/drugfeel/ A D D Y G A N G edition

Post your drugs and feels

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If you take unprescribed medications you should just kill yourself faggots. waste of space.

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Someone clearly hasn't had enough amphetamine.

Popped two klonopins and a blunt now at work. Time is going by so fast

Nicotine as I have no money rn

nicotine and weed lmao, or any medicine I find randomly

OK virgin, whatever you say!

How much DXM should i take for the first time? I got an 125ml bottle, each 5ml of syrup contain 7.5mg DXM.

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why do u care so much lol


enjoy the spiders

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Just got home from a nice dxm walk in the woods
heard a snap so I halted, didn't see anything but spent a solid 20min just looking at the moon and around me because it was so beautiful.

If by chance the poster from >pic related
sees this then no I don't, welfare combined with using your head and "projects" of my own work out just fine.

sorry for the blogpost, feeling too good here, have a good one guys

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What spiders user?

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I wanna buy shrooms or lsd but since i'm not jailbait anymore if I get caught I kinda ruin my life, what's the best way to get some without risking the chance of a felony.

fuck off amphetamine fags

this post was made by benzo gang

Is pic related good for DMT freebase?

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using drugs typically isn't a crime

getting caught with drugs is the crime and police typically don't care that much about users
*teleports behind u while ur barred out*

Based retard that's DPH

I would but my doctor doesnt "give them out like candy" like the normalfaggots keep parroting

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Unless you want to be extra careful and try ~100mg just to check for a bad reaction then you could probably down the whole thing and not feel much more than just drunk-ish
I'd get another one and go for a bottle and a half for ~280mg (or a bit more) even that probably wont get you too fucked.
If you want to see some real shit then try a few smaller doses and build up from there, it changes completely the further you go.

that's true, had a friend of mine who said his doc refused to give him a higher dosage because they're "highly addictive" yeah why else would you want them...

luckily my family has a close friend who's a doc who just writes me a script for whatever i want no questions asked

> only weed tonight

any other addyniggas with yuge surplus of pills from their scripts?

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>luckily my family has a close friend who's a doc who just writes me a script for whatever i want no questions asked

lucky fucker

yeah lucky for me back in High School but i quit all drugs except for caffiene, nicotine, and occasionally alcohol. Got really reliant on benzos and lost all motivation so I made myself stop. 2 years later off of them I still have no motivation. :^)

>I still have no motivation
Seem like you need meth

>on the amphetamine train for years
>no shortage of motivation and chronic masturbation

yep, pros & cons to both. i liked klonopin when i was in school because i had severe anxiety. I'd pop one in the morning and one at lunch and would just drone through the day on autopilot. it was amazing

Thanks user, i will order another bottle now since they dont have it in the local pharmacy. Guess i will just smoke few joints today.


Nothing better than tunes and mandy

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apologies fellas, meant to say Md

>weed and coke
How does that feel user?

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>How does that feel user?

like a fucking dream lad

do you take them almost simultaneously or wait a bit in between?

Can't sleep because of a bad tooth ache. Don't have money for another week. I could really go for some poppy tea right now

>took 600mg dxm for first time trip
>spend entire trip with arms blocking eyes listening to music, weeping for the sufferings of humanity, while recieving a barrage of suicidal thoughts
>could have very easily gave in and kms'd at any point while being glad to do so
dxm sucks

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I usually space it out a half hour


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>tfw stoned as fuck and someone orders pizza
divine intervention

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Idk why but im never hungry when im high. Even when with my friends and they order pizza or some other shit i never eat.

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whats that ghoul thing in the background

>he hasn't played DMC3
play DMC3

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weIl wtf is it!?!

Just tried taking an adderall extended release for the first time and it just knocked me out, what the fuck am I doing wrong

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when we die do we enter the DMT realm (hyperzone) or do we reincarnate in new human bodies with a fresh ego

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that's the hidden minigame called addy russian roulette

rare chance of paradoxically making you fall asleep

I don't know what the fuck they're called just play the game it's pure kino
bonus points for playing while high

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Guys I love weed
Those rolling waves of warm every couple seconds
:) Weeeew

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got into eating ayahuasca as instructed by

2g/3g of syrian rue to chaliponga knocked me off my feet but I liked it. How sparingly do I have to use this stuff and what are the consequences for using it way to often?

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fuck its stims time!

syrian rue = MAOI = all the risks you would typically associate with MAOIs

I got some ket from the Netherlands and I think I might've found my new favorite thing, I'm gonna have to order in bulk so I don't keep getting sus packages in the mail

in other news what's a good stim to try if I'm a stim babby?

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adderall straight from dr. feelgood

marijuana, alcohol and cigarettes. I'll probably take dexedrine tomorrow.
not too bad all things considered. I've started having panic attacks recently and it's just an annoyance. I've been awake for about 33 hours or so.

I just took 80 mlg of atom, and now im just waiting for the depression to kick in, im gonna be so cool in an hour bros...

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lucky bastard, I want some ketamine too

I used to be all about dxm but honestly ket seems like a straight upgrade, at least for smaller recreational doses. why can't you get any atm?

no money first of all. And I'd need a PO box to order it to a place my parents can't intercept it, that costs a lot of money

You prefer ADDY GANG DANCE LIKE A MACHINE youtube.com/watch?v=LKM_8dXD65U

>1g phenibut
>1200mg gabapentin staggered
>a beer

Holy fuck am I comfy right now

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do your parents actually go through your packages? that's pretty messed up user

Shrooms, mostly visual rn
Watching wood grain run down my wall like sand

I gave up drugs about a year ago because my crystal meth addiction spiralled out of control. Was also abusing a fair amount of cocaine and xanax. Been 13 months but I still feel pretty shitty sober. Can anyone here provide tips on how to not be miserable as a sober person?

