I was recently having a conversation with my friend, and, somehow, my suicidal feelings came up...

I was recently having a conversation with my friend, and, somehow, my suicidal feelings came up. She told me that she cares about me deeply, and therefore that I shouldn't kill myself. The trouble is I have a very hard time imagining that people would be significantly ill-affected by my death. I tend to think that people would either be indifferent, or, secretly, a little glad.

Do people actually tend to care much about suicides? Or is this just something they say out of politeness, when in actual fact they tend to get over such things pretty quick?

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It actually effects people a lot, but it's kinda like rape in the sense that most of the negative reaction derived is due to social stigma. Neither would be pleasant on their own, but because it's regularly reinforced as a truly awful thing, it can outright traumatize people now.

>Do people actually tend to care much about suicides? Or is this just something they say out of politeness, when in actual fact they tend to get over such things pretty quick?

Do you want to risk being wrong? Do you want to risk us being wrong?

I think, in a way, I want people to tell me that no one would care. That way I'd feel justified. I'm also interested in hearing people's genuine views, though.

It shouldn't matter because hinging your self-worth on whether or not people care about you is a really unhealthy way to live life. Now, to answer your question, people do get hurt by suicides and it can even be traumatic for them. Even if it isn't and they're able to get over it, that still doesn't invalidate the value that they held for the person that committed suicide.

I guess in the end you're free to make whatever choice you want about your life, but take it from someone who's felt the way you do, there's more to life than just being happy. You need to find solace in the struggles that come with being alive and just learn to accept that shit's going to suck for the most part.

Trauma exists independently of social stigma. I think you should take some time to learn about psychology before you try to act like an expert on it.

I was thinking about this now, and thinking of my one and only friend I can't leave him

I'm shocked you're asking this. Maybe it depends on the individual, which is why you can't be sure how deeply it will impact someone or their life in the moment or in the long run but I can tell you from one persons perspective, my own, it would be life ruining, i have no doubt it would be the same for the people who care for you.

Nigger, psychology is a joke. I just call 'em as I see 'em. People freak way the fuck out when someone close to them commits suicide. Yet if they die from a freak accident, the people close to them are hurt, but don't go psychotic over it. That's totally due to society telling everyone how bad suicide is and that you're a selfish goy if you don't serve your full sentence in this lifetime of slavery.

>I'm shocked you're asking this

Depressed people often have a delusional commitment to how worthless they are.

>I think, in a way, I want people to tell me that no one would care. That way I'd feel justified. I'm also interested in hearing people's genuine views, though.

Genuinely, suicide is heartbreaking. I've had my tiny wife leap at me and try and knock the knife out of my hand knowing full well that I'm crazy enough to stab her too, just to keep me alive a minute longer. As unbearable as this life is, imagine how much more unbearable it would be if the people you shared it with suddenly disappeared on you without warning.

So you find it more believable that there has been a massive active campaign to keep everyone from committing suicide by conditioning society to think that it's a horrible evil thing rather than people just inherently don't like it and that's why everyone is against doing it.

Yes, people care. They will blame themselves for not not being able to help you enough to get past it. People are naturally empathetic, and although it may not seem like it the majority of them have been in a similar headspace for different reasons. So there's an inherent desire to help people get out of that, and it's exceptionally difficult to do. Even with that empathy, it's hard for people to understand the exact sadness somebody is feeling though.
It takes a soul crushing sadness to want to die that much you can see it through, and to think you have let somebody reach that level isn't an easy pill to swallow. Of course the reality is that people with that soul crushing sadness aren't blaming others for their misery, they're blaming themselves. It's like a strange betrayal of our better judgement.

Without a doubt. That's why it's a huge sin in just about every religion. It's all about control. Suicide is the one thing a person almost always has control over and people in power don't like that their underlings can just opt out of their bullshit altogether.

Yeah, because of empathy.

I actually do agree with this faggot

No, it's because of social conditioning. If you want to pretend like it's not, then it's about selfishness. They're upset that not only is someone who they enjoyed having around is gone, but also it upsets them because it puts a spotlight on how bad life actually is and people try to ignore that as much as they can.

suiciadal user here. i also believe no one will care, but part of me knows that would be illogical. i get thinking no one will ultimately care because i think that way, but i can also see the flaw in logic. i think about people often even though they arent dead which is slight proof to me that people would at leas be a little saddened. dont forget mom
damn user, right in the feels

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>She told me that she cares about me deeply, and therefore that I shouldn't kill myself.
They feel that's how they have to respond to something like that. No matter what. Even if they don't mean it. Even if they don't know that they don't mean it. Truthfully, you're probably spot on with your guess between indifferent and glad. On a certain level at least. I'm in the same boat with you.
On the surface level, people might react in a way that looks like sadness, grief, etc. But after a point, they'll just assimilate back to their lives. At least that's how it works for people like us. Assuming you don't really make an impact at all in their life. Complete normalfag social status posturing.

No, it's because it reveals how far said person would go to escape it all. It's dark. But ultimately, it's a selfish thing. They didn't want to see the downright hopelessness and pain that lurked beneath a persons demeanor. It's shocking, but it's more in the hand-on-stove kind of way. This is why people get mad at people who kill themselves. They didn't want to see that side of reality.

>Do people actually tend to care much about suicides? Or is this just something they say out of politeness, when in actual fact they tend to get over such things pretty quick?
It really depends. If they were close to you they will be shocked, especially if they never noticed any suicidal tendencies before, maybe even blaming themselves (sometimes rightly so). Others most likely will just put on the "oh how sad"-mask as they always do, no matter the reason for your departure.
In the end you have to decide if that actually should bother you.

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just realized I posted pretty much the exact same thing as this guy 30 minutes after he said it.
It's that kind of week.

Just fucking end your life you pussy no one loves you idiot you fuckin spick waste of space nigger