How does one lower his heart rate? Mine is 80 per minute

How does one lower his heart rate? Mine is 80 per minute.

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By doing regular cardio and not getting stressed out. Not being a total lardass probably helps too.

Intense running. Milers and high level track people have much lower pulse rates.

Exercise. Diet. Minimize stress.
Also, if you kill yourself that would really lower your heart rate.

80 is fine desu

60 bpm master race

How come your heart rate is so low? Do you exercise a lot?

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42bpm yesterday at the doc, hell yeah I should be a police sniper

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Isn't 42 Bpm actually dangerously low?

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Not if you're in good shape.
When I was working out 6+ hours a day in my early twenties I had a resting 35 bpm.

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6hr a day? Wtf does that workout entail, what were you doing

When I was in training for Pararescue.
Run to gym, swim laps in pool, go to weight room, do weights, do calisthenics. Head back down to pool for underwater training, Wrap up and run back home.

>When I was working out 6+ hours a day in my early twenties I had a resting 35 bpm.
How's that even fucking possible? That's like, your heart beating half as much as mine. You'd have to wait 2 seconds to get a single heartbeat wtf.

>early twenties
How old are you?

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I'm 28 now. Developed depression and schizoaffecive and am now a do-nothing neet fatass. I am struggling to even run for 10-15 minutes now.

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>Mfw 85+ resting BPM and I keep binging on amphetamine
I'm dead by December.

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90 bpm motherfuckers, beat that motherfuckers.
Got a heart condition and I am out of shape as fuck. Doctor actually told me to do more cardio.

Autogenic training. Also kegels

no my doctor is always so happy with it! i have low blood pressure which isnt that concerning just light headedness sometimes

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he's happy you have any blood pressure at all you cancer ridden whore

Fuck you.


What heart condition bruv

also 60 b/m but it used to skyrocket when I stood up due to fluid shift or whatever

if that's the case for you drink more water