how do people even get fat in the first place in a world where calorie counting exists and cardio is piss easy
How do people even get fat in the first place in a world where calorie counting exists and cardio is piss easy
Eat too much.
Run for 30 minutes and youd burn about 200 cals, thats fucking compared to how much fat people consume.
but 200 calories is a solid snack
Thats Fucking nothing*
I can get overeating. If I wasnt careful I could easily eat around 3000 calories daily. And I can get not exercising too, when you're out of shape its a pain in the ass.
What I can't get is looking at the mirror, seeing a massive gut and a double chin and thinking nothing about. How can you be over 20% bf and not start thinking hmm im starting to develop a belly maybe I should do something about it. Then they reach 25, 30, become obese. How cant they care?
The thought of his skeleton contorting to this unnatural position given all the excess weight makes me sick. How does he even manage to walk(if he still can) with his legs at that position?
I was raised fat user. I was 100kgs by the time I was 10 years old. I did not know anything about cardio or calorie counting. "no one in your family runs" made manifest.
At this point do your bones just give up and use the fat for support?
They require an enabler to make them 3lbs of bacon for breakfast each day
Skeletons don't real, user.
I'm pretty sure it's literally genetics, most people eat shit food everynow and then, but most people aren't fat.
You don't just get fat overnight, it takes a long time of consistent over eating and zero exercise.
I'm sure IQ has something to do with it aswell, like how most people can take extremely addictive drugs and just put them down and never take them again, while other are willing to throw away their whole lives for a high.
It's some inability to fully understand consequences and the distant future
Because our creation of a peaceful and convenient society has sadly made people lose the need to be healthy, even if we have created designated spaces for physical activity.
tl;dr first world made people retarded
That's not quite how addiction works tho. Both are kind of a snowball, related mostly to the use of substance/food as a coping mechanism and the further in the shit you are, the harder it is to quit. However, before you reach rock bottom with drugs, you often dont even see consequences. You're just spending more money. With food, you steadily get fatter. It's not only visible but explicit. People dont realize they're addicted until they're fucked. People realize they're getting fat every morning.
Before I started proper dieting I thought I was eating 1000cal less than I actually did.
Too busy being janitors for cardio.
people get fat because they eat fat? not how it works bud.
A lot of the time it's from fat parents bringing their kids up with their diet so they get fat kids and the cycle keeps going on. It's the type of people who complain about how expensive healthy food is but they spend the same amount of money or more on fast food each month.
true that behavioral addiction is not the same to drug addiction, but there still needs to be a consistent lack of initiative to take care of yourself.
it is a snowball but my point is that most people are able to stop that snowball before it becomes too much to deal with.
if you gave a hundred people meth, most those people probably wouldn't turn into methheads, most people eat junkfood but don't turn into fatties.
How did people NOT get fat before we had calorie counting techniques or the knowledge/ability to measure the caloric content of foods, yah dumb brainlet?
Severe food addictions, eating 8k-10k calories a day. Usually some mental impairment. Sometimes childhiod trauams like rape.
I got fat when I was 6 years old and had to cope with major depressive disorder
This made it so the fat life was the only life I knew, and even though I did know on an intellectual level that eating less would cause weight loss, I was too self-loathing and defeatist to really believe I could do it.
Much of the obesity crisis is caused by godawful parenting.
parents quickly realize that carbloaded children behave. the more you load them, the more they act like heroin addicts. chocolate it is.
Shitty parenting made me fat, learning to eat well made me slim
based retard
For me it was a combination of shitty food when I was a teen (my whole family is fat), depression, and negligence.
I didnt exercise because it was hard, i didnt eat healthy because it was future me's problem and lowkey I didnt know how, and when looking in the mirror, i didnt care how big I was becoming because i was a lazy piece of shit anyways and deserved it.
I changed now. Im down 70 lbs since september. I gym 5x a week, im playing 3 sports for the first time in my life. Most importantly, I realized that the reason i hated myself is because i didnt respect myself. After seeing the shit I am able to put myself through and survive, I look and the mirror and I am starting to just respect it. Eventually i hope I will love myself.
Also becoming fat isnt overnight, i gained around 10 pounds a year for 10 years, went from 170 to 275. I was in a very slight caloric surplus that snowballed.
Hope this helps you see the mind if a fattie