>not a virgin(unless she is a widow)
>older than 27
>uses contraceptive drugs/device
>uses recreational drugs(especially alcohol)
>raised by single mother
>involved with shitty family
>lives alone/with roommates(unless shitty family)
>shorter than 5'5"/165cm(unless she is Oriental)
>fat or underweight
>went to government school
>went to university/wants to go to university before children are grown
>listens to hiphop/rap
>listens to "pop"
>constantly listening to music
>has dark skin
>has tattoos
>wears immodest clothing
>has piercings/body modifications(ears are permissible)
>wears jewellery
>has dyed hair
>has short hair(preferable if she has never had a haircut)
>has dreadlocks
>wears makeup
>has paintedand/or plastic fingernails/toenails
>wears high heels
>eats fast food
>eats junk food
>eats out more than a couple times a year maximum(preferable if she avoids the practice entirely)
>is lazy/sacrifices quality for convenience
>drinks soda
>is a militant gaytheist
>is an egalitarian
>curses excessively
>uses Jow Forums
>speaks in ebonics/slang/bastardized English
>shaves/waxes/laser hair removal
>watches television
>has a Netflix account
>addicted to social media
>is a narcissist
>is a slob/can't clean
>has an aversion to Japanese media
>has an excessive inclination toward Japanese media
>complains about men having standards she can't or refuses to meet
>doesn't know the difference between a red flag and a deal breaker

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oh fuck off you prude
why do you keep posting this?

>a person who is excessively or priggishly attentive to propriety or decorum especially : a woman who shows or affects extreme modesty
By your degenerate normalfag standards, ANY propriety is excessive.

>ACE score higher than 2
>ever gets angry (situations that make other women angry should make the ideal woman either sad or optimistically happy)
>has strong political opinions (even if you agree with them)
>is too strong willed in general
>browses Jow Forums regularly

>>ever gets angry
I get that getting angry is a man thing. I can agree with this to an extent.
>>has strong political opinions (even if you agree with them)
Same as above.
>>is too strong willed in general
Why is this a bad thing in your eyes?

because it gets tiring to argue about stuff

If the woman wants to do option A but the man thinks option B is better and they can't come to an agreement, the man gets the tiebreaker and the couple does option B

>because it gets tiring to argue about stuff
Why would you argue with her because she has a strong will? You should be fundamentally aligned with your mate in the first place, and a good woman knows to follow her husband, so what would you argue about?

>and a good woman knows to follow her husband
That's basically what I meant
A woman shouldn't argue with her husband, ever

She shouldn't "argue", yes. Agreed.

Why you put argue in brakets user

>female posting in /rk9/
That is the only flag you need really.

I didn't put argue in brackets.

I meant quotation marks

If she's rude to waiters.
I suppose this is bait and a lot of people are just retarded but, seriously, if you are rude to waiters or staff, you probably don't know how to be nice to intimate partners.

A lot of these things have overlap, you could easily trim this list with it still having the same meaning.

incels will complain about not getting a girl and then have standards like this, fuck off

Can you elaborate?
There is no such thing as an "incel", I will not read the rest of your post because it is based on a false premise.

So almost every woman every? Good luck user

Ever? No. Almost every modern woman? Yes.

You could easily change
>listens to hiphop/rap
>listens to "pop"
to something like
>listens to low quality music
or something like that.
You could also change
>has dyed hair
>has short hair
>has unnatural/nontraditional hair

Alternatively you could just say
>is nontraditional
which would apply to a ton of these.

>>listens to low quality music
That wouldn't convey my specific meaning. Some dumb niggers would say "well this is high quality rap music"
>>has unnatural/nontraditional hair
>>is nontraditional
This is a fair point. I may change the hair one and add "is nontraditional"

Yeah, I guess high quality music can be pretty subjective.

>she was home schooled
Pretty big glaring "NO" alarm

If you're a retard, sure. Stay away from home school girls, I don't want you tainting them.

They're all emotionally stunted anti-vax fundie retards

>They're all emotionally stunted anti-vax fundie retards

ok retard

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This thread has inspired 4 edits to the list so far. Not bad.

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>she makes the same post over and over on Jow Forums
>she has attention whoring behavior

Which ones are new

I said inspired. There will be edits next time I post.