless asked directly. Always downplay it.
> Skin, grooming, hygeine, and sunlight are also part of /Health & Fitness/
> A fit attitude is positive, energetic, and fun.

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Checks out

currently going 2 hours, 6 days per week PPLxPPLx with high volume

Feeling burnt out like a motherfucker. ADVICE?
What did you switch to? I eat very well and clean and sleep 8+ hours.

Biggest redpill itself is that being fit is useless

You cant recover from that much volume as a natty. shorter workouts with higher frequency. You are literally wasting time in the gym.

Fuck. I'm about to go to gym in 20mins now i have no idea what to do.

I switched to my own GZCL based program. Since you've done this much(I'm guessing NSUNS 6days?) you're beginning to understand what exercises you like doing? Look into GZCL template programs, look into Brian Alsruhe mass builder, various 531 bases that let's you do 4-5 days.

What I've found most works for anti-burnout is 5-15 reps of high percentage(off of your TM) competitive lifts, 20-30 reps of 60-80% T2 lifts the rest is accessories. Do what you want, do lower weight and get a fuck ton of volume in. Get some cardio and resistance training before hand. Don't neglect anything and you'll be fine.

If you're used to a specific program, like NSUNS you'll do fine stripping away T2 and T1 volume for something a bit more healthy. That thing ran me into the ground but I kept pushing until I got injured.

In general, make sure you're running a program that doesn't make you dread the gym. Look into the programs you've ran and liked, and build your own off of that. Running a super intense program for a month then skipping gym for another month because you don't like it is way worse than consistently going. I figured that out way too late.

>nobody cares how much you lift. Chasing numbers won't benefit your life and just puts you at risk of injury. Definitely not worth it. You can get nice legs capping at 2pl8 squat

top cope

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>2 hours, 6 days per week PPLxPPLx with high volume

Holy fuck nigger no wander you're feeling burnt out, you;re probably not even recovering enough to make sufficient gains.

See I thought this, did a lot of research into high volume low weight programs. Something akin to Serge Nubret's routines where he never hit any serious weight but did huge volume and frequency, training with increased time under tension etc

But I asked for feedback online and people said it's all bs, programs like that only work for roiders.

hop on the gaining module for 2 weeks and call it a deload while you figure out what program to switch to

Getting Jow Forums barely does anything for your dating life. I consistently had qt gfs for almost a decade of being DYEL and average looking. Looksmaxxed and pretty fit now but can't find a gf now. Only other difference now is I get mires from roasties and thots while qt wholesome girls are intimidated by me

Nofap is pointless and masturbating is better because women are gainz goblins and if you're overly concerned about them you aren't going to make it.

just admit to yourself already that you prefer man

Training without periodization means you'll never leave early intermediate stage unless you're a genetic God. If you're an average joe you need to stick to a program, there are plenty of free ones. You have no fucking business creating your own program, and PPL is not a fucking intermediate program unless you yourself include periodization - which you shouldn't, because you probably don't have a fucking clue what you're doing.

>In general, make sure you're running a program that doesn't make you dread the gym. Look into the programs you've ran and liked, and build your own off of that. Running a super intense program for a month then skipping gym for another month because you don't like it is way worse than consistently going. I figured that out way too late.
youre off with all those reddit powerlifting programs tho

not an argument
have fun "working through your injuries" with a 3 hour powerlifting program i'll be on the beach

go back to r/advancedfitness

wow a good post on Jow Forums what a rare sight

>> nutrition is the real key. If you CICO, protein, and micros then you can literally just fuck around in the gym a few days a week and be top 20% of males

make that 5% max. also nutrition>training if you want to be fit (fit =/= 2/3/4/5) and training>nutrition if you just want the gains

That Jow Forums is full of misinformation and that 80% of the people here think they're making easy gains with their routine because they're only on their 2nd month of lifting


>routines are effective based on the individual
>a healthy diet that meets your macros and other nutrients is everything
>over training is a meme unless you're past the age of 35

Imagine what your ancestors woud think of you? The same ones who got up at 3:30am each morning to do farm labor work 8-10 hours straight.

Stop being a fucking pussy and making others like you by telling them to cool it down.

>never buy a program
>abs is all sluts care about
>nobody cares how much weight you lift
>don't tell normies you work out
>count macros but don't admit it

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How does your week consist out of 8 days?

