user, why haven't you settled for a nice BPD girl?
User, why haven't you settled for a nice BPD girl?
>user, why haven't you settled for a nice BPD girl?
Where do i find one
Can someone explain BPD to me?
Also this
>Where do i find one
This. I require a BPD gf to complete my broken sanity
It just means they're vulnerable and you have to be extra nice to them.
BPDs are the sweetest most loving people on the planet. They're too kind for this world.
just got out of a toxic relationship with one, it lasted barely a month, the first week as great and then it all went to shit, constant anxiety, fighting every day, manipulation, lies, then eventually she just stopped talking to me and now we exchange maybe 1-2 texts every day
shit aint fun
>BPDs are the sweetest most loving people on the planet. They're too kind for this world.
This user is trying to get you murdered
Run away from people with BPD. I swear to god they are nothing but trouble.
I want a BPD gf (but just for the lulz).
Me too. Imagine the misadventures you would have together. It would be really memorable, like my life turned into some kind of TV drama for a few months or how ever long it takes for one of us to ghost the other.
Being a male with BPD is pure suffering. Women want nothing to do with you and gay men are disgusting and just want to pump/dump. I took hormones once just to make a guy I was with happy only for him to abandon me. Now my whole family thinks I'm a tranny.
bpd girls seem like so much fun. its like a terrifying emotional rollercoaster
I know you. This happened like two years ago now right?
I definitely would. I think I'm relatively well suited to dating an epd girl due to my own issues. I dated one for a bit and it was nice but she ghosted me. O well.
No it was recent.
I don't think there are any issues that would make someone happy in a relationship with a BPD. A codependent "fixer" type is ideal for the BPD but they will be miserable when all of their effort just goes to waste and will eventually give up.
BPDs make good prey for NPDs and psychopaths I guess, since we're likely to stick around and are extremely easy to gaslight/manipulate.
I would but Bladie dumped me. Closest to real girlfriend I've had.
Guess could just start to swing. Hey are you into dudes? Usually male BPD are so. I'm willing to experiment.
this post reminds me of Avery so bad. she was bpd and loved miku.
I've only ever dated guys and mostly just online(lol), I was in a girl's bed once but I was too nervous to make a move so nothing happened.
I've never been with guys before, I kinda wanted to try. I already jack off to traps and once thought banging my friend. I've been with about seven girls. Is there way to get in touch with you?
>user, why haven't you settled for a nice BPD girl?
because they make far better motivational tools than gfs.
Come on. Not you too. Those seven girls were just some sluts 5/10s. I need something more tangible. I need real love man.
Huh what are you talking about?
I'm not really interested in being some dude's experiment. I don't want to get dumped when you get over the novelty of being with a boy.
You don't know me. Maybe I'm supposed to be with a guy since females just fuck off from me, not that we agreed to anything else than just drunken sex. Come on BPD user, give me a chance.
Or bring back Blade. Or any of those glorious specimen. The pedo user. Avery. I'll take any BPD.
I became friends with one over discord one time. First friend I have on discord. Leaves me in server with hungry wolves who want to beat the new fag
Don't want to be settled for and I don't do casual sex because that's disgusting. Also someone specifically looking for someone with BPD is a massive red flag, probably a bigger red flag than having BPD.
I really want a crazy girl or a depressed girl I can cuddle with.
Because there are no qt bpd girls to settle with.
Don't want to settle and no casual sex. So you just want to be single? Alright. It's cool. I got plenty of time with you all.
>Also someone specifically looking for someone with BPD is a massive red flag, probably a bigger red flag than having BPD
I visited psychiatric ward once for shoplifting and concealing firearm. They ran tests on me but came up with nothing. Just that I got strong personality and antisocial tendencies. So I'm pretty much fine. I look like bit fatter version of this guy.
high schools. but you have to be original
Honestly, when I'm in idealization mode I become the perfect girlfriend. But as soon as I split on my bf I turn into the most awful, insufferable, manipulative cunt. It's hard because even the slightest hint of rejection or disinterest can throw my mood off.
I didn't say I wouldn't settle, just that I don't want to be settled for. I want someone who actually wants to be with me, not someone who just can't get a girl and sees me as the next best thing.
Antisocial or narcissistic tendencies are exactly what I'm afraid of when I say that preferring someone with BPD is a red flag.
I feel like I don't really split until after someone has left, I just idealize.
Because girls with BPD are only nice half the time (if you're lucky to get THAT much). They swing between nice girl and uber-toxic thundercunt bitch.
I'm curious what do you think of men hitting women? Would you be ok with a man who gave you a hard spanking or a moderate slap when you were acting out? Like a Connery-slap style. Would that be worth for you if it meant better odds of having a long term relationship?
If you make fun of police they send you to ward especially first timer. I don't got anything on my medical data regarding disorders.
I'll be around if you change your mind.
