Being a woman makes me feel like I have no purpose

Being a woman makes me feel like I have no purpose

It's not that it's too easy and effortless being one, I think it's almost the same like being a man, nowadays, in a first world country
The things that bothers me though is that no matter what there's still people that belittle every thought or accomplishment I make, just because I am a young girl. Sadly it happens everywhere, online and irl
And the worst thing is I'm starting to think it may be true. Even tho I still think it's almost the same for men and women, I started doubting. It's hard to explain. It's like women's words and achievements are being taken for granted, like they mean nothing but are easily accepted. Like those "feminist" talk shows. Even if there are a few of them that can be very useful and toughtful (leaving out the feminist part), nobody gives a damn because there are a fuckton of them and most of them are useless/cringy. It's just an example but in many other fields there are a lot of things permitted only because of being made by females. Where's the content? Where's the quality?
Women also, it's like they prioritize their gender instead of the sometimes surprisingly bright ideas they have. But by doing this, it becomes annoying and it's like you start hearing a mosquito flying
I can at last understand why women are hated so much, but it really seems just like an endless loop and I hate that it affects the way I am perceived every time I talk, even if always keep it gender neutral, expressing like a person, not like a woman (I am aware I am expressing myself as a woman right now, but you know, context)
I am feeling kind of hopeless, I hate that my words are not taken simply for what they are, but for who I phisically am
Boards like these where I can simply spurt thoughts anonymously without anyone understanding nor caring if I am male or female really lift a weight off my chest

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This is obviously written by a male. It's impossible for a female to be aware that they have it easier. Spoiled kids are always the angsty ones who think they have hard lives

Name five innovations in this century that were by woman
I'll wait

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Ikr what a fucking gimp
>Boards like these where I can simply spurt thoughts anonymously without anyone understanding nor caring if I am male or female really lift a weight off my chest
Woman aren't even people

sounds like youre in some shit tier country or in an otherwise very inadequate place/community
i dont really know what to say, maybe just remember not to care about the people that are shitty if you can

shut the fuck up and suck my dick hoe
virgins rise up

This whole fucking thread sucks. You objectively have it easy. Your problems pale in comparison to the real shit that males have to deal with. Females are fucking deified in the real world

Welcome to gynocentrism. Institutional and legal preferential treatment of women.

Women are inferior to men in every single way. Egalitarianism is a fucking lie. You are not equal, you never will be.

Women need to be doing what they do best: making babies. It's your entire purpose in life and the reason the west is dying and importing migrants is because of female empowerment.

Let me guess
You are european, right?

>Contributed to our understanding of radiation (Curie)
>1/2 of the pair to first document the structure of DNA (Rosalind Franklin)
>Invented Kevlar ( Kwolek)
>AIDS medication (Gertrude Elion)
>Work was used to create a programming language still used today (Grace Hopper)

ok, op is not answering, confirmed larping faggot

>Rosalind Franklin)
died like 80 years ago
>Invented Kevlar ( Kwolek)

>being a woman

It's not that you are inferior for your physical being; it's that you insist on making your physical being your primary identity. No one cares you're a woman, fuck off.

People that say that women can't perform the same level of thinking that men can are simply sexually frustrated in some form.

Can we make this a rational women hate thread?

I hate how no matter how much I do the right thing, it's not good enough for anybody. The only people that have shown me affection were older, married women, with kids, to the point I have a severe issue seeing young women as anything other than turbo-advantaged cunts. Even if they went through hardship or have trauma, I can't empathize because they just don't suffer from it and get a free pass for everything.
>women is dumb as bricks, raped repeatedly, homeless, whatever
>always, ALWAYS has long-term employment, their own place, can get a bf anytime they want and always go for guys who hurt them
>had to rely on parents for college and uni
>get good grades
>don't treat women badly
>have my own interests
>Bachelors in Engineering
>still not worth as much as the single mom
>can't even get help from doctors because as a young man I am 100% healthy and any problem is my fault, no exceptions

I'm going to be asking a milf to have sex with me soon, she's from Peru, is there anything particularly romantic they know someone from there would like?

