Being incel is the worst fate imaginable

>being incel is the worst fate imaginable

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Well these dumb fucks chose their fate, incels didn't

It sure is my man. come talk to fellow incels to ease your pain.

Id rather talk to paint then talk to dudes who make sex the most important thing in life

no such thing. 50 bucks and a phonecall will do it....

Okay, op. You may no longer complain about anything ever, because somebody, somewhere had something worse off than you.

>Well these dumb fucks chose their fate

Give me a situation like this, at least my death would have some purpose

Dying on the battlefield is the greatest way a man can die.

The most alpha way to die. A few moments of pain for an eternity in glory.

Immediately assuming you die instead of sustaining a crippling injury and being left to a lifetime of physical and mental anguish.

We have this fight everyday. Yeah they do. Incels aren't really Incels. They can go out in have sex tonight if they wanted, but they don't. Incels have a weird entitlement for who they have sex with.

Doesn't matter, I'd kill myself anyway

news flash:
If incel was born during wartime he'd still be incel, but he'd need to also go to war to protect people who absolutely despise him, and probably die for them.
But thats not the worst part worst part is that if he died all thats left for him in life is 20 years of emotional neglect, if he lived it'd be 60 years of same neglect.

>when you have to compare being incel to the deadliest war in the history of humanity to even compare
Yep, it's pretty shitty fate man.

Lmfao imagine being such a crybaby that you think not getting laid is the worst thing that could happen to anyone ctfu how absolutely pathetic

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Incels don't want hookers though

Prostitutes are illegal.
And if you're going for the "legality doesn't matter" angle then why advocate for prostitutes when incels can just rape?

most incels would give their left nut to be in the D-day invasion

at least use WWI as an example

Then they're not really incenls are they? Dumbass.

You know should know that incel doesn't really mean incel. its about romance + sex

you're just arguing semantics, if someone says theyre incel they mean no women would willingly have sex with them for free