I'm confined to lifting in my home gym for now and I'm limited by my equipment. Here is what I am currently doing for chest work: >3x5 flat dumbbell bench press >5x8-10 incline dumbbell bench press >3x8-10 lever bench press (machine) >3xF dips (unweighted for now)
I've maxed out my adjustable dumbbells at 52.5 lbs each for both bench press movements, which is why I add the lever bench press, which allows me to add weight. However, I am aware machines are not ideal. What changes should I make in my routine for better chest gains, given the situation? The equipment I have available:
5'-7" 200 lbs. On my 3rd month of SS. 100/140/180/240. Probably sitting at about 30 bmi. If I go down to 2200 calories a day will I still be able to make progress on my lifts? Should I focus more on fat loss or muscle gain? I'm just asking for opinions and advice.
How the fuck do I learn proper squat and deadlifting form when my sense of proprioception is next to zero and I can't afford a trainer, coach or gym membership? Every time I embark on a liner progression program I just end up hurting myself under *extremely* light weight or i plateau 2 weeks in and never seem to be able to progress. Seriously need help bros this is blackpilling me on lifting.
Connor Rivera
What does it mean to deload by 10% if you fail the final set? As in take 10% of the weight off and do another set, or to stop and then put on 10% less the next time you do the lift (on a different day)?
Anyone with experience of losing 50lbs or more know how much fat free mass they lost too? Is a loss of more than 25% lean mass of the weight loss expected?
Lincoln Rodriguez
Not sure, but after losing 50lbs my arm size decreased by half an inch.
Hunter Stewart
I fucking hate that picture
Aaron Jones
Any recommendations of in-ears or on-ears that doesnt go loose after a few months? I cannot gym without any music please help
Grayson Moore
Is this a fat burning man a good health podcast? Been listening to it and he talks a lot about Paleo and micronutrients so far, but also brings on guests.
How the fuck do I stop failing lifts. I'm already finished with my cut (pic related) and am eating at maintenance now, but everything is just stalling hard. Like what should I even be doing until I start gaining weight again?
Depends. If you're trying to lose weight then water. If you're trying to gain weight then milk but I wouldn't drink large amounts of milk for a while, it's got plenty of sugar in it
Nolan Edwards
Iron culture podcasts Iraki nutrition
Mason Thomas
+300 calorie surplus. Aim to gain 1 to 2 lbs per month.
Nicholas Richardson
Almond milk isnt calorie dense. But you can try 1tbsp raw honey with water. Or blend it with some watery fruit like watermelon.
Jayden Reed
>us military >not brick shit house but not fat >girlfriend does 5 minute youtube workouts with kettle bell >try to convince her to lift with me but she says "show me muscle and ill believe you"
I've done the russian fighter Pull up program, basicly I had to stop because my triceps got so sore that I couldn't really controll the downward movement anymore.
Question is, since I never had that problem before, is this caused by a technic mistake or is my triceps just too weak, so it becomes the limiting factor on pull ups?
Fractured my L1 last year and I thought I more or less recovered. Spent basically the whole year lying on my bed outside of university, but now I have a job so I'm standing up and sitting at desks for a lot more. I've got a feeling of tightness between my shoulder blades and the right side of my lower back sometimes feels warm/tingly, is this just because those muscles atrophied and they're getting used to being upright again? I'm not sure if I should see a physio since this is basically just muscular discomfort, but the shoulder blade tightness lasts for the entire day.
Yo fit wtf is wrong with me last few days I been waking up with intense pain right under my chest in the center and if I try to take a deep breath it stings like a motherfucker like a fire raging and I feel like I'm suffocating, should I go for a check up?
Dominic Hernandez
What would happen if I only eat the calories I lost when lifting?
Havent started lifing yet I just eat and it does work.. It takes a lot of time but I do gain weight. Question is, if i start lifting and I dont increase my calorie intake dramatically and i just eat extra calories that I burnt while lifting.. obviously ill maintain my weight right?
