
>put uranium centrifuges on it
>buy large quantities of uranium ore (legal)
>move barge to international waters
>refine uranium
>sell it to the highest bidder in international waters
Name 1 flaw with my plan

Attached: Unrestricted_Hopper_Barges.jpg (1300x767, 197K)

money, and know how

Do you know how to refine uranium.

Pirates and the USA being an asshole that would just shoot the shit out of you rather than allow the status quo to change. WHy do you think the threatened the shit out of N Korea recently? You think they'd allow you to just hand it out to everyone? They follow the money so you'd get away with it maybe once and be a duck in the actual water. You'd get away with it more actually on USA soil, why 9 eleven too away privacy rights is they can't shoot at themselves.

Get it?

You don't actually have to get the ore. Uranium can be extracted from sea water (using less energy than you get from using it as fuel in a power plant).

You'll get boarded and your cargo will be seized by a mercenary outfit commanded by a legendary soldier/spy's brainclone, his racist paraplegic second-in-command, and some kind of gay furry Russian cowboy larper. Then he'll brainwash you and indoctrinate you into his private army/micronation and probably give you a humiliating codename like Redundant Three-Toed Sloth. On top of that, since you're posting on r9k, you'll have no skills or qualifications higher than cleaning up animal poop, and you're innately unsanitary, so your comrades will probably get really tired of you bungling around on their Mother Base and have you "accidentally" infected with an ancient microscopic parasite that will eat your lungs from the inside out before incinerating you to prevent any spread of infection, then scattering your ashes to the heartless sea because you're such a cunt they don't even want to honor your memory by carrying you into battle with them as an artificially created diamond.

Attached: e08.png (600x660, 312K)

Because refining weapons grade uranium doesn't exactly fall under the
"well tehehee it's technically not illegal this way XD" clause pettier crimes would.

The sea is no place for boipussy OP

Of course it would but the law is a spook to begin with. It doesn't apply to non-citizens like the military. Meaning from a military perspective a citizen has no rights when out of it's own country's protection, none at all. Military only makes deals with other militaries.

Also to add to this, if thinking of making your own military then you're automatically guilty of le terrorism and will be killed without a trial for even trying to make one.

>Name 1 flaw with my plan
You can't just buy uranium centrifuges at Home Depot, they're really precise things.
You need a lot of them to refine even a tiny amount, you'll need a big ass ship, and at that point it might be better to just use the ship as a commercial cargo ship or cheap cruise ship instead of fuckingn around and getting baited by the CIA and then sunk.

uranium is too heavy and you will sink your boat

>uranium centrifuges
>the ocean aka where the waves are

You're right, law is a spook. So you've no right to complain when you're gunned down by a foreign task force to stop your uranium enrichment.

You'll create a black hole

Is what other people think a spook? Asking for a friend

>well tehehee it's technically not illegal this way XD
While we're at it, what about floating meth labs? Why isn't this the norm?
You wouldn't even need a very large boat.

Then you can patrol the coasts round the world, outside of the international border and traffickers in speed boats can buy in bulk

>thinking alphabets care about international waters law zones
They'll shoot you, take the setup for themselves, and sell it to cover black budget costs.

The law isn't real and my joke is now ruined. It's too contradictory to be real. A silly mind game to control fools.

You would get rekt by the US navy

pirates, incredibly high costs in the hundreds of millions