> Doesnt post any scientific research with those claims

Unless you are a completive lifter or fitness Instafag there is really no logical reason to push much beyond 1/2/3/4. Hell you don't even need to go that heavy. Past that is diminishing returns, exponential increase in likelihood of injury, and wearing down your joints. Hitting those numbers and throwing in some cardio, calisthenics, sports, and isolation lifts along with a good diet will give you a better physique that 99% of the population and will impress 99% of women. Having a lean, athletic physique is far more attractive and practical than being a bloated bearmode "powerlifter" with heart and joint problems in their 40's who gets gassed out from a quick jog .

>count macros but don't admit it

I believe this is one of the laws of the 48 Laws of Power. Feigning ignorance yet appearing like a pro. Musicians do this all the time by pretending to not know about music theory or knowing how to properly play their instruments

> 2 plate squat
> good legs

Pick one.

T. Can squat deep for 175 kg and still have bad legs (I do hypertrophy stuff often).

>The male physical standard is so low you barely have to try (or not at all if genetically gifted

Eat clen, Tren hard enough

Just find stuff on 7chan fit request thread

3 days a week full body, squat bench pull ups on day 1, ohp deadlift day 2, add 1 accessory movement for each compound each day, alternate the days, warm up to 1 all out set where you push yourself as hard as you can, if you want to go to the gym more often, add an arm day or a glute ham day or a back and bis day, but no more than 4 days a week. Take your measurements beforehand, give the program 3 months, take measurements again before abandoning.

> not benching and ohp on the same day, you ok nibba?

How can your triceps possibly recover properly within a time frame of 48hours?

squat 2 pl8 for reps (power out like a jump), dl 3pl8 speedreps, and hit legpress hard like a jump.


>fit =/= 2/3/4/5
i've never seen a 5pl8 deaadlifter with good skin/face
it's literally just an indicator of autism and lowers your status

I never had a problem with triceps recovery, never inhibited my ability to press, 48 hours is plenty of time to recover. What kind of weight are you moving that your triceps need more than 48 hours to recover? Why would you bench and ohp on the same day? If you bench first, you don't be able to ohp with the same level of energy. Too much pressing without enough back and rear delt work can fuck your shoulders up. Better make sure you're doing your pull ups and rows and lat pulldowns.

>count macros but don't admit it
i just shoot for at least 130g protein and eyeball caloric intake based on wt changes
definitely dont show your autism tho

>> Doesnt post any scientific research with those claims
because i'm sharing my experience, not trying to argue or convince.

Good post.

I'll add, the best gym routine is the one that fits into your schedule. In other words if you can only make it in 3x a week don't try PPL or a bro split, and if you like to go 6 days a week don't do a full body program (at least, not one hitting the same big compounds every time). Too many guys try to force a routine into their schedule instead of the other way around and it's like putting a square peg into a round hole.

Also, a routine that you enjoy and have fun with will keep you coming back. Otherwise consistency and intensity is more important that whatever program you pick.

based athleticposter. Jow Forums bth(eck)o

How do you do the second to last part? I've reduced going from the gym to five time a week for an hour and forty minutes. I feel if I miss a day, I'll loose gainz. Is it a willpower thing or a realization thing?


What fucking farmers before electricity were doing that?

Thanks for your opinion, but I'm trying to get big, not be a fitness model, I wanna be a disgusting freak, for that, I'll need more than 1/2/3/4

When you go to the gym, you break down muscle, when you rest and eat, your muscles grow. Rest days are important because that's when you grow.

why would you choose something tht hurt syour health and social status vs something that improves both

>> stop eating supplements daily and actually have a balanced diet
doing both is better than doing one alone
you just have to know which ones to take

No reason to limit yourself.
99% of people aren't going to be fitness models anyway.
If you are intelligent about your training and diet, lifting heavy will make your joints better and better. The body adapts to the stimulus it's given.
Being bigger increases social status because no one wants to fuck with you in the case that they get slammed.

I just wanna be big and strong, man. What's wrong with that? Maybe it hurts my health, maybe people will judge me as some dumb meathead, but I don't care, I want to be big and strong, it's my goal

It's not, you retard. "Balanced diet" literally means that you don't need any supplementation.

impossible in today's day and age. just as an example, 40% of people who eat meat still have b12 deficiency.
there are also vitamins which increase testosterone in a dose-dependent matter, confirmed by studies, but you wouldn't know about that because you didn't do your research ;)

>Getting Jow Forums barely does anything for your dating life.

This. Everyone starts lifting for women to some degree, expecting that it will transform their sex/dating life. The bitter red-pill is that it will do virtually nothing for you.

