So, who's right here?

So, who's right here?

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B but encourage her to lend it to A.

Any answer other than Child B is literal theft.

They can all play my skin flute as long as they wait their turn >:)

Biiiiig oregano for this one.

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The flute is for all three. Publicly owned.

*Russian anthem blaring*

Someone post the image of child B with the flute in her hole

came in here to post this
it's the only sensible answer

I keep the flute for myself, obviously. Might makes right.

A. B should just be happy that they've created a creative outlet for A. B has no use for it, so in their possession, her creation is useless.

C can fuck off

Destroy the flute because those children don't deserve it and they should focus their shit on something else than playing a stupid flute...

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If child A can play the flute so good they must already have a flute. Can't be good at playing a flute without having one. Bitch doesn't need another

B because the other two options are just retarded
i feel like this is a strawpoll of some sorts
like hur dur i told you (insert my personal bias) was right

Child B should make another flute for Child A in exchange for some flute lessons. Child C can fuck itself.

child B should do whatever the fuck it wants
child A shouldn't be such an entitled cunt
child C should ask child B how to make one for himself

Child B because taxation is theft
>but muh b is actually the commie option
Interesting perspective, however if i may provide a rebuttal shove it up your ass.

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>Who would you give it to?
Give what? I don't have a flute. Child B does.

Boss making more than their employees is their way of taxing them imo

If B didn't gave the flute, then she deserves it. For without her there would be no flute. It's a no brainer, the other options just encourage theft.

Child C
A and B are rich scum

I hate this meme.
>child C
>would improve me life iMmEaSuRaBlY
No I can easily measure the value of a shitty handmade flute that you can't play.

Steal the flute for myself

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I don't like gingers, so I'd give it to Child B while Child C held her down and Child A played the flute to cover up the noise.

You can fuck off, it's B's. If A wants it she can bargain with B, being able to use it doesn't entitle her to take it from the current owner.

If there was no Child A there would be no flute. Child B wouldnt even know what a flute was if not for hearing someone like Child A play the flute

I kwwp the flute, fucking brats don't deserve it

B, they are at a monitory loss for the time and money they spend making it, A can still buy or ask B for the flute but C should never get the flute as they neither made or can play it, if B was kind they could give the flute to them so they can sell it to A or sell it to A and give the money to C

B made it, why are the other 2 even an option

whichever one has the cutest feet

somehow not orginallio

dan schneider pilled

To her:

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Fuck poorfags and wageslaves

Child C. Fuck women.

Cute! My future husband!

B, always.

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Why am I deciding? If they can't reach an agreement on their own I'll impart some wisdom from king Solomon and give each a piece. Maybe they won't bother me again.

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