What are your thoughts about this?

What are your thoughts about this?

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indifferent, because I'm not having kids either

that's great, we should all stop reproducing

kids are just more work

Does it really matter what I think?

Right wingers go hard on the Ayn Rand "selfishess is good" meme when it comes to economics so can they really object to a woman being selfish about the question of sustaining the human race?

Always remember: having kids is a decision women make for men. If a woman decides to not have kids, it's because she hasn't met a guy with genetics worthy of being passed down. If a guy reaches a certain age without kids, it's because women have evaluated the quality of his genetics and decided he was not worthy.

Good. This brain damaged shithead shouldn't have children.

*gives (you) ONE like*

The first world birthrates problem summarized in one image. It's all over.

>8 billion people
we're not going anywhere, nature is just re-adjusting itself

my thoughts are that every human has the right to choose if they should have kids or not
If they are doing to "break social norms" then I also think them leaving the gene pool is good for humanity, but a whole lot of other "undesirables" are procreating anyway so it's kind of a moot point

red dye and video games has made raising kids more stressful, in this economy its not worth the health risk to have children.

I think it's great that people are waking up to the fact that they don't need kids, in fact that having kids can even be harmful as it causes a huge strain on our limited resources.

Came here to comment this. She talks like she'd force her son to act and dress like a girl for the sake of being woke and hip.

I think women should need to sign an agreement to have kids in order to receive female benefits... They can't be treated better because they give birth and not give birth.

>I think it's great that people are waking up to the fact that they don't need kids, in fact that having kids can even be harmful as it causes a huge strain on our limited resources.
its the opposite, right now we have the poorest, and least capable have the most children.

Did I say humanity, or first world?

only normalfaggots care about reproduction

I'd be more worried about the first world if we *kept* reproducing

>its the opposite, right now we have the poorest, and least capable have the most children.

Those people have always had kids, even more than today. The ratio has shifted from poor and rich people having equal amounts of kids to the rich people having less, but that doesn't mean that the total amount of kids, and thus the total strain on society, has increased.

>She wont propagate her genes
Thank god

I so deeply care about some rando on twater that I'm going to sage your thread.

It's not selfish of her to not want kids, but she still wants validation for it, which is rather dumb. It's not like I'll ever run into this girl and talk to her about it.

That just frees up these childless people to waste other resources, like buying big homes or sports cars. Very few of these childless people live any more sustainably than those who do have children, they just put the money somewhere else. I personally want to have more kids so they can grow up respecting nature, teach these values to their own kids, and inherit and buy up lots of land and turn them into food forests or habitats so that way rich yuppies can't come in and turn them into more ecologically barren summer homes.

>I was X before it was cool

>against having kids
>complain about getting replaced
Pic related

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I'm not a Jow Forumstard, I'd like all races to die off equally

good, fewer people should breed.
I sure as fuck am not having kids.

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Lots of girls say that but once they near 30 biology rears its head and they start changing their mind.

Only yours will, cuck

Why is it bad when people who can financially afford it reproduce?

Its attention seeking of the worse kind

because it takes food out of peoples mouths when you have a kid.
It takes a family away from an orphan.
You should adopt instead.

I don't care. I'm a guy and had a vasectomy when I was like 24.

how were you allowed to do that? I'm 24 and am having a hard time getting my tubes tied, most doctors won't do it until you have had 2 kids.

that when they hit 40 they will be in such a panic that they will let any guy knock them up and marry them so they don't end up like the over the hill femanists.

Jow Forums is Jow Forums if you're not Jow Forums you're not paying attention.

this is your brain on leftism.
Trapo is rotting your brain. Chud.

>Jow Forumstards are infesting other boards, didn't you notice?
die die die die

Fuck you.
When I buy a dog I want a pure breed not some shelter animal. Same goes for children.

Based. Fuck raising someone's low-inhib nigger.

Jow Forums is Jow Forums WE are all Jow Forums


A child is a person, not an animal.
Also you can adopt any race you want.

na i'd rather make my own child with a partner of my choosing to keep my bloodline going.

Don't want to raise someone elses accident.

I'm not Jow Forums and I've been lurking for like a decade. Fuck off back to your containment board.

That is extremely selfish. All breeders are 10x as selfish as antinatalists. Your bloodline is crap and means nothing, you know that, right?

I'm not a racist but if all races were going to die I'd like blacks to die first

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Not him but
>Good looks
>Extremely Intelligent
>Good genes
Only downside is maybe they'd inherit autism, but half the reason I had issues growing up is how woefully incompetent my family was in raising me. I'm not saying my bloodline is top quality shit, but it's definitely not worth ignoring for the sake of some retards opinion of me. If I had to choose, I'd have my own kid. But there's no reason I can't do both.

>there's no reason I can't do both
except that you browse Jow Forums so you don't have a prayer at breeding.
also I promise you're not as smart as you think.

Just turned 30, been antinatilst since 12.

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The gene pool thanks her, no loss.

The DK effect is for fucking apes that can't understand the fact that they are retarded and thus feel superior due to the lack of reality setting in. As anyone who knows me can attest, this does not apply. Besides, you KNOW when the DK effect is in application simply from talking to someone. It's not something you could really find out on some back-water Louisiana Crawdad fishing forum.

If I didn't suspect from talking to you that it was in effect, I wouldn't have mentioned it.

This post is full of irony, if it's bait then well done but otherwise you're a retard user.

