
You faggots told me that SSRIs would kill my labido. I'm on 10mg of escitalopram for a month now and I've been rubbing one out daily. I got so fucking horny looking at anime girls today it was insane. The only difference I've noticed is that I have to stroke a bit harder to cum, but it makes the build up to my orgasm last longer and I can make my dick feel so fucking good without cumming.

SSRIs have improved masturbation time for me. I feel like I was tricked.

Attached: ssri.jpg (768x512, 39K)

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They're only supposed to kill your compassion and romantic feelings silly
tee hee

Honestly what is bad about SSRIs?

10mg lmao thats why im at like 250mg of prozac rn

Depends on the SSRI and the person.
SNRIs like venlafaxine, and antipsychotics like fluanxol are the libido terminators.

I'm on an SNRI and it makes me fap more, so I think it depends on the person. It does make it harder to cum though, so no wonder they give these to people with premature ejaculation.

SNRI is a class, depends on the drug itself. And of course may vary per person.

do you feel happy ?

Paradoxical reaction, pretty rare.
I couldn't even get it up when I was on them.
I still have sensitivity issues years later because of them.

i mean i do now but i just smoke weed im sober rn and im not like overwhelming depressed today

Couldn't even cum on paroxetine, not even If I wanted to, I never climaxed while on SSRIs. Thank God I'm on bupropion now

Nigga, you Know Prozac is the weakest ssri, right? Also meds have different dosages to work, for example 20mg Valium is the same thing as 1mg Klonopin

well I'll be off to hang myself then

It'll pass OP and then you'll feel like your genitals were shot full of novocaine.
They give SSRI's to sex offenders to keep them from reoffending.

i heard it was the other way around. it kills your libido from the start, and then that side effect either wears off or doesn't.

Prozac made me ravenously horny, Zoloft has zero'd my libido... Meh.

I tried three different SSRIs and they were all just awful

how is ssri for anxiety

how long were you on them? they take a while.

Jewish brainwash pills. Join this discord


Fluoxetine for nearly a year

Sertraline for a week because it made me shit my pants

Citalopram for about 8 months

prozac has boosted my libido. this is horrible

I took zoloft and wellbutrin about 3 years ago and it basically turned me into a zombie. My short term memory is trash, my long term memories are foggy and confused, and I have constant feelings of depersonalizaton/derealization. I wish I could have never done it but it's too late now.

Attached: 1451656505868.png (1000x1144, 186K)

Does atomoxetine kill libido?