Luis Long
Lets see i went from 132 to 105kg and lost about 2kg of lean bodymass, my lifts stayed about the same aswell. So a small 10% was muscle
Lucas Martin
Yeah, you might hurt a rib
Matthew Wilson
redpill me on pea protein
Ryan Gray
The thing about levers is they’re sorta the opposite of dumbbells, they take stabilisation out of the equation and thus allow you to lift more weight. Not necessarily bad, just different and you have to account for those differences. So personally I would do heavy lever bench in the 3-8 rep range, and then db bench in the 5-12 rep range. try a different brand I advocate eating slightly above maintainance and letting yourself recomp, but it’s up to you ofc. You can still make strength gains on a cut. Video every set, watch a shit ton of videos, become an expert. Drop the working weight for that exercise by 10% next time you lift instead of adding weight I like cable rows Normally water but milk is fine as long as a) you wanna gain weight b) you can deal with drinking a lot of milk Pull armpits to pelvis, chest up, push the ground away imo burnout is a chronic thing, if you get a rest over the weekend and come in to lift on monday and still feel crap, you’re probably burning out hmmm if it were me I’d take a deload week and then consider changing my programming hard to tell without a video. Triceps do contribute to pullups (long head produces shoulder adduction and extension) mmmmmm hard to say. if it gets painful, goto doctor. maybe do some stretching. >intense chest pain yes you should go to the doctor you mong lifting doesn’t really burn a lot of calories desu. yes, if you balance your energy equation by eating at maintainance your weight will stay mostly constant.
Landon Wilson
>lifting doesn’t really burn a lot of calories desu. yes, if you balance your energy equation by eating at maintainance your weight will stay mostly constant.
This is good to know. Im just really afraid of losing weight when i start lifting. Id rather maintain than lose it cause im already skinny.
Isaac Perry
On a long cut. Having a hard time deciding between doing Metallicadpa's PPL or an Arnold Split.
The reason I'm considering Arnold Split is that my body is very lower body dominant. People have asked if I play American football because of my tree trunk legs, and my starting weights for squat and deadlift were 135lbs & 205lbs, but my bench and overhead press were 115lbs & 75lbs. I basically look like the SS meme guy except I didn't do SS.
theres a squad of gym bullies at my gym, always together, they horde every weight possible and call out anyone who tries use some of the shit they are hording how do I deal with these douche bags
Gabriel Butler
This is gonna be gross but my asshole is itchy as fuck all the time. The only thing is, when I wipe, no shit comes up at all. The skin is super sensitive down there. What the fuck is wrong with me?
Christopher Turner
How to maximize strength without gaining weight? Aside from perfecting form.
Parker Torres
Is FitQuest thing legit for body composition or is it a meme?
Henry Gray
Worms nigga
Nathaniel Phillips
>injure back while moving old rusty water heater on rest day >next day still feel pain, not intense, can do daily activities as normal >workout as always despite pain >finish workout, pain is gone
Why is this? Also should I take extra rest days if I feel any weird pain or soreness that doesn't feel quite like DOMS?
injured my shoulder a few months ago and tried benching today, used to be able to do 65kg at 3 x 8 and now I can only do 50kg 3 x 10, my shoulder felt weird at first but after a few reps it felt good
you guys think i'll be back to my old strength after a month if I switch to 3 x 5 and bench every workout ( 3 times a week)?
Jose Watson
You are like 40-50 pounds overweight. You should be cutting hard. I know you think you naturally have a lot of muscle but I went from 190 to 170 at 5’8 while lifting and I didn’t have nearly as much as I thought. I was just fat
Asher Wright
Gym is closing for a few weeks of renovation. Can anyone recommend some good calisthenics routines?
Matthew Nguyen
I've noticed when I'm running as fast as I can pace myself to, if I speed up I really feel the weight of my legs. Does this mean I need to cut? It feels like my body is being so inefficient that it motivates me to run harder
Zachary Watson
many options:
If you are an adult and they are adults report them to gym, if the gym does nothing, just take shit they aren't using if they touch you press charges. Nothing says fuck you like garnished wages for the foreseeable future.
If you are bigger, just take what you need, use it with headphones in and when you are done if they are mad just shrug and say oops. Repeat until your done working out.
If your charisma stat is high enough, make small talk and ask to work in. This always works for me but I'm also kinda big (by normie standards).
If you are both under 18 you might have to fight over it, but i doubt it will come to that.
