Live in Finland

>live in Finland
>don't drink alcohol and hate promiscuous women
>your social life is pretty much fucked

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Want to swap places guy?

try to immigrate to the us
i hear they have lots of saunas in Wisconsin

>live in Finland
>drink daily
>only leave apartment every two weeks or so to stock up on booze and food

You sound like a real Finn. That's the only thing you can do in Finland.

>live in Finland
>your social life is pretty much fucked

Fixed that for you.

>live in finland
>drink/dxm almost every day listening to music
>see friends once or twice a week to drink
>sometimes don't speak to anyone for months, don't feel like it
>only leave home to go for the occasional walk, grocery trip, or drugs

Attached: Disconnecting people.jpg (666x420, 42K)

what are bitches unironically thots in finland?

thats everywhere bro

Not really, it's just that as a neet thots and drinking are the only real way to socialize

Made this exact post to that other thread. It's snowy hell.
Yes, studies say that Finland has the most promiscious women in the world.

ah shucks now i dont know what to believe
Here's some danish study about this.

>The results are based on the responses of almost 6,000 members of Victoria Milan, so perhaps the averages are slightly tainted by the fact that the respondents are members of an adultery website.

I don't know what to believe either desu, out of the relatively large circle of people I "know" only a couple are legit fuck anything that moves types, one of which is a pill munching landwhale

>live in Romania
>don't drink alcohol and hate promiscuous women
>my social life is hanging from a piece of thread

>don't drink alcohol and hate promiscuous women

Given these two points you're fucked wherever you live.

I'm a 30yo virgin male in Finland.
Love it how every American goes
>what?! you have the easiest sluts in Finland so if you can't even get pussy from them, you're fucked
People don't get that that's exactly why I'm a virgin. I have nothing in common with those whores and I'm repulsed by them as much as they're repulsed by me. I was born in the wrong country and in the wrong century.

idk, I get the sense that it's more acceptable to be a robot in Finland than in the US

A true finn.

Move out, man

That's because you are a somali immigrant.

>idk, I get the sense that it's more acceptable to be a robot in Finland than in the US

Only very slightly, and that's only because Finns are less social than loud and outgoing Americans. Most Finns are still full-fledged normies and NPC's who act on impulse and don't understand people who don't go to the army voluntarily, get kids at 24 and shit like that.

>live in Finland
>get shitfaced every Friday and/or Saturday
Pretty cool

cum asa mancatas pula ta

curvele sunt curve si nu imi place gustul de alcool.

singura metoda prin care futi fara sa ai obligatii tho

Why is God wearing such faggy pants?

I met a pretty damn cool finnish girl recently, never gonna get her though. Amanda if you're here i wanna smash

wait are you saying everyone there hates that or is a alcoholic slut?

tfw arab and hate thots, and so does society
jk its actually pretty shit

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You should try drinking, and trying to fuck the promiscuous women.

corect dar ce faci daca vrei sa ai o relatie serioasa cu una?

nu ai ca eu am si te distruge psihic, de 2 ani am o relatie serioasa si nu mai sunt eu, sincer sa fiu mai degraba ramai singur daca poti sa futi, e ai bine, fara stres si faci ce vrei

where are yuo from?

>hating promiscuous women
>not being indifferent to their promiscuity

uae, aka normieland

ok, dar daca vrei sa faci copii atunci ce faci?
(a adopta nu e o varianta pt mine)
La propriu in ultimi ani : The squeeze ain't worth the juice.

chiar vrei ceva de care sa ai girja 18-25 si sa te manance de bani si vlaga, btw, cati ani ai ?

19 tu?
cred ca ai peste 30

22 pula da is satul de viata

cum cum cum cum cum cum

te inteleg, eu am doar 19 si mi s-a facu sila de a trai.
No wonder we are here.

Do you work?
If not, where do you get the money for food?