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Providing their scientist husbands with blowjobs does not make them contributors.

All of Curie's work was actually done by her husband.

>Rosalind Franklin) died like 80 years ago

So? The point still stands.

I'm male but feel the same that no one really appreciates my accomplishments. I am shy, introverted and somewhat feminine so that may be part of the reason.

> can pimp yourself out for a home
But if they do that, they'll be roasties REEEEE.

Yes, I am european. What I was talking about, though, was not only my perception of what surrounds me, but also the global impression the (first) world gives me. I wouldn't take it as far as being "deified", but society generally easily accepts every path a woman wants to take
These days I've read, on other posts, the thoughts of another user who made me realize how pointless are my desires to give the world something new. It IS true that a female could easily chose to do nothing useful, and still be helped, loved, taken care of by someone while having all the goods. It IS true that to do that the minimum requirement is being genetically female and PROBABLY (not always) putting minimum effort into self-care and appearance. I know it shouldn't, but this destroys all the purpose for me. Why should I even try when I can live like a doll? The absence of neccessity makes the challenge even harder

Women have had much less time to develop intellectually, and society had much less time to accept women into thinking fields. Even if this probably can easily make think that women are genetically inferior, I don't think it's that. Women have to bear children, but at first it wasn't "easy" and safe as it is now, hence why they have almost always had to take jobs more about nurturing and taking care of the household. In the last centuries though the things completely flipped, there are many known ways to get things done, women are not only "mother" figures anymore. But probably we are in a middle point: facts have changed, but preception has not, or at least, not completely. There are many people still bound to a logic, consequential, genetical vision based on neccessity, when in fact nothing in our daily life is strictly made to survive. Honestly though, I don't know if this is turning to be a good or a bad thing, and if the absence of given roles will really generally make people happier.

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It doesn't take time for societies to change if it's possible for the group. In one generation the USA wiped out all of its manufacturing, and there's a high wage for it if you have a strong body. There's still plenty of discrimination in it though, there's more people than jobs for everything.

The absence of taking roles has made people unhappier. You can take surveys and measurements across the planet, and in every case where women had more "freedom" and less responsibility, everyone has become unhappier. Ironically, the countries with the least female freedom has the highest percentages in STEM fields. That is not a statistic they talk about, that in Middle Eastern/Islamic countries, India, even China, more women go into STEM fields than the west because they want to provide and secure a future for their children, because they can't ride the cock carousel and have a tutorial-mode life.


you're cool, OP. and you're right on pretty much all counts. i hope you find purpose and passion in a way you can feel excited and challenged by, whatever form that may take.

the people in this thread going "wOmEn aReN'T peOpLe" are basically just being edgelords, but there's a lot of pain to unpack behind those words. this thread is a good start.

i wish you were my gf, but this is good too.

>1/2 of the pair to first document the structure of DNA (Rosalind Franklin)

Actually Watson and Crick already had a flawed yet working model of DNA. Not to mention she was cited in scientific journals at the time by Watson and Crick.

The problem is you're basing your self-worth on what other people think of you. Feminists have said for decades that men dismiss women's accomplishments (although men do this to each other all the time), and now some people are overcompensating by giving you more credit than you deserve. No one's ever going to react to your life exactly how you'd like them to, so instead aim for something concrete. Exercise, practice writing, or pick up a new hobby and compare how good you are today with where you were yesterday. Of course, if you want to publish your work and not be judged for you gender, you could always use a pseudonym, but that doesn't actually solve your underlying problem.

I can actually imagine the smell. I know your type.

Your purpose is to bring joy to a good man

You are one cringey, pathetic motherfucker. You should be really embarassed of yourself

i'm not, but thanks for the (you)!

LMAO alright buddy. Imagine caring about what other people think about you and not just doing things for yourself. You're pathetic. Be for yourself and maybe you'll start to be a human being

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