That isn't how you handle someone with BPD. BPDs are like children who act out to get your attention, the only way to get them to cut that shit out is to withdraw. You hitting them plays into their stupid games and once the relationship is over they can run to all their friends and tell them that you beat them.
When you're dating someone with BPD and they do something you don't like, you calmly leave the room or stop responding. The fear of abandonment will kick in and they will turn a 180 and start apologizing and begging you to come back.
Honestly no, I think it would just escalate things. I had a bf who would either ignore me completely or go into strict daddy dom mode in an attempt to get me out of a bpd rage or breakdown, but I didn't enjoy it at all and actually it just made me even madder, more rebellious, and attention seeking.
Have you ever had a relationship with a guy successfully calm you down?
Bipolor or borderline personality?
My father has been with a woman with BPD and it has taken years off his life. They fight over mundane bullshit, even things that happened 10+ years ago. She will explode at the dumbest shit, making you have to walk on eggshells 24/7. Saying anything she doesn't like will result in fights, including fights that happen months or years later because she remembered you did something she didn't like. BPD women and men are a joke, do not fall for this absolute dumpster fire of an idea.
No. I actually don't think it's possible to calm me down when I'm having a BPD spergout. I have to walk away and seethe for a few days until I've calmed down and try to distract myself so I don't hurt myself.
Being told I'm loved, wanted, desired etc definitely soothes it. But the reasons I get mad are mostly based on irrational jealousy, and since there is no way to fix the underlying issue (apart from changing my thinking process about the issue, as if that was ever gonna happen lol) it goes round and round unresolved and usually ends up in one of us dumping the other out of pure frustration. Then that fear of abandonment and emptiness comes back and I try to reconnect with that person and am on 'best behavior' until the next triggering thing comes along.
Of course there are some super rational logical types who won't entertain that shit for a second or show any signs of vulnerability. The disinterest is mutual with those types of men, because as someone said, bpd is almost like a child testing a parent and when acting out the child is really just asking for attention, validation and an emotive reaction.
People with bpd are very watchful and observant (because they pick up on any signs of impending rejection) and so they will notice all your flaws and insecurities and remember everything you said, to the point it's maddening.
Honestly I've had guys still obsess over me and tell me they still miss me even after these insane fights. There's something really addictive and bonding about the fights and arguments and that's part of the lure of the bpd gf. The emotions, the sex, the's seductive and intense.
Why doesn't he just leave her then? I don't understand, do bpd chicks have beer flavored nipples or something? If they're so awful and men hate them so much then why do they end up going back to them?
Thanks but I've experienced enough heartrending betrayal already.
He's old, he's afraid of dying alone so he puts up with the trash. He also has a "I can fix her" complex for some reason and will not listen to outside advice no matter how much you try.
Some low smv men will just put up with any kind of disgusting behaviour a woman will do.
Because I don't want my sitcom to intermingle into my personal life.
Even to this fucking day I can visualize a sitcom between 2 BPD people. A dude and a woman acting punky girly girl. Imagine if Elliot Rodger was still alive but in true sperg mode with the disorder while the lady he's with is some pink/blue/silver mix haired punk BPD lady.
My point being: they will attempt to murder, manipulate, or evade each other. They both embody every trait between bipolar and borderline.
Some days they enjoy each other's company. Most others is a race to the finish or an argument until one or the other backs down.
Will they find love between each other in the end? Or will they outright dominate the other?
Who knows but I had all the settings planned, I just need to write more episodes than the pilot. Season 2 would revolve on one side while 3 resides with the other. Season 1 should be double length to fit with how they both interact with each other in the long run.
Later seasons would focus on their present and future.
Were you abused as a kid?I dated a girl I thought was BPD but she wasn't so malicious, she just had about no self esteem(despite being very attractive) and was incredibly paranoid. To this day I still have no idea what made her want to self harm, that shit is beyond me.
>Can someone explain BPD to me?
>Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness marked by an ongoing pattern of varying moods, self-image, and behavior. These symptoms often result in impulsive actions and problems in relationships. People with borderline personality disorder may experience intense episodes of anger, depression, and anxiety that can last from a few hours to days.
>People with borderline personality disorder may experience mood swings and display uncertainty about how they see themselves and their role in the world. As a result, their interests and values can change quickly.
>People with borderline personality disorder also tend to view things in extremes, such as all good or all bad. Their opinions of other people can also change quickly. An individual who is seen as a friend one day may be considered an enemy or traitor the next. These shifting feelings can lead to intense and unstable relationships.
Just those three paragraphs should be sufficient to explain everything.
I have but she just stopped talking to me.
>because as someone said, bpd is almost like a child testing a parent and when acting out the child is really just asking for attention, validation and an emotive reaction.
You know that you just described a woman here right? You don't have a disease, you're just a shitty female.
Any cute BPD girls that are weebs and want to get to know each other here?
Internet BPD females are always weebs.
not the ones I have met so far. They are mostly failed-normies
where are you from user? im new poster here. im cute white male and stream/do video games / work in an office. im slender/look attractive.
