Tell me whats got you down user. I will help

tell me whats got you down user. I will help

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im a fucking manlet and ive been terminally lonely for the past 4 years ive tried and tried i even tried gay guys and nothing. i am doomed to wander the word of the living as a dead & lonely creature

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got a good job now
had to move to city of uggos
all qts move to cool city 1hr away

Being a manlet doesn't equal loneliness user. Male friends and family will make you not lonely, but I'm guessing you want female companionship. In that case, you have to try and fail, and fail a bunch. Then you'll get it eventually.

i am liked by many, loved by none.I have lots of friends, but none that see me as their first choice, i am a forever last pick. i feel alone even in a large company, you know, like i am there phisically, but if i just leave no one would notice or care. i am a cursed being

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Personality plays a major role in getting laid user. Girls don't want someone who doesn't have a strong sense of self. Having a weak sense of self/confidence shows immediately. You need to take a sold look at your current state, who you want to be, and how you can achieve that.

cant get rid of my fear without anti psychotics but they fuck me up and leave me broken and exposed

what are you afraid of user? You know the only way to conquer fear is to face them straight on

i cant say it will become real then

Have you tried discussing alternate treatment with your Doctor? Daily excercise is said to help with mental health issues too, but therapy is king.

Tom Cruise is short, most actors and performers are short guys, most army guys tend to be shorter too, the only thing you can't do is play basketball as a pro, everything else is doable, don't be sad user

running away is never beneficial user

I am stuck in the middle of this couple's break up/problems and its stressing me out but I still want to help them.

stop trying to control me into doing what they want me to. i refuse to be a pawn into your hands

My roommate keeps bringing girls back to our dormroom. He's not fucking them or anything, just hanging out with them, but it makes me really uncomfortable to have people I've never meet in my private space. I've got nothing against my roommate though, he's a good guy, we rarely talk to each other, but that works for me.
Other than that, I've been feeling really lonely, but I know I'm too far gone to go try to make friends. It seems like everyone on my college campus is an insufferable normalfag, so I've just been keeping to myself.

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Don't get into the habit of being alone and bitter user. You need to open your mind to meeting new people and taking new opportunities

Don't get me wrong, I've got some good internet friends, but meeting people in real life has always been tiring for me.

If you're in college, you need to make friends irl. If your roommate is bringing back girls, maybe you should take his example

Christ no, the girls he hangs out with would be a fucking nightmare to be around, the type of girls who think they're so fucking quirky and nerdy. Why do I need irl friends anyways?

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IRL friends are the people you make memories and future relationships with. While it's possible to have good connections with people online, they ultimately wont be the people to support you throughout life

My dad is coming to visit :) first time i get to do smth good in my life and that leech is ready to land here and flex on everybody on facebook with SuCh A GrEaT cHiLd ThAt He HaS. Im currently trying to decide if ill eat only lunch or only dinner this week and that shithead is flying to europe for a month long trip in the most expensive cities without never helping me with so much as a "you can do it!". My mother tries to help me (draining her accounts dry as she does so) as much as possible but dad gains triple the amount she does (4x on a good day) and never helped me. Hes never going to change, ever.

Hes landing tmr :)

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