Andrew Turner
Tell them to do one if they question you picking up one of 'their' weights. If they beat you up outside the gym later then take it as practice. If you do stuff that you fear it boosts test naturally and fighting or going against bullies will make you look and feel alpha
Dylan Rogers
When i try to squat i can't get my knees to go forward. Been stretching my calves and that made a slight difference but not anymore. Anyone else have this problem and fixed it?? >pic unrelated just to get anons to notice my question
Should I lift today if I'm sore as fuck? Coming off a very long lay off and had a lifting session on Monday. Now its Wednesday and I'm still sore from that session. Would push through the pain if it means that I'm not doing any damage to my muscles but don't wanna do it if it means that I'm doing more harm than good
Jonathan Powell
How do weight resets work with weighted chin ups on linear progression? For example if a 180 pound guy failed with 20 extra pounds and had to take off 10% of the total weight he would be back to bodyweight and would be building back up to where he was for much longer than it would be with the barbell lifts, but if he took 10% off the added weight he would only be going down 2 pounds. Is there a sort of middle ground that's more effective? I was thinking 5% of total weight would be closer to matching roughly the amount of workouts to build back up compared to the other lifts.
Also is it normal to have to reapply chalk every set? I have really sweaty hands and 3 minutes of rest between sets is enough time for it to get slimy and ineffective.
William Perez
holy shit, less weight but need more food? muscle mass is based
Zachary Torres
Do you listen to music while you work out and if so what?
swans - bastard machinegrl - machinegrl and his other stuff deafu gripu industrial music is great for lifting
John Flores
Metal. I listen to metal while I workout.
Jayden Barnes
I have been doing bodyweight training for a year now and I want to start going to the gym,what is the best starter program,is SS a meme or a good program?
>remember why you are doing this >bunch of 5% bodyfat DYELS and nasty roasties >empty bimbo texts that would be obnoxious as fuck to deal with how is this pic still in circulation?
Jackson Mitchell
Henry Rodriguez
"SS is a meme" is a meme, any program that has you focusing on heavy barbell movements and adding weight every time you workout is going to be effective. The people arguing over whether SS, stronglifts or greyskull LP is best are generally just people who want to dogmatically defend the program they are currently on because they are worried that they might have chosen wrong.
Samuel Cox
Wouldn’t I see worms in my shit though?
Matthew Wright
So, I want to do some cardio for general endurance but I hate running and the stationary bike is boring as fuck. Is jumping rope a good way to get some cardio gains? I enjoy doing it so I'd like to make it my main cardio exercise, maybe add in some rowing.
I keep shrugging when benching and because of that, I put all the strain on my shoulder. I dont feel jackshit in my pecs when benching. How to fix this so I can finally improve ? I'm basically doing laying OHP as of now. Wat do Jow Forums ? Plz save me.
Alexander Cook
What’s your macro split? I’m trying to lose weight and seeing different numbers for different morphs but at this point any ‘fitness’ info google dishes out just seems sus I’ve been doing 25/35/40
Ryan Wright
I'm planning on building a platform, but won't be doing split jerks. Is there any point in using wood for the top layer instead of just covering it all with stall mats?
Dylan Reed
Remember to pull your chest out and have a tight back throughout the movement. If you have trouble doing it, practice the setup while sitting. Pull your scapulae back and down, chest up.
Thomas Kelly
Anyone have the IG of that latina girl which is always posted here? I think that she is 17 or so
Thomas Roberts
Dumbbell rows
Jackson Watson
On a cut is it better to eat 75g of carbs of which 1g is sugar or 50g of carbs of which 10g are sugar? Does insulin play any significant role or I should just count calories regardless of their kind?
Jayden Phillips
When placing myself on the bench I do this, but after a rep or two old habits kick in and I end up shrugging to compensate. I guess only thing to do is practice my form until my habit goes away. I'll practice it while sitting too as you said. Thanks !
Colton Wilson
Does one cheat day a week really mean I'm not gonna make it, or are people memeing?
I hit my protein goals everyday while eating at a deficit that allows me to have around 1500 extra calories on one day every week while still losing weight.
My gains are improving and my physique is getting better. But I'm a fat piece of shit at heart and need one day a week where I can have pizza or ice cream or some shit.
Jose Perez
I don't mean to be a downer but that pic is wrong, you can get very pretty girls to drool over you without being fit (and yes, without money) . And you can get rejected even when being extremely fit.
If youre doing it for the girls stop, seriously
Kayden Miller
It's my birthday on friday and friday is arm day. Anybody got a killer bicep complex/superset they'd recommend?
Parker Moore
Im on a cutting diet. Im eating 3 scrambled eggs each day (around 450 cals if done with almost no oil). As long as i count my calories is there any negative side effect of this?
Adrian Bennett
My gym is at a hotel. They have a sauna, jacuzzi and steam room. Are any of them worth using after a workout?