I'm from the midwest. What games do you play?
If BPD are so nice, why do they cheat all the time?
>I feel like I don't really split until after someone has left
Yeah and I'm sure they just leave out of the blue because they're all terrible people right?
Because you're not a strong enough daddy dom to control them, it's all your fault.
mainly, the staying up late listening to obscure youtube music (crystal castles/kap bambino), and wondering how better the world would be if the third reich won.
oh, video games? anything that's different, not samey for me. used to be crack multiplayer dota etc but now its like, action hardcore 1 player (souls, sekiro, touhou, doujin games, platformers etc) so yeah. id love to have a cool 2player game with a cool boy cause so sick of girlfriends...and the one trap i had i really fell in love with but they didn't wanna get attached to me and were like all about whatever super rich guy they could get with. they liked me as a friend though but yeah had issues.
im from new england (connecticut).
I'd definitely date a BPD girl, as long as she could keep herself undercontrol, or was at least willing to change and become better. Actually, nothing would make me happier than seeing the girl I court overcome her own problems.
My ex left for no reason, he just said he preferred being alone. The relationship didn't last very long and we didn't have any fights.
Previous ex left because my constant suicidal ideation/gestures became too much for him to handle. I take full responsibility for ruining that relationship, but it wasn't because of splitting.
>My ex left for no reason, he just said he preferred being alone.
Yeah that seems like you were the perfect gf. Imagine a guy actually preferring to be alone vs being with you, holy shit do you know how fucking horrifying you must be to live with to get that?
Where are you from user?
Originally origami
Why would she change when she can just go through the honeymoon phase with a different guy when she gets bored?
I'm that guy and left cause I wanna bang more cute girls!
I wasn't horrifying while we were together, like I said we never fought. I tried ridiculously hard to make him like me and did a lot of stuff I wasn't ready for or comfortable with, he just didn't want me.
I'd believe it.
I left because you were disgusting honestly, sex was amazing and all but you were really disgusting. I just want some skinny short cute girl to date and have degenerate sex with. Not you uwu
Guys don't leave girls like that, it's a mirror of what BPD girls do. Unless he was a GigaChad.
Guys leave like that it's just you being some beta fag nice boy, if you want to be with someone else you just leave and lie about it.
>sex was amazing
Definitely not my ex, you had me going for a second my feelings were pretty hurt.
Not a girl, but he did and he was pretty far from gigachad. Men can be just as shitty as women, if not worse.
Sex was amazing for me cause I got to degrade you so bad.
Could you please use a tripcode?
I don't think we ever really had sex, nice try though.
>Not a girl
There's your issue then.
Nobody wants to be broken, and I'm sure people with BPD feel that on some level. Their lives are full of suffering, because they have a hard time getting a grip on their mental state, which doesn't make for a fun time.
No, they just handwave it away as "I'm like that, deal with it" and "I'll never be happy anyway, might as well be a shit person"
That's not true though, people with BPD feel an immense amount of shame and guilt for their behavior. I've spent hours crying to myself in bed after worrying my ex with my suicidal bullshit.
Never stick your dick in crazy
>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I cry every day but I still do nasty shit to everyone around me
Look man everyone knows what BPDs are like, they always say this shit. You "suffer" so much and everything is excused by that.
I'm a BPD boy and I'd probably murder her.
When did I say anything was excused? It's wrong to treat other people poorly, even if you feel bad. All I said is that people with BPD really do feel bad.
Please for the love of God do not let this go mainstream. I don't want to walk on street and see something like "New season of sexy borderline crime thriller drama" Hearing people openly say stupid shit like:"Oh man, BPD totally slay you in bed man, cool" It would be hell on earth. I would be too embarrassed to live.
I find crazy girls so attractive.
pity most men understand that crazy girls are easy to get into bed
What? It's already mainstream.
Nothing compared to psychopathy though
I mean I would watch it tbqh.
You don't realize it, but that extreme shame and guilt is a form of self-absorption. It's just narcissism, because no amount of crying and feeling bad about yourself will ever change your selfish actions. If you actually felt "guilt" guilt, you would be doing as much DBT as you possibly could, trying desperately to fix yourself, understanding it's a lifetime endeavour.
Alternatively, isolate yourself from others and try to feel happiness doing things that don't involve social interaction.
That's what I'm doing now, I've resigned myself to being a hermit. I don't even talk to people online anymore. I don't deserve love.
*until the new Discord victim
I don't use discord, steam, or any other chat programs and I don't leave the house. It's impossible for anyone new to come into my life.
Credit to you then. Don't let "loneliness" define your life. If you adopt a positive mindset, it can be solitude. There are plenty of great things about being alone, and if you're not using the internet all the time, it can have a profoundly stabilizing effect on your mood. Be sure to surround yourself with nature when you can as well.
Good luck in your efforts, you're doing the right thing.
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