Do any robots in Burgerland have experience with applying for neetbux/disability/government benefits...

Do any robots in Burgerland have experience with applying for neetbux/disability/government benefits? I'm a NEET with mental issues (Depression, anxiety, panic disorder), but I have no physical ailments besides being overweight.

I've been toying with the idea of applying, but I hear it's a long grueling process and most people get denied. But it's still gotta be worth a shot, right?

I'd like to hear about your previous or current experience with the whole process.

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i'm genuinely curious what others' experiences are

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move to california or give up

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oof, was this after the initial application? can't you appeal it in court or something?

what's special about california?

In most states if youre not severely physically disabled or mentally disabled to the point you cant talk, feed or dress yourself your only hope is getting a lawyer which means actually going to court to plead your case the process even then can take up to 2 years

This kind of thing is entirely dependent on the person who sees your file, and the orders the people have at the time.

Remember there is a budget, and the amount of benefits they give out must match yearly projections of budget.

>2020 - 2,500,000 people on disability (random number)
>2025 - gov budget allows for 2,700,000 people on disability
>2030 - gov budget allows for 3,000,000 people on disability

That means in those 3 years, the net amount of benefits has gone up 500,000 people in 10 years, with probably 25,000,000 applications. So every year people are being reviewed/kicked off, new people are getting on, people are dying off, etc.

You have to be "lucky" enough to fall into that spot to be accepted, which can take years upon years for your number to be selected for acceptance. Which is why everyone has to apply multiple times over a few years. The can only give out X amount of acceptances per month, and if they already have given them out, you're going to get denied that month, unless a significant amount of people were reviewed/kicked off/died.

It's literally standard procedure to be denied the first 3 times you apply. Social Security Admin has been doing that shit forever. Appeal and appeal again. They deny the first few attempts to weed out people that aren't serious.

Its not just that.

There was a story on this in Australia here, where some old guy who clearly was qualified for disability, couldn't get it, and the government employee eventually whistled blow'd on it and said his department was basically told not to accept any new applications until they've been given the green light to start accepting more. So tens of thousands of legitimate claims were being denied automatically because there was a secret "halt" on accepting new people onto disability.

i got to the court thing and then gave up because I was too sick to do that and I hate going outside and id have to be in front of people and they would say im making it up.

We have this amazing new presidential candidate who wants to protect NEETbuxers. You can find him via the #humanityfirst hash tag.

Yep, I actually read that article. It took like 9 attempts for my mother to get on disability and she has a horrible degenerative disease.

I waited two years just to get to the court stage when I gave up because whats the point. Its easier just to kill yourself. Luckily I met a person that I stick around for. Thats the only reason though.

Thats the thing, she eventually got it because she landed in a month where she made the cut.

They have like 5,000 to 10,000 per month acceptance allowed (depending on how many other people got reviewed/kicked off in the previous month), and they get 100,000 applications per month to look at, so you're looking at a 5-10% chance of being accepted, no matter whether or not you fully qualify for it

Keep in mind, this was in the early 2000's. And she eventually got a lawyer to help - which is why social security disability claims lawyers are such a big deal and advertise so hard in the US.

Yeah, thats because there's specific key word phrases you must have in your application for it to be accepted. If your application fails to say SPECIFIC key words they want, then they auto-reject.

Your GP, your Clinical Psychologist or Psychiatrist, they all have to write their reports in a specific way that includes key words that they need for you to be accepted.

I had to find a specific Clinical Psychologist who charges $1000~ to write those reports for disability, and have to see them a bunch of times before hand which is more charges.

A lot of luck is involved, think.
It all depends on whos's overseeing your case.
I was turned down because i was "clean, well groomed" and appeared normal on the surface level.
How can these morons be in the mental health profession when they can't even tell the difference between retardation and genuine mental illness.

so, like, you had to go to court or something?

and they threw your whole case out because you didn't show up in rags, frothing at the mouth and gibbering like a madman?

the fuck?

it's fundamentally not worth it
for starters max pay out is only around $730, and no one gets max pay out
There's also the time involved, probably several years if you include the 2 to 3 rejections it'll take and the lawyer you'll need to hire to get bux

also, if you have any sign of functionality like finishing high school, going to college, or working at all it'll heavily count against you

This is very true.

Even if you wage-cucked at McDonalds for 3 years as a kid, they will just say "haha just work at McDonalds again like you did before for several years!"

keywords? like what? never heard of this before

I would take any amount, honestly. I have finished high school and 3 years of college, but stopped working and taking classes after I had a panic attack and attempted suicide and was hospitalized for several weeks. That was like 2 years ago and my symptoms have only worsened.

>worked and went to college
your chances of getting bux are basically nil user, sorry to say

that's what I figured, but you can't fault a guy for at least investigating the idea, right?

maybe I'd be better off trying to find a comfy part-time job that isn't too stressful, but that's probably another pipe dream

This is why I dont even bother applying even though I was diagnosed with mental illnesses when I was 6 and spent the next 10 years in (((treatment))) for those and it completely fucking my entire life because I got a job out of necessity and then Ive been fired multiple times for being a basket case. I mean what the fuck are you supposed to do otherwise be a homeless street rat until you luck into getting NEETbux? The whole system is fucked

I saw a panel of people through a kind of skype like live interview.
I'm not a stable person at all and anxious and phobic to the point of having to have a guardian with me most of the time in public or i sperg out.
Since i have enough common sense to bath and cloth myself they saw that as grounds to deny me.

The whole process is fucked, desu.

damn, and this was in america?

>keywords? like what? never heard of this before

Keywords / Phrases like this for example

Example 1:
>Dr Poopoo Head
>Dear Mr/Ms Autismbux person, my client (autistic faggot loser) is an autistic cunt, and in my opinion this stops his ability to work.

Example 2:
>Dr Poopoo Head
>Dear Mr/Ms Autismbux person, my client (autistic faggot loser) is an autistic cunt, and in my opinion this stops his ability to work for at least the next 2 years.
Notice the difference? The first example by the doctors statement did not include a time-frame, they can deny you automatically on this alone. The second example included a time-frame of at least 2 years.

If you've ever been hospitalized your odds go up exponentially.
They tried to commit me once, but i was against it.

You hire a lawyer before you apply then go through everything with the lawyer. disability lawyers just take a chunk of your back pay when you win for payment.

I spent several weeks in the hospital psychiatric ward after my suicide attempt. Would not recommend. Spent most of my time shambling up and down the hallway, wishing that I had succeeded in my attempt instead of failing like I do with everything else.

Would that counterbalance the fact that I've completed high school and nearly completed my bahcelor's? I don't know.

ausbot here, mine got rejected but I just need to do my upcoming assessment and wait a bit longer for the 3 years of treatment and apply again.
Will fake a sui to go psychward to get on if I have to as I legit cannot work or go out.
still on bux :)

I checked the website of a local disability attorney (pic related). Not only do they get a chunk of the benefit money, they also charge fucking $250/hour as a consultation fee, whether you succeed or not. What a fucking racket.

Attached: attorney fees.png (1724x1035, 175K)

>ausbot here, mine got rejected but I just need to do my upcoming assessment and wait a bit longer for the 3 years of treatment and apply again.

3 years of treatment?


I got denied in 2017 because I only had 6 months, and they told me I needed 2 years. Is it 3 years now? WTF

Protip: in arizona they have their own neetbux program for severely mentally ill people, much better than disability. I just found out I'm eligible due to my schizophrenia.