How the fuck am I supposed to make a random comedy skit YouTube channel for keks with out being compared to filthy...

How the fuck am I supposed to make a random comedy skit YouTube channel for keks with out being compared to filthy frank RRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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You don't. Every single youtube channel made now will be compared to several other youtube channels from the past.

>bro nice comedy you are totally like Filthy Frank!

If you make videos that are funny no one will compare you to filthy frank.

Absurd internet comedy is either going to be compared to him or MDE there is no way to escape that

This is a bad feel. I've always had the same kind of skits in my heads as Sam's ramblings, but I've waited too long and now I can't do it without getting called a copycat/fraud/imitator

>in my heads
I mean in my head

Just stop giving a shit if people compare you to him. Want me to go in your comments comparing you to Hitler til people catch onto that instead?

>dude im such a genius but never actually expressed any of my genius ideas before!
>sam hyde totally stole my thunder with his irrelevant youtube channel and cancelled tv show!
Come on anons, post some of your "hilarious" ideas for comedy skits.

why does this man look permanently JUSTed

Sure Hydra

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It's litteraly impossible to make something remotely funny on youtube.

Once you get JUSTed therea no way to escape it my friend

>le if I put words in someone else's mouth they will look stupid and this benefits me somehow
No one ever said anything about being hilarious or a genius and sam hyde isn't either of those. But his rants are very honest and he has a lot of the same opinions as me about how surreal the world is and chooses to demonstrate it in the same way I would in my head. He didn't "stole my thunder" but I could have still done a comfy niche channel that wasn't seen as pretentious and uninspired copying. Maybe I would have done it, maybe not but now I don't have the possibility which makes me feel bad about not doing it while I could have.

so you're an unoriginal moron who's sad that someone else cashed in on retards before you could. ok, got it. you wouldn't know funny if it shat on your chest.

what was even the point of typing this out? you don't have a point you're just calling me names for seemingly no reason. have you accomplished anything? no. I still think I'm right because you failed to "hit close to home" or whatever this was

crushing your pointless gay dream with Facts and Logic

>you're a moron
>you wouldn't know funny if it shat on your chest
Wow you sure showed me, my dreams which I already didn't have are now fully shattered.

What's wrong with being compared to filthy frank?

yeah? stay worked dude. LMAO.

dont assume everyone will think that. i've never seen filthy frank or his videos. his music, on the other hand...

Nothing really, I thought he was funny. I just want to be thought of as original.