Asher Gonzalez
Is there any particular downside to eating pic related frequently? I don't usually have a lot of free time to cook and so I usually buy a box for lunch. I know eating whole foods is better but is there any source saying these are actually killing me or some shit?
Can I do squats, dl, chin ups and bench on the same day as a little „Reserve“ Workout? Haven’t had the chance to workout in a week, can’t workout for another week except for today
Jaxon Martin
Are HDL and LDL cholesterol something that can be eaten, or can you only eat generic "cholesterol", and then the body decides later which one it becomes?
Lucas Parker
HDL and LDL are some of the proteins that carry cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol itself is only one specific molecule that all animals have in their bodies to some extent.
Daniel Jackson
what do if I fail before completing reps? stop completely and try other day?
Grayson Cooper
I really only care about aesthetics, what would the optimal kind of program for a relative newbie be? Jump straight into a bodybuilding hyperthrophy routine, or follow a strength program for a little while first and then switch to a hypertrophy routine?
Is this too much back for a deadlift? I don’t train deadlift and wanted to try it out and got a vid of me hitting 375 for a quad and this is about the peak of my back rounding is it too much?
>get my 8.5 hrs sleep >go to gym in the morning >get a good workout in >tired and groggy rest of day wtf I thought exercising was supposed to give me energy
Justin Sullivan
Are there any healthy cold breakfast cereals? Everything I've looked at still has at least 15g of sugar per 1/2 cup.
Michael Gonzalez
I'm doing Mark Rippletoes starting strength from the pinned thread but I'm such a weak bitch I can't do it properly
I started last week and so far:
>can only do squats 2x a week because I can barely walk by Wednesday (supposed to do them 3x a week) >can't do a single chin-up or dip
What the fuck do I do? Should I just continue with what I can do and hopefully I can do the workouts in full eventually?
Nolan Richardson
MK-677 Anyone can share their experience, results, best site to buy them?
Say I work a physically intense warehouse job 3 days a week, 12 hour shifts each time (sat-mon). I want to(and have been) go to the gym on tuesdays and thursdays while doing high intensity cardio on the days i don't, but is this too much? I'm still a pretty novice lifter, only did some light lifting and have been going to the gym for like 1.5 months, and i'm wondering if i'm overworking myself and not giving myself enough rest. I'm starting to feel a bit too fatigued rather than sore(still feeling sore, but not as bad as before)over the course of the days i work now and it's starting to effect my performance at work negatively. Should i just stick to lifting a single day a week until my body accustoms to lifting more or what?
Asher Kelly
How bad would it be to go on a all out eating and drinking spree for a week if I'm on track all year nutrition and exercise wise?
I really mean going all out obese level eating and drinking beer, cocktail, liquor.
I feel like throwing myself off a bridge because of work/life related problems and booked a one week all inclusive vacation in Mexico to try to somehow ease my mental state.
You'll het used to it and start feeling energised for the rest of the day. Quit being a bitch it takes atleast a week for your body to adapt. SS beginner program with sum isolations thrown in at the end, like curls, lateral raises, and skull crushers. As a newb you'll beuild muscle regardless cis your body isn't used to stimulus so may as well get stronger. Move more weight = more muscle activation = more gainz
Angel Morales
Btw I'm a fucking 135lbs 5'8" twink so it's not like I'm trying to lose weight.
Angel Moore
Doms will go away soon. You will miss them when they are gone. Make sure you are actually following the prograhm, and by that I mean you are on a colossal caloric surplus and are getting plenty of rest every night. If you can't do a chin you can do negatives.
Andrew Smith
Very good. Look, it’s no roid cycle. You won’t EXPLODE in size, but you will look fuller constantly, increase strength more than you would naturally, have better skin, and sleep like an angel. Better sleep =gains and appetite is through the roof and if done for awhile, can cause body fat to decrease on a clean bulk. Good for cutting if you can manage to not binge eat.
My favorite is the endurance you get. You can lift for fucking ever. Like you can just keep doing sets it’s like holy shit
Camden Lewis
If you can't do a single chinup then jump up to the top position for it and lower yourself down as slow as you can. Do that instead till you can do them properly. If after a month DOMS are still stopping you from hitting legs 3x a week then you will just have to power through and get that 3rd one anyway.
Robert Thomas
Post GOAT tier foods I can buy and cook in bulk for my permabulk Recently got a desk job so I rarely have time to cook
Robert Jackson
I've been going to the gym for 8 months. But I have recently started pushing myself harder doing more reps/sets.