Alright, robots. cut the chase. how do we actually fix our depression? think collectively

alright, robots. cut the chase. how do we actually fix our depression? think collectively.

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How about sudoku

I fucking hate that game. I'm really bad at math.

Suicide. Death kills all depression

start a rural co op, abduct robots and live from the land

it's really easy, user. just follow each line and count the numbers, then use method of exclusion by each block. each line only uses number once, also each 3x3 square uses that number once. deduction is your friend.

that only works for the easy ones though

yes, it depends on difficulty, but i've solved kinda difficult ones with grinding deduction. idk math behind it either, i only play it to pass time

Jus b urslf bro.

get over it?

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What worked for me:

Coming off Anti Depressants is the big one. They will FUCK your mind up big time. I also got a job I fucking love, and started playing D&D online with some private discord pals.

Do you really play games like that to pass boredom? Don't you do a vidya?

yea, whenever i dont have an access to pc and im in car or something, i play it on my phone. i despise every other phone games.

don't fight it, sit it out and let it spit you out when it's done. Fighting it just makes you more tired and empty.

get a fluffy waifu-desu

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Find something productive to improve in This could for example be drawing. The journey to improving and actually seeing your results getting better brought some more purpose in my life at least.

if you are not depressed then you won't have depression anymore.

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This is GOD i LOVE you you can DO this i BELIVE IN YOU

hi god can you strike me with lightning tomorrow but not actually kill

For me it went something like this
1. Better diet, lose fat to see the results of next step
2. Exercise, gain confidence for step 3
3. Job, get money for next step
4. Fug a girl
5. Now that basic health and social worries are dealt with (Being a poor fat virgin shithead), do psychedlic drugs with the intent of learning more about my perception of self and my reality and what I want and need in the world

Don't give me "I can't diet cause I can't afford tho so I'm stuck at step 1" literally my diet was, an apple, tea, couple bites of cheese with crackers, that kind of shit. AKA like 3 bucks a day.

Most important ingredient in getting better was time though, shit took years

yes. mild electric shock coming right up

Hmm, how about you stop being a bitchy cunt and be better?

Fix things you know you're doing wrong. One thing at a time. It takes time and dedication, but bit by bit you'll feel better.

Mindfulness, Self-reliance, Community and Life goal.

Kots will save us all

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yeah that only works if it's temporary. Otherwise I've been waiting for it to spit me out since I was 15.

Depression is a feeling of hopelessness, setting short medium and long term goals and working towards them daily reintroduces your mind to the idea of the upwards spiral and productivity.

Try some K.

literally fail most of my math courses and i love the game

Shut up antichrist your words mean nothing here. Try Jow Forums or /lgbt/