Do you know how bad it feels to be seen as a friend (at best) by all the females in the world?

Do you know how bad it feels to be seen as a friend (at best) by all the females in the world?

It's a bad feeling. Like you don't exist. Girls talk to you, but they want anyone else but you.

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Yeah I get the same feeling around my male friends. Like, what's the point of talking if we're not going to be rimming each other by the end of it?

I watch Pacific Rim on a monthly basis with my friends and we call it rimming.
Can you imagine the look on people's faces when we go to Walmart and talk loudly about buying some drinks and snacks for the rimmin sesh coming up.

i don't find very appealing the idea of rimming but i can put my peepee inside you and move it fast like, a lot of fast

You don't sexualize yourself or carrying yourself as a masculine, sexual being. This is why every woman sees you as a penisless friend. You have to let women know that you're a man with a dick. Comment on women's asses when they're around. Hell, comment on THEIR asses. Don't be afraid to offend them. Women aren't as sensitive as you think. Tell edgy, dirty jokes. Don't show your full power level but let them know you're an adult. Right now, they see you as an androgynous, asexual childman.

That sounds like a pretty fun time, user.

What kind of advice is this
>let them know you're an adult.
>Hell, comment on THEIR asses
Then they'll just you a immature asshole. I've tried so many things with women. They say it's not all about looks, but it really is :(

Ohh BOO fucking HOO my nigga

That sounds wholesome as shit user. I love it.

Funny, I've never heard someone say "it's my shitty personality that repels women", it's always "women only care about looks".

Like I said I've tried being nice, aggressive, dominant, I've tried everything you roasties advise me to be.

Not him, but I've repeatedly said that it's my unremarkable personality that repels women. It's just not a productive discussion because people always say "Just become a completely different person bro." As if reinventing yourself to get pussy is a good decision.

That's because women keep saying "I wish there were more guys like you"

That's what i've been saying for years bro. Women have always been repulsed by my terrible personality and always go for virgins that treat them nicely

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>"I've tried everything you roasties"
Yeah fucking right. I'm not even a woman, but I can tell that you're just a bitter person who's blaming all women for a handful of rejections.

See, I respect a man with self-awareness. At this point, I think your choice lies in whether you want to change so many aspects about yourself just to get someone to sleep with you. If the answer is no, that's totally fair - I have friends who are virgins but are completely fine with that, and I love them all the same. Sex isn't everything, and if you're ok with that, then you'll be fine with whoever you are.

>Do you know how bad it feels
It's ok user, you're among friends. Chad can't get you here

>you're just a bitter person who's blaming all women for a handful of rejections.
Ive been rejectef by thousands of women at this point, not all in person obviously, but women all want the same type of man, and if you can't become that then there's no chance for you.

>I've never done this but I know what will happen so I won't even try it!
They won't see you as an immature asshole. You've been brainwashed by 90s movies to think that girls are offended by sex. They're not. Women only treat you like a man when they know you're a man. You act like an asexual child and that's how they treat you.

I promise user, loosen that filter you have and girls will at least respect you as an equal instead of as a gal pal. Get caught looking at some titties a couple times. Tell them about a girl you fucked (lie).

Or you can enjoy being the gay best friend for the rest of your life, then one day announce your love to one of your friends and she'll respond "oh user... I don't see you in that way" because she's never even heard you say anything even alluding to sexuality since she's known you and she just assumed you weren't into that kind of thing.

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>I like the non sexual qualities you have but the way you behave makes it seem like you'd be terrible in any sexual relationship

Could it possibly be that men say women care about looks primarily because...they do????
To be fair, there's money and status in there too.

Ever notice how the super jacked alpha bodybuilders are single or gay? Girls don't want some super macho alpha male. I talk to girls like that all the time, they just keep you around as an orbiters and use you to boost their self esteem. I've bad butter luck just ignoring girls

That's not even what most women are into, that's what guys think that women are into. Women tend to go for more lean "Brad Pitt" kinda guys.

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Making your personality into one that attracts women (and people in general) isn't becoming a completely different person. Honestly though, why should you just stay the way you are now? What are you gaining by resisting change?

Girls don't like lean men unless they are tall. I see more fat guys and dadbod men with women then anything else.

It's not easy I'm quiet and introverted, saying "just become attractive and outgoing" is borderline impossible to achieve genuinely

Go to a hooker and have her ride your cock, maybe you'll feel a bit more at ease with girls then. Don't get too hung up on it dude.

I don't mind it much. I mean, you get to see them naked because they don't feel threatened or intimidated by you.

>ever notice how women don't like this extreme caricature of what you're talking about?
I'm not talking about injecting steroids into your ass and punching walls user. I'm talking about acting like an adult. Im not telling you to act super macho. I'm telling you to act like a normal man with a normal sexuality and normal emotions instead of hiding it.

It's ok to be angry, it's ok to be attracted to women. Life isn't some anime, where if women find out that you're attracted to them, they hit you across the head with a frying pan.

You have to get rid of that filter and that voice in your head that tells you that you have to walk on eggshells around women because you don't want to offend them.

Sexuality is a normal part of life and something everyone experiences, so it's ok to talk about it with women. The fact that you try to hide the fact that you're straight from women makes them think you're one of the rare guys who has no sexuality.

I'll tell you when I learned this: I was in the 5th grade and had a crush on this girl named Lucero. I had no clue how to talk to her, so I'd just be nice. She was always nice back but she never went out of her way to hang out with me and treat me like I was cool the way she did the other boys. One day, I was talking to some other boys and I let it slip that I thought Lucero was fine.

