Unironicaly, how do i get this body?
Unironicaly, how do i get this body?
Eat McDonalds everyday and workout.
Also roid
Isley is natty as you can get.
Train hard for 12 years in constant caloric surplus. If Isley cared about cutting he would be pretty aesthetic.
Steal it.
Never learn
1. train big
2. eat big
Neglect bench press
dedicate your life to destroying your body in favor of comparatively weak ass lifts that will never bring you any tangible value
I have that body. You don't want that body.
seething cope
Yet he nebber lurns
>any tangible value
But what if I enjoyed training and competing? Why do I need to get paid to make a hobby worthwhile?
Is 170kg a neglected bench press?
What is there to learn after Supermang's defeat?
>170 kg at 105 kg
Call me when you finally bench 4 plate sweatie. :^)
Why does Isley refuse to cut
Damn that fat kid from jimmy neutron got swole
Because he's stronger than you'll ever be and if he cut he wouldn't be able to compete at an international level anymore.
This. If you just 'want it' than roiding will get you there. But it's nowhere near necessary.
Just imagine having to grapple that strong fucker.
ian mccarthy looking stacked
Pull guard and he’ll gas in twenty seconds
He'll just slam you on the ground user.
izli izli izli, you never learn man
I’m not getting into a >hurr muh martial arts argument here. It doesn’t matter how strong you are, with no cardio you can’t fight.
Don't need cardio.
Just good power and enough endurance to work hard as fuck for a minute.
It's not a question of outliasting him.
It's a question of if he'll pick you up and slam you onto the ground or worse a hard table at the wrong angle.
Don't use grappling on people who are far stronger then you if you don't know how to play the angles.
Pulling guard = picked up and slammed onto the fucking ground.
Have you ever grappled? You don’t get slammed. If someone tries to pick you up you just hook the leg, if you miss the hook you just release guard. Only white belts get slammed.
Yes it actually is
Considering u only train 3 lifts for idk 10 years or smth
Absolute unit, forever mirin
Based and bloatpilled
try cutting
Wrong. Long arms
Weakling cope
is he roiding? He looks big but from the photo he doesn't look roided out.
roids aren't ipf approved
Isley is biggest natty there is, he busts his ass for 12 years to reach sub 4 plate bench while bloatmaxxxing and doing arching and max legal width grip.
>slammed onto the fucking ground
>implying I'm not going to grab the back of your head and snap your neck using my weight + the momentum you created
someone post that video plz
Trip on fatass
Would look great if he cut
can you make your eyes pop out again