Yes i hate gays

yes i hate gays

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I only tolerate faggots cause of society
if there was no social pressure I'd chastise them openly
soon the pedophiles will be embraced by society

Gays are really mean and superficial

GitS is probably the only anime that does a strong female character right. She's a woman, but the film doesn't make that the centerpiece of the whole thing or try to shove it in your face. You could make Kusanagi a man and that wouldn't change the plot or the thematic impact in any way.
The film is great otherwise too, but that's especially impressive considering how one dimensional women characters generally are in Jap entertainment and even the source material. Oshii is a genius.

yes i agree my friend and comapnion

Do you think that sentiment translated well into the live action? I never thought of either of them that way honestly, but that's interesting.

But the Major is canonically a lesbian.

>You could make Kusanagi a man and that wouldn't change the plot or the thematic impact in any way
Doesn't that make her a poor female character?
>Write plot for a man
>Draw a woman to sell sex

Ryuko Matoi is unironically a better female character.

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Ironic that you used a picture of Motoko for your thread, OP.
You know she's at least bi, right?
Anyway, speaking of Major Kusanagi, can some kind user post more pics of her? I'm always looking for ways to expand my collection.
Thank you all in advance

I don't care about gays but hate lesbians

Why is that? Genuinely curious

You better make me post this, stupid Robot...

Mostly because they seem to hate men more than they love women but there are some other reasons like personal bad experiences.

Not that user but that's understandable. The only good lesbians are 2D anyway.

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Mmm, I see.
Well, I don't have a strong opinion of them, mainly because I've never met a lesbian (only two bi girls: they were a psychological mess, although because they hated men)

I meant *although NOT because they hated men

It's so easy to hate flamboyant faggots as a straight man. If you have no kneejerk reaction at all to "men" like that then evolution failed. However I know I could have been born like them too. So leave it at resentment.

Thank you so much for making this thread about gays. I look at /r9gay/ and think, you know what this cesspool of whiny faggots is missing? Another group of whiny faggots whining about the first bunch.

lesbians are ok tho.

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>man you have an opinion about anything haha what a whiny fag
>I'm totally not a concern troll

Why did none of you fuckers post more Motokos?
Uff, I always have to do all the work here...

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I wish I could just be straight. Also I wish I didn't have ED.