The boys laughed and told Lucero that I thought she looked good and Lucero's response was "user didn't say that, he's too nice!" She didn't even think that I had it in me to be attractive.

Second revelation, 6th grade. The cool kids used to play this game where they'd run around grabbing girl's asses on the playground. The girls enjoyed the game. One of the girls walked near me and a cool kid said "watch out, user's gonna grab your ass!" She said "no he won't, he's too nice!" The girls enjoyed being sexualized by the other boys, but assumed I wasn't into that kind of play because I was so unsexual.

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I wouldn't say I'm completely fine with it, but I find it a preferable alternative to not being me. And while I wish girls liked me, I recognize that people have the right to like or dislike whoever or whatever they like.

I told you I don't walk on eggshells and I've told girls I've liked them I've complimented their asses they just think you're creepy. Adults behave differently then 10 year old kids

I am too user but being an extrovert isn't required to get women. Your problem isn't that you're introverted, it's that you're shy and insecure.

I'm an introvert but once I get comfortable with a woman, she becomes easy to talk to. Your issue is that your shyness and insecurities keep you from becoming comfortable with people and reaching that point where you're able to talk to them.

>"just become attractive and outgoing" is borderline impossible to achieve genuinely
No. Dress more fashionably to improve looks. Take anti-anxiety medication to combat introversion (phenibut or gabapentin) and take shrooms once every two months and MDMA once every three months. Order shrooms and MDMA on the darknet. Phenibut is legal so just buy some.

You can change yourself, it's not impossible. I was quiet and introverted my entire life, one my earliest memories in life is being 2 years old and hiding behind my mother with two acquaintances of my mother remarking that I'm "a shy one". I was extremely quiet throughout my entire life.

I'm still not super extroverted but I'm much more proactive in initiating conversation with the above mentioned drug regimen I partake in. MDMA cleanes you in a profound way, it really rids you of doubts and anxiety in a meaningful way. Shrooms confront you with your subconscious in a way you haven't before, it's useful to help you reflect on your personality and grow as a person.

Phenibut just helps with day to day stress and calms you down in a really nice way, makes you stop overthinking every conversation. I talked a ton with my coworkers at work today and in the old days I would have replayed every little conversation in my head a thousand times to find flaws in what was going on and come to the conclusion that everyone hates me. None of that anymore, I have zero noise in my head. I'm totally calm. It's a really amazing feeling and if you struggle with anxiety and insecurity you should proactively seek solutions to those problems, they can be solved.

And they still see you as just a friend? Are you doing this with new women or are you just flipping the script on old female friends? If you did this with a woman you haven't known long, she may still friendzone you but it'll be a different kind of friendzone, the kind where they think "I'm personally not into user but I could set him up with one of my female friends"
>Adults behave differently than* 10 year old kids
The behavior is different but that doesn't change the fact that women won't like you if they don't see you as a sexual person. I was just giving you two instances of when I learned how the friendzone worked.

It's not that I'm opposed to change in general, there are a lot of ways I'm trying to improve, it's that the specific parts of my personality that women don't like are parts I don't want to change. I don't want to take 's advice, even if it were to guarantee me a gf. I'm who I am and I want a girlfriend who likes me for that. I'm willing to "settle" in pretty much ever other way except that, but I know it's an unrealistic expectation.

>I don't want to take (You) #'s advice, even if it were to guarantee me a gf. I'm who I am and I want a girlfriend who likes me for that. I'm willing to "settle" in pretty much ever other way except that, but I know it's an unrealistic expectation
You took what I said there to mean "change yourself" when what I really meant was "express yourself". I know you have sexual thoughts about women like any other man but you're afraid to verbalize them. You're on Jow Forums, so I know you have a sense of humor with a little edge to it but you probably don't express it out of fear.

I'm not telling you to add onto your personality, I'm telling you to let go off the parts of your personality that hold you back so the real you can shine through.

What parts of your personality do you consider the shitty part that you don't want to change? The women either are probably right and you need to change that part of yourself because it's doing you more harm than good or it's a part of your personality that you're expressing in a strange way or you're insecure about.

I feel like I need to say this because I see people shill this drug as if it's a guaranteed magic pill. Phenibut doesn't work on everyone. Everything you said you feel on phenibut, I feel the opposite. It literally ruins my day when I take it. It makes me way more susceptible to negative emotions and, if I even entertain one of those negative feelings, it'll wreak havoc on my mental state for hours until the drug finally wears off.

I'm not saying it's bad or anything, I just notice that users treat it like it'll fix all your problems and don't even consider the possibility of it not working for everyone. It really got my hopes up and made the depressive effect it has on me even worse because I was so frustrated by it.

>just be a creep dude. Women love creeps.
This is your brain on autism.

>equating not hiding your sexuality with being a creep
The conditioning is so deep in young white guys

>randomly telling strangers they have a nice ass isn't creepy
Boomer get out.

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>thinking I meant that you should randomly tell women that their asses look good
I thought you'd understand that you have to have a bit of social awareness. You aren't screaming "HEY NICE ASS" at random women dumbass, you just nonchalantly tell a girl (that you know) that her legs and ass look nice in the pants she chose or nonchalantly point out that another girl has a nice body.

Even with strangers, drop a few sexual compliments in conversation, it creates attraction.

You're obviously autistic though so you won't be able to understand what I'm saying.