I'm jealous of anyone that gets legit pharmacy medication that they can pay through insurance, I'm way too fucking autistic to ever try and get my doc to prescribe anything so I'm stuck with illegal shit

don't be sober
lost my sober card years ago ever since i got on adderall

no problems with my life

Yeah that's what crystal meth will do to ya, mess up your natural dopamine and shit.

>Tfw out of weed
Feels bad man. I'm tempted to go buy edibles but that would be a bigger risk to getting a job.

This happened to me on my like 7th trip. I think it depends on your mindset before you take it. First couple times it felt awesome.

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Who else is on tolerance break?

I'm not gonna take opioids for a month.

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Just don't OD when you get back on the horse

first time I ever smoked salvia I was retarded and took a huge bong rip of it and had a hellish 3-hour trip (i think i fell asleep and the trip continued in a nightmare b/c it's not supposed to last that long). It was the most terrifying thing I've ever experienced but I crave the fucked up surreality of it. Fond memories, hope I can enter a whole different world like that again

as another user recommended, i'd do 100mg for an allergy test. it may be different for you, but even on that dose smoking plenty of weird after gave me a unique headspace that certainly didn't come from weed alone.
that's DPH, you fucking mongoloid.

anyway, waiting for my DXM to kick in while I finish up my Leon B Hardcore speedrun in Resident Evil 2. planning on watching Annihilation later, and playing a Killer7 after. got a nice playlist of music and vids in case i'm too fucked for that.

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For some reason my kratom dose turned into a really depressive headspace but it finally motivated me to start writing something again. I got really into the groove and I'm writing a short story about a guy that's running away from wolves while on ketamine. Thanks anonbros for inspiring me with your personal stories in these threads. I think I'm gonna drop a third kratom dose and keep writing late into the night.

indeeeed. once you get older you realize everyone does it

>that would be a bigger risk to getting a job.
How do you figure? No matter how you ingest THC its gonna stay in your system for a month

Yeah but wouldn't the THC be less if I vaped instead of digesting it? Since if you going via edible it'll stay longer in your system since it has to go through your stomache etc etc?

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Naw senpai. No matter what it'll be a month in your system, possibly longer if you're a heavy user with little to no exercise

But when you eat it goes through your liver and other organs. Are you sure? This sounds like some pseudomeme shit.

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no nigga, user's right. you're overthinking this shit, and coming to conclusions that don't make any sense at that.

Fuck if this is true then I guess it's better to wait until I get a job before I dive back into edibles. Thanks for the help user.

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of course. hope you get that job soon so you can blaze up again, my dude

Saw the stacy today nipp? Anyway, hope you find something soon.

Yeah me too my dude.

Nah she has been gone for 12hours. Probably went to work and then hang out with chad or something

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For a first dose maybe try 400 mg just to see how your body reacts. Be careful though, I once did 1600mg and got really fucked up.

Try to get a creep shot of her next time. Do it for us, nipp.

450mg will for sure get you to comfy 2nd plat which I recommend for first time.

Maybe once I actually interact with her since so far she has been here for 3weeks and only seen her once.

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You must live in a really big house, nipp.

Been abusing shit weed and cigarettes for 5 years, quit the weed since the dealers in my area are retarded, and the cigarettes because they were starting to really fuck me up.
I'm squeaky clean at the moment, don't even take caffeine pills.
I think I'm gonna give Ritalin a try, around 3 years ago I did some hallucinogen/stimulant (don't really remember), and when the visual effects calmed down I ordered ALL of my pc files, according to what I read that could mean I have adhd.
Do you guys have any experience with that sort of thing?

Anyone else extremely sensitive to LSD? I havent tried other psychs but ive done acid a couple times and last session I did about 60ug expecting to relax while my friend trips on 100ug.
> take tab
>just chilling and laughing with friend
>lines start becoming undefined
>patterns seriously forming over everything
>Headspace, afterimages, etc.
>Basically tripping sack and even more than my friend that took almost double than i did
>visuals getting too overwhelming but calm myself down eventually
>have a fun time but cant wait for it to finish

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>Anyone else extremely sensitive to LSD?
I'm just sensitive to all drugs in general. That's why I do 50ug every time now.

5 more days until I get my benzos refilled... If I'd have known my fembot GF was going to leave me I would have saved them.

>It's actually snowing
>Haven't seen snow in 8years
whew lad it's snowing in late Feb to this is crazy.

Nah just 2story house with 5bedrooms and 3bathrooms.

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smoking weed. super hardcore i know. but im trying to cope with a divorce. shit sucks man.

Anybody else going through this shit?

>tfw have about 3 refills of xanax xr and klonopin saved up
>have 18 ambien left for the month

Do any of you faggots like ambien? Is taking 150 mg of DPH similar?

I'm slightly jealous of your script even though I'm scripted 40mg of Adderall and 2mg of lorazepam a day. Ambien is pretty great. It's pretty much the only enjoyable deliriant that isn't for masochistics

Personally I think DPH sucks for absolutely anything except for legitimate allergies

>tfw reached maximum weed tolerance from dab pen
anyone else know this feel? its gonna suck going on a t break

live where its decriminalized.

Ambien isn't a deliriant

same for me on everything except stimulants. coke just makes me mad and out of the 6 times I took adderall I only felt it once for like an hour. WTF?

so fucki dunk eifgr now n

Took 1mg of xanax and 2 shots of whiskey.

How comfy am I gonna feel? Hardly do xanax, and never mixed it with alcohol before.

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Hey, you still here? How's the high so far?