>Being bigger increases social status because no one wants to fuck with you in the case that they get slammed.
are you 14? having athletic physique like is far superior than 2/3/4/5 powerluncher

>increase testosterone in a dose-dependent matter, confirmed by studies, but you wouldn't know about that because you didn't do your research
source m7

2/3/4/5 and maintaining leanness ++ cardio is superior to both. You're just coping for being weak.

B complex
Long Kat
Goat Weed
Ashwagandha indirectly

lol ur a meme

that's not me btw, I know the actual vitamin, but not gonna tell you til I get an apology.

No, it's not.
It doesn't boost test directly it creates a situation where your body can produce more test.


ask and you shall receive

Magnesium + Vitamin D3 + Vitamin K2 MK-4 (15mg, AOR or Relentless Improvement brands)
>Secreted testosterone levels from I-10 cells were elevated by MK-4, but not by vitamin K1, in a dose-dependent manner

>social life gains
>respect gains
>practical life strength gains
>and more
gtfo dyel

>social life gains

You're dead wrong if you think being Jow Forums will automatically do anything for your social life

Eat more, move to a four day split or even a five day split to give body parts more recovery.

PPL is a great split, but once you've been lifting for a couple years, you should move to a more advanced program. A dedicated shoulder helps a lot.

What about MK7 tho?

Probably works the same. I don't use it because MK4 is the one proven to build bones as well. MK7 might do that too, but it simply hasn't been studied AFAIK.

I hope people are joking about it killing gains. Just started working out n stuff now and last time I ran I did 5 minutes walk 5 run until half hour had passed. 15 minutes total
Today I meant to do that but said I could run another 5 minutes and then 10 minutes I was running and said I cannot do another 5 minutes but then I did it anyways. 15 minutes straight running. Felt like I was dying but was very fun.

>social life gains
>respect gains

I does in a way. Main thing is that it boosts confidence. But otherwise I have definitely seen social life gains. Girls mire and guys respect me, especially guys who work out as well.


critique pls

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>Only doing /lit/ gains 1x/week

Hey guys, I’ve divized a routine called GOGlad, where you drink as much milk as you want :)

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Renaissance periodization programs might be well designed but they are hands down the most boring ones i've ever ran.
Personal preference of course but that really takes away from their potential in my book.

Sounds like you got bluepilled actually.

Or just make a slight effort to eat protein. I was working a physical job outside and would often skip lunch so I could come home, lift, then destroy a whole ribeye or branzino and a head of grilled radicchio.

Guys like this a re the reason why Jow Forums is an actual shithole

> A fit attitude is positive, energetic, and fun.
Yo dude really inspiring stuff here

> Skin, grooming, hygeine, and sunlight are also part of /Health & Fitness/
Health yes, fitness no. Its just the bullshit you say to sound mature and.... Dude its just Bullshit

> Nobody cares that you lift. Never talk about it unless asked directly. Always downplay it.

Nobody cares.

> nobody cares how much you lift. Chasing numbers won't benefit your life and just puts you at risk of injury. Definitely not worth it. You can get nice legs capping at 2pl8 squat

you can get nice legs by running, but ok

Im tiered, just wanted to point out what an unblievable pile of poo you are.

hope you break your spline

It doesn't kill gains as long as you're eating enough

>stop eating supplements daily and actually have a balanced diet
>nobody cares how much weight you lift
not mines but I totally agree
>4 gym sessions + 2 swim + 1 long run is better than 7 gym sessions (in every aspect, looks, overall fitness, motivation, injuries)
>is better to have some beers occasionally, have some junk food once a week than to have a strict diet that makes you depressed and kills your motivation
> discipline > motivation
> the best mire is the one from the mirror

biggest redpill for me is, shutting off porn means the freedom to move on, fapping to your thoughts has no almost no guilt connected to it as porn on the other hand gives you a reason to be a failure/not admit you are better than that
sometimes i wonder if the whole name is a psyop itself, think about it, it is the porn you have to cut out of your life, its about getting rid of the addiction, fapping (nutting) is this much harder to do in excess to your thoughts as to readily available images that shoot dopamine into your blood. In conclusion why the fuck is it called nofap rather NOPORN

> lifting is more likely to make you happy than any single other thing you could do
> neckpill is real and arguably the muscle that makes the most difference to appearance

>> the best mire is the one from the mirror
i still see in the mirror the same thing i've always seen: less than what i want. how does one get to self-miring?

Are we playing how many Jow Forums buzzwords can you fit into a single post?