No, you simply bring it up everytime someone mentions being intelligent because God forbid someone have some basic confidence in their mental capabilities, clearly they're a retard in denial. Quit pretending their's any depth to your shitposting and make a higher quality bait so more retards like me respond.

The only sad part about it is that so many white people feel this way. This attitude would be great if more blacks had it

I just realized in a futile attempt to not spell "there's" I spelt it wrong in a full roundabout. Fucking hate homophones.

>Some say it makes me selfish

If you say that it is selfish not to have kids, you are essentially admitting that it is better.

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Jow Forums is our containment board.

I happily admit i'm selfish.
I've also never donated a penny to a charity.
Let them eat cake.

all that projection.
Just because you're an unemployed virgin doesn't make everyone else one.

Then get the fuck out of my board normalfag

>being selfish means taking a better option

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Better than having no kids, yes.
Not better than reproducing.
Talking about birthrates.

It's not as big a deal with a guy. The operation took maybe 15 minutes or so and I was awake the whole time. After he numbed me up, I asked him "So when are you gonna start?" and he said "Oh I'm halfway done already." Even let me see the bits of the tubes he took out once he was done which was neat.

Imagine being this much of a cuck. I shouldn't have kids because white trash and niggers keep off loading their offspring to orphanages, I should adopt their criminal prone children? Good luck when that little meth head Damien child you adopt kills you in your sleep you fucking weak bitch.

It's not selfish to not want kids, especially considering the state of the world tolday. It IS selfish, however, to not want kids and wear that fact on your chest expecting praise and attention for how "against the grain" you are.

applied eugenics
the leftists are wiping themselves out

>one shot at life
>want to spending almost a third of it slaving a way over a kid
People who have kids are in denial about how short life is.

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Daily reminder that there are quote in the New Testement that say its not only fine to not be married and have children, but if you focus on your spiritual wellbeing in its place then it is better.

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its good for her to be intelligent enough to make such a choice. i know many from the old generation think the only reason a woman would choose to not have kids is because shes selfish or has poor moral qualities, but in my opinion the world would be a much better place if more people were honest about this. If you ask me, I think having kids is incredibly selfish. It is disturbing how many people who are dumb, unmotivated, undisciplined, lazy, and generally incompetent have kids just because theyre bored or because theyre apathetic. the lowest IQ retards will just keep popping out babies because it satisfies them, with little regard to the full implications of what they are doing.

Robots aren't worth replacing

Kids are not expensive

Suck a million ducks

true, but are negros or other shitskins?

Anyway, I was just having fun with the fact that the right wing is composed of economic right wingers and what one would identify as the "family values" crowd, and that these philosophies actually come into conflict frequently. This creates a weird monstrosity of an idealogy that isn't consistent with either since they're forced to cooperate.
Does leftism guarantee family values will be maintained? Of course not. It all depends.

Only the fittest survive

not having kids is the new punk

i like it

yeah, adopting a child is the most cucked thing you can ever imagine

Burda is deep with you. Try ventilating before you post next time. It helps. And drink water.

Do we really want people like her reproducing anyway?

Only those who are "right in the head" will make it and pass their genes

i for one am looking forward to the coming generations of kids being raised by right wing moms who understand their value. lefties are dying out. GOOD. this is evolution at work.

I'm a leftie who plans on having at least 3 kids though.
Thanks for providing proper motivation though. Now I want to make it 4.

But purebreeds often grow up to have more health issue you fucking moron lmao

>oh it is such old school and supremacist to breathe.
This is leftism in a nutshell. No, retard. For something, to being old doesn't mean to be wrong, it actually means at least that thing was sustainable enough to keep generations living.

>if my race stops breeding it is ok becasue i dont like people depite the rest are having more and more children
huh makes you think

literally a cuck-
in nature, males kill other males kids

>lefties are dying out.
t. Has no idea how ideologies work
Protip: They aren't genetic.

That sounds like you're reaching to put words in his mouth that he didn't say. Are you that desperate for a rebuttal?

no. But tha is just how it is. A individual (cuck) not having children does not stop the world from being everrytime more overpopulated. Actually, civilized person having children generates less overpopulation by leaving resousrces only in self-sustainable mouths.

You are pretty stupid if you think being a shit person or a lefty is genetic. Their children could still meet good people and turn to be normal and good white men. Not that i hate other races, ut i think preserving the white race is important.

how in originality?

>le jewish 500 years old fairy tale rules my life
kill yourself. not even an atheist.

>>le jewish 500 years old fairy tale rules my life
>hurr I can dismiss it by calling it a fairy tale

>tfw anti-antinatalist who doesn't want kids themself

nobody actually said that to her.

She just wants a fake conversation to show how THE WORLD IS AGAINST HER and that SHE'S SO BRAVE AND A REAL TRAILBLAZER

The ironic thing about this is that I would like to be with a girl that didn't care about having kids, but all the girls that don't care about ever having them seem like insufferable weird cunts. Just like generally bad people to me, even though I don't want having children to be a priority in a relationship.

you cant really believe the shit in there is gods word. God does not even work like that, it is just a piece of crap worte by some old jew lunatic sperg talking about some specific shit like the fiber to dress. You really believe thet shit? what a brainlet or a tryhard.

>God does not even work like that
So you believe God doesn't work like that, why?

>it is just a piece of crap worte by some old jew lunatic sperg
>using jew as if it were pejorative
Threadly reminder that this isn't Jow Forums