Is it really possible to give everyone $1,000 a month? Won't that bankrupt our country?

Is it really possible to give everyone $1,000 a month? Won't that bankrupt our country?

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We're taking math BACK

There are about 325 million people in the country
Giving them all $1000 per month would cost $3.25 trillion per year. If we did this for one year we would increase the national debt by a staggering 14% in ONE YEAR. This would be a bigger entitlement program than social security, medicare, and food stamps combined and multiplied by 2. This would be like funding 5 additional American militaries in full. This idea would never work.

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bwa hahahaha


And that's not factoring in the bureaucratic cost of administrating the program...


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Considering that Yang will be cutting all forms of welfare and levying new taxes cutting social security and other welfare benefits will net the government about 1.5 trillion dollars. The rest must be levied in tax increases which is more than doable especially if a radical simplification of the tax code is accomplished. But this would also devoid the purpose of the freedom dividend for most people.

Why is everyone so against this?
It's FREE MONEY. Are you guys fucking mental?

just gotta go with the flow

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It's not free money. In fact it reduces the value of money in circulation. If I am a landlord tell me why wouldn't I raise my rent up $700 dollars because I know my tennants have $1000 more. Since I'm working my freedom dividend isn't actually worth anything since I still will pay more net taxes.

That's what he wants. He is a chinese operative.

>every fag gets $1000
>prices inflate
>dollar worthless
>people eat out of dumpsters now like venezuela


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Because you won't.
You're going to put humanity first, not your selfish capitalist desires.

Does nobody know how the poorly US budgets it's money anyways?

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Poorly the* US

if we took it out of tax returns nothing would happen. that's just an example though, you really don't know shit.

the government already has a history of not letting people take advantage of their measures like that and honestly that's exactly what a government is supposed to do you fucking cuck.

Petty humanism is detached from reality and is the ideology followed by losers. Really what stops landlords or others from increasing costs due to the fact they have more money. They have to offset the cost of Yang's VAT and I would assume if he has his shit together he would raise taxes and simplify the tax code to no deductions. That money will come from you.

remember when that happened anyways that one time after the recession and literally nothing happened but all the money went to the bankers and we were all still poor

lmao, so do the rich reduce the value of money in circulation just by buying things? Inflation is only caused by printing off more money.

>I don't know the difference between M1 and M2 money supply this post
That being said all that money went into the stock market and we feel the effects of inflation due to it but not as harshly if all that money was injected into m1 money supply.

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>Inflation is only caused by printing off more money. What if I told you that you don't have to print money to cause inflation. The Japanese Banks lended out so much money in the late 80s that real estate values skyrocketed across Japan. Hibiya park was worth the same as the state of California yet loans and m2 money supply remained constant. It's no different.

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>Inflation is only caused by printing off more money.
Imagine being so stupid you actually think this. 5 years old

>diamonds worth are artificially inflated by "making more diamonds"
>not monopolizing the control of diamond mining
>he things money is different
> el o el

Of course it will. It would massively stimulate the economy but a lot of these big corporations and companies are tax dodgers. A ton of that money would just straight-up disappear.

That's right my dude that's demand-pull inflation. You also have cost push inflation which can be brought about by something like gasoline prices going up leading to things in the supply chain having to increase price to maintain a bottom line.

Have you ever given money to a bum or seen a bum in your whole life? Did you see them more than once? That's your stimulus plan, if you give bums money it doesn't change their nature it enables them. Somehow the dog with them always looks healthy enough

Actually I think most of those "neetbux" will simply go to landlords/property management and their insurance companies more than anybody else. Many property management company already make stupid amounts of money off section 8 housing.

>asian candidate
>can't do math
breaking stereotypes is so courageous

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There's that and the fact that druggies will now have free funding beyond whatever they were scrounging together on a monthly basis to have overdose parties.

As for bums though, no one gives them enough money to get back on their feet. It's always just enough for food or water. Then again, I don't know too much about bums.

>If I am a landlord tell me why wouldn't I raise my rent up $700 dollars because I know my tennants have $1000 more.

Judaism 100

how the fuck are you dumb retards going to fall for 1000$ a month. after rent/utils/food what's left of that 1k? jack and shit. you stupid retards jerking your dicks to chump change yang should be purged

Yang says he'll pay with a Value Added Tax. The burden of these taxes goes straight to the middle class

Trump gives that much to build fighter jets and shit that just rust on the ground and aren't useful for anything.

>giving a fuck about the middle class

Assuming you stopped sending money yo jewland and stop welfare. Only giving tax payers the 1000 bucks it might work.
But the chinks anti gun so fuck em.

>Why is everyone so against this?
Because he wants to take away guns.

He's not anti-gun. He's just making it so psychos like you can't get them easily.

You have now pointed out an act as jewery. What is now your next step there friend?

There's no such thing as free money you moron. It has to come from somewhere.

You're anti gun if you think all psychos are dangerous.

It's about 3 trillion per year, but remember that a lot of programs like food stamps will be made obsolete. By Yang's estimates, it would only add about a trillion to the deficit. That's bad, but it's nothing we couldn't conceivably manage with tax increases.

price gouging is illegal but something like that is going to happen anyway

If you have a job you would still recieve the $1000 stipend. It's supposed to help ends meet for someone that's earning minimum wage.

One could easily get a couple room mates and spread out rent to budget appropriately.

It's the freedom dividend.

You know Alaskans already have a freedom dividend? Every Alaskan gets a yearly sum of money deriving from oil revenue just for being Alaskan.

yeah it would replace all the gibs programs.

What's an overdose party? I finance my drugs from my paycheck and I don't want to overdose on anything

he has a plan of getting that money without using loans, tax on big companies would be his best bet.
also eliminating affirmative action and other gay welfare scams

I can't wait for Trump or any other candidate to make fun of him for his 1000 a month idea.

>Yang proposing we steal money from Israel
sorry, I'm sticking with based and redpilled Trump on this one

Same concept, lending is literally creating money out of thin air, similar to printing off money. Taxation is taxation, there's no just randomly pulling money from out of the aether in that case.

What will be Trump's nickname for Yang?

We will have to wait and find out, I bet the bastard is thinking about it right now.

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>a taiwanese is a PRC operative
what. If anything he'd want china to collapse

To lose money on this deal would mean that you would have to spend over $10,000 a month. Most middle class people don't spend that much. And this will finally tax rich people who dodge income taxes with elaborate corporate entities.

Oh no, I just mean that the UBI will like you pointed out cause more jewery like this, everyone receives more money then obviously prices will rise up on things and so on

Imagine having a bunch of drug addict friends who want to get together and do shitloads of hard drugs at a party where everyone has $1000 and wants to get really fucked up. I see this becoming a thing where young people die from ODs every month, should Yang's wacky plan ever somehow become a reality.

I can't wait if he wins, gonna short the dollar like crazy. Easy millions.

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How do you bankrupt a country that's already 30 trillion in debt lmao

we need to go harder on illicit drugs

and illicit sex too! people might buy more sex

It's impossible for any of that money to ever go back into the economy so you are correct, this would be a pure loss

No actually it's chump change and would only effect the lives of the ultra povertised. He only meant once to bribe people into voting for him. Stop this meme. Even SSI you die trying to get on and it's only 750 tops. Stop it.

alaskas population is retardedly low though, so free gibs for them doesnt impact anything

no he doesn't you fucking nigger

If he weren't just trying to buy votes with other people's money then he would just support tax cuts in lower brackets.

It won't work because it'll sustain unsustainable economic habits for longer than they should. The major problem isn't that it is unsustainable. It's the reason why it's unsustainable. These bubbles when they collapse are a windfall for the people running the schemes. Realistically 1k a month should cover rent. Get a room mate isn't a valid argument, having to find someone to pair up with financially to get where you are at a recommended financial rate, the land owner doesn't have a partner or have to do that. You're not getting ahead doing that or saving anything, you're perpetuating an economic bubble. The only reason why anyone is going to vote for a ubi or anything like it is because they don't want to hear the mommies basement insults.
1,000x650,000,000 is sort of a drop in the bucket if you looked at things in a way they are suppose to be, rather than being practical because that's not a bucket that gives back anything because it's an economic bubble by someone that will just buy another bucket and say another drop in it.

Poor people don't hoard money. Rich people hoard money. Poor people spend money recklessly. All that money would immediately go back into the economy, you middle-class nigger.

yellow boy

That's like 99% true, except most of the money from poor people that don't hoard it, go to hoarders. They already hoarded so much that even if people spend to stimulate the economy it's just going to end up in the upper crusts pocket. They own it all already. All it is going to do is perpetuate them doing that.

Fair point, but that's why we need to figure out a way to actually tax rich people that works. So many of them, like Trump, just dodge the system entirely because of the 10,000 loop holes in the tax code.

More people mean more tax payers. So it still effects nothing.

unless you are taking back 100% in taxes it wont work on a massive scale

It has nothing to do with Trump for the most part. He's a small fish, if he hadn't won the presidency that would never have been a talking point. It's like what I was saying about rent. Say it's a thousand dollars, that is including inflation. People will say get a room mate, that's when it was half as much, without inflation, and the person was saving something extra actually doing that. That kind of thing worked, and would work, for years. Except so many years of people hoarding shit, it's an economic bubble that isn't going to right itself. The democrats are going to bail out the wealthy. If anyone had any common sense or thought about things, they'd plot out some kind of masque shooting except on rich people instead of muslims. Except that's not going to happen, the machete and truck attacks, booby trapped explosives, it's not plotted against the rich. It's plotted against the poor. Bill gates or anyone even close to his wealth never has to worry about that personally. It'll never happen to them. Just hoards of poor people.

You know just to put things in perspective, a democratic governer raised 6 million dollars in one day for their campaign. Not for solving hunger, or homelessness, not for scientific research or medical care for anyone. They did it just so they can talk shit about Trump and then act like him or worse. Trump borrowed his money to start with. He'd have been better off simply never have done anything. Attacking him is ridiculous. He's just a personality that happened to get lucky and do well for himself.

tfw already live in a country with good welfare program and get 1300 dollars a month for refusing to work.

what country? are there any repercussions if you do this long-term or are you just set for life like this?

If you excised the existing welfare state and trimmed down the military budget to under a third of its current size, it could work.

UBI is an inevitability anyway. Too many jobs are going to be automated. At least that's what the Silicon Valley brainiacs are saying.

finland. its written in the law that everyone must be secured a good living or something like that. ive been doing it for 8 years myself and never attended any courses or stuff they offered.

but the money would be spent, so it would go back into the economy
money doesn't exist or vanish

>only for american citizens
>opt in ubi so u cant stack with other assistance
>40 percent of americans already on assistance
Makes a big difference